Now that cr*pto is dead what are you planning to do next in order to get rich?

Now that cr*pto is dead what are you planning to do next in order to get rich?

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fuck this shit, this is going to 4k. alts will die even further and theyre already slaughtered

if somebody was delusional enough to think that we'll have a bull this year:

here's your fucking bull mate. now get fucked.

crypto is in hibernation mode for 2018 and 2019.

Already in medschool so I'm set for life.

out of control g*ambling

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What a bunch of fucking pussies. It's not even August yet and you're crying "BUTTT MMMUH BULLRUN DIDN'T STARTTT" :(((

Beanie Babies.

>ETFs are coming we just have to wait

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Fucking idiot I said nothing about ETFs. I said bullrun in general. Fuck off and stay poor and die.

>I said nothing about ETFs

So bullrun is going to start in August for no reason?


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I said "it's not even August" how the fuck does that mean "bullrun starts in August" you sad piece of shit? Stay poor you fucking brainlet.

Save for my retirement, literally stocking up on soup bread butter and cheese so I can live on that for a month and see how much I can save, drive more economically maybe get my car off the road altogether and switch to a bike for the summer months still have car for winter though.

>I said "it's not even August"

Then what the fuck are you even trying to say you utter brainlet? Hahahaha oh my god you're too funny.

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Good luck with the hundred hour work weeks and the trauma of killing a patient ever looming around the corner. XD

Not bad user

Binary option.

I took a screenshot of your sad, pessimistic sobbing shit thread and will post it later this year.
>crypto is dead bcuz BTC didn't go to 20k in late July :(((((((
Fucking idiot normie shit

This post reeks of autism and reddit

It’s only traumatic if you’re prone to trauma. Med school resident here: the only people that get traumatized really are over reactive nurses that are prone to diverting medications and being generally annoying.

Just fucking short it on BitMEX you retard

Pretty good, I'm in 'saving mode' myself. Also only using my car if absolutely necessary.

>shorting imaginary internet money
>thinks he'll make it

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I hate to break this to you but the health field is highly overrated. You go in with good intentions but burnout is real after you realize it's all a business and the hospital you work at will treat you as such

Sell bags of cheetos in front of the bus station

What kind of doctor are you? And why haven’t you tried private practice?

Thinking about cashing out everything and selling cocaine

Enjoy having the lion's share of your profits going towards malpractice insurance. Also, kneepads.

I’m not really in it for the money.

HAHAHHAHA you stupid nigger hahahaha you're fucking pathetic kys

I'm not going to get rich because I'm a officer in the army. But I'm still looking for a way to earn like 500 euros extra each month.

>inb4 sucking dick

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Well then it'll be fine when you get sued into oblivion for helping some thot get her 9th abortion and she's rendered sterile as a result.

you are one sad, angry bagholder

Not an OBGYN

Ah so you are just LARPing, OK fag.

Larping about what? I don’t know of (m)any doctors that are traumatized by patient death. I see nurses breaking down and crying sometimes, two of whom, in particular, had to be sent to a ritzy substance abuse treatment center in Minnesota for diverting meds.

Get a 1000 crore insurance and kill my self

>he missed an asset that grew 8,000,000% in 10 years

I feel so sorry for you. You need to google the Lindy effect. When something refuses to die you’d better pay it some respect.

Studying for CompTIA, Network+, Security+, Linux+, Server+, CCNA, RHCSA and hopefully I can get a comfy IT job