Best: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Best: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Worst: Lyndon Johnson

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All shit


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Best: Teddy Roosevelt
Worst: Woodrow Wilson

>all the shit ones are in green
>all the based ones are in red
jfc, what a horrible post

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>Ronald Reagan

I don't even know what the fuck your ideology is

I unironically consider Nixon the most based US president

Big Dick Nixon

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The Great Society
too bad it never got going with Vietnam and stuff

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Best: Trump
Worst: Obungo

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true europost

Reminder that president Chester A. Aurthur was a Canadian born in Québec.

nigga they didn't even do anything you sperg

FDR was the last great president

What was so good about Cal??

Cut down on shitty bills instead of creating new ones. The US needs another coolidge desu

Best: trump
Worst: obama (the black one)

People who worship a nobody like Coolidge are the weirdest breed of conservative out there mane. Lincoln was also unquestionably the most accomplish President who face more challenges than any other by far, and overcame them all. Anyone who doesn't think he's #1 by a fucking mile is the definition of a brainlet.

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>worst: Johnson
Based but I would go with FDR

>cringe and bluepilled and horribly destructive
Bush Sr

Jackson (yes, he killed Indians and the bank but he also implemented the spoils system and opaquely refused to follow the law as set by SCOTUS as well as tons of other corrupt shit)


>based and redpilled
Grover Cleveland

Based except
Meme NATO commie enabler high taxes
Absolutely positively BASED. Impossible to imagine thinking otherwise
As based as Coolidge on policy and with rhetoric similar to Trump, but the media assassinated him with scandals that didn't ever involve him, only his appointees
Meme "conservative" who was fun to listen to but enacted gun control and mass amnesty and gave new life to the military industrial complex


>a fucking nobody
He literally executed the office of President with the most restraint and respect for the law, constitution, and due process possible

It's weird to hero worship people like Jackson or FDR who were demagogic dictatirs thirstily destroying as much of the constitution as possible for their own power

My favorites

I forgot to post this, my favorites are circled

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>fucking nobody
I wouldn't call the President of the United States a "fucking nobody". Also I like him because he is of good New England stock, and I like his personality.



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British traitor.... the revolutions of 1776 and 1800 were in vain because of tards like you

Best: Thomas Jefferson
Worst: Trump even though I voted for him

abraham: based and redpilled
FDR: based
obunga: based but bluepilled
trump: cringe but redpilled
jefferson: based, redpilled and BLACKpilled

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pretty based, but why would you consider killed indians? As a "libertarian" you'd respect their rights too, no?

white nationalist libertarian, as our founding fathers were. I would certainly respect the civil liberties of all citizens including Indians, and not do anything illegal, but I would try my darndest to find a legal way to remove them from the continental USA.

>white nationalist libertarian, as our founding fathers were. I would certainly respect the civil liberties of all citizens including Indians, and not do anything illegal, but I would try my darndest to find a legal way to remove them from the continental USA.

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compare the US to Brazil and tell me we would be better off if we didn't remove the savages.

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Nixon would have saved our nation.

Woodward and Bernstein are the Brutus and Cassius of America.

What the fuck kind of opinion is this


Seething historylet pro war authoritarian libtards

Best Obama
Worst Drumpf

Meaningless buzzwords.

Best : George III
Worst: Everyone else

Nixon is GOAT. sad that jews got to him before he finished the job

This thread proves how clueless and ideological yanks truly are:

Best: Lincoln, FDR
Worst: Bush Jr, Reagan

>Wilson in cringe
>not in cringe and bluepilled and horribly destructive
NIxon, Jackson should be in GOAT tier

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those are just the most obvious picks. Seems like you don't know that much about American history

-Presidents who were not in the wrong and were morally superior to many others
Kennedy, FDR,Teddy, Ike Carter(Though he didn't do anything)

-Reluctant president who did what they had to do.
Jackson, Lincoln, Washington, Adams,Obama.

-Presidents who acted out of insanity or is in their nature
Drumpf, Bush Jr(when he started Iraq war), Reagan

People who pretend to like pre-McKinley presidents besides Lincoln are cringy as fuck.


Best: Abraham Lincoln
Worst: George W Bush

This is correct.

kill yourself

>hurr presidents who do guvmint things hate le constituiton
fuck off faggot

There's some weird alt right movement to glorify Nixon when he honestly wasn't that good and was also statist as fuck.

Reagan? Cmon reagan was about as close to a wet vagina as possible. He had no nuts.

Best: Teddy Roosevelt
Worst: Everyone since Bush Sr.

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I agree with this post but wonder why Kennedy isnt in it?

>Jackson (yes, he killed Indians and the bank
In doing so he also caused a terrible depression, but he was out of office when it hit so he didn't get blamed for it.

Based and redpilled.

Washington's record as president was actually not that edifying if you look into it.

>he and his buddies caused the nation's first economic depression through rampant land speculation
>they also tried to restrict land ownership and voting rights to the wealthy and powerful
>siced the army on a bunch of people for protesting a tax
>he pretty much conceived of the president as an elected monarch and said things like "How can the executive branch function if the entire nation isn't behind it?"
>attacked Congressmen who had a different opinion than him and in his farewell address he implied that the Jeffersonians were traitors
>didn't have the balls to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts himself, but praised his successor for doing it
>openly licked British balls a little over a decade after the nation had fought to free itself from Britain

And he didn't say anything about avoiding entangling alliances, that was Jefferson.

Coolige, Jefferson and JFK
everyone else can suck a fat one

He's literally the only president who's managed to be a no-name in the non-no-name era

he was a (((freemason))) and had a wife's son unironically

This is a proxy or some tourist in Russia.

Reagan destroyed California

best: i don't care
worst: wilson and clinton

Yes, he badly mishandled that. And a national bank is a good idea for a lot of reasons. I was just throwing a bone to the faggots who post muh banks muh injuns muh cheese

Based but he did set a lot of precedents like two terms

Best: Based Andrew Jackson

Worst: Any of the cringy Roosevelts

actually, Madison or Jefferson are the best.

Teddy Roosevelt

Jackson for the 1840s recessions, Fillmore for Compromise signing, Buchanan for being an apathetic faggot who could have made the Civil war less destructive, Andrew Johnson because the Reconstruction was a humongous fucking failure, Harding for being a humongous corrupt retard and probably being the biggest factor in the Great Depression, Hoover for being a retard and exacerbating the Great Depression (see: Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act), Nixon for causing pic related, Reagan for having Alzheimers and basically being a retarded puppet, Bush Jr for also being a retard who caused probably the dumbest modern war

There are no best presidents because all of them fucked up in major ways

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Kill yourself dumb libertarian

For me its: Ike and JFK.

Reminder Warren G Harding was the first black president and not Obama

Nah, that was also Jefferson. Washington retired after two terms because he'd had enough of the presidency and was burned out, but he had no objection in particular to a president serving as long he wanted. Jefferson was the guy who said a president who served more than two terms might be temped to become a dictator. He even went so far as to suggest someday this might be amended into the Constitution.

>worst: wilson and clinton
This had to do with them creating the Greater Albanian Reich, didn't it.

Nixon was unironically God-tier.

Nixon didn't really have a lot of vision as a leader, his policies were mostly ad-libbed and based on immediate political gain without any thought for long-term consequences--he didn't see further than the next election cycle. This was especially true of domestic policy, an area that didn't interest him all that much and which he found boring.

FDR was literally the greatest and most fascist president the US has ever had. He was basically good Hitler. Fuck you man.

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Not really. American government under clinton was hostile to us even before albanians started chimping out.

Maybe, I don't know, it has something to do with the fact that you idiots were already fighting?