Can people be religious in your country without being seen as "odd" or "weird"?

Can people be religious in your country without being seen as "odd" or "weird"?


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kinda a shame desu

Young people no, boomers yes


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Of course.

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Not really
You can sin like there's no tomorrow and pretend to be a Christian every now and then such as saying "Christ is risen" on Easter. But if you actually follow the Bible you're viewed as a freak especially if you're young.

Isn't there a province of Sweden where the Lutheran church is still strong? I swear I read that somewhere.


Bullshit Swedes love Islam

this only really exists for christianity and as a muslim i get it tbqh. don't get me wrong, I respect christians, but i was invited to this bible study type thing by some dude so i went and when i was there i instantly understood ex-christian atheists. the bible study talk thing was just a dude talking about loving each other and how great jesus is.
christians should make an effort to be more holistic, realist, and stop turning jesus (pbuh) into some hippie figure if they want to stop seeming "odd or weird".


you can be muslim or buddhist and it wont be weird
if you're christian, fuck you

sweden was a paradise until it was ruined by sjws and towelheads.

You're probably thinking of Småland (and parts of Västergötland). The Evangelical movement became quite strong there in the late 1800s so they have a lot of Evangelical and other minor Christian congregations.

But still. I wouldn't really say that it's strong there. Compared to the rest of Sweden? Yes but I dont know if that says much

Yes, that's the one, thank you.

Depends on what you mean by "religious".
And what religion it is.


Start your own cult and call everybody else heretics

As a teenager, no
As a younger adult, "yes"
As an older person, yes

Kinda. Going to church and having a religion isn't weird. Having your religion be one of your main personality traits (ie always posting about it on social media, being involved in all kinds of church activities) is a bit odd. I live in a big city, not redneckistan btw

Where in Switzerland do you live? Isn't one of the biggest political parties there the Christian Democrat party or something

I'm a catholic and hippie boomers kinda ruined it for me. Weirded me out. It wasn't until I went to college and took a catholic theology course for fun that I really saw how interesting and cool catholicism is, that there's quite a bit of logic and depth to it.
Boomers want to water christ down to what they think will appeal to plebs, but they way they water it down is a huge turn-off to anyone with half a brain.


Depends where you are in the states. Some parts it would be strange if your are NOT religious.

t. muslim lover

>posts on Jow Forums
Your higher power must be looking down on you shaking his head right now.

>While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

>* Can people be religious in your country without being seen as cuckolds?

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change "eating with" to "posting with" and "tax collectors" to "gamers" and you can see how Jesus message still resonates in 2019

It's the other way around here: If you are not supersticious, and afiliated to a religious cult, then you are possessed by the devil, or have an "evil heart".

Intelectualism didn't made it here.

I'll never get this "wholesome halo" that comes preach on Jow Forums.

I swear, you should see /luso, it happens OFTEN.

you sound like an incel

Can only pray the next pope isn't another heretic desu.

Just a different cultural worldview. After all, "scientific realism" is simply the dominant worldview in most Western countries. If it was not, than most people would be religious. In the end, everybody has a subjective view of the world, regardless of facts.

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>when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you
I doubt you're an innocent missionary sent here to convert fellow anons. I'm sure you are here for the same reason we all are: the bantz, the tits, and the lulz.
But it doesn't really matter. Good luck on your mission.

Only cuckolds go to christian heaven

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this cuck meme has gone way too far, there is nothing wrong with adopting kids and raising them as their own, its a very selfless thing to do
if it turned out that they didnt WANT to make kids of theirowna nd instead adopted the story would be different but adoption in itself is in fact a very christian thing to do

Lol, hope you are a troll

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Funny, because that means you never talk to a whore before.



I live in a rural area and frequently drive past billboards with scripture and anti-abortion messages.

It depends on how religious you are, relative to the people surrounding you.

impossible desu. The only religious peple here are the old farts for the most part

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Not being religious is weird in my cunt

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Can people be religious in your country without being seen as "odd" or "weird"?

USA metro city
Hell No too civilized

you need more urbanization and cuvilization i assume city people and rich/educated are less religious than undeveloped regions? if so then need more time

>this cuck meme has gone way too far, there is nothing wrong with adopting kids and raising them as their own, its a very selfless thing to do
if it turned out that they didnt WANT to make kids of theirowna nd instead adopted the story would be different but adoption in itself is in fact a very christian thing to do

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If by less religious you mean not doing things like honor killing then yes, Also education seems to be irrelevant
Doctors can happily marry their first cousins and enjoy having fucked up children, Both boomers are someone studying engineering would say they want a "United Islamic caliphate under Sharia" but thing is, Non of them really knows what Sharia means
Best part is that no one can do anything about it, Government doesn't care about you criticizing Islam as long as you don't become a reason of public outrage, Then they jail you for disrupting the peace.

Haha, religion is not a factor in almost any party that has "Christian" in its name in western Europe. Trying to argue things based on the Bible is a good way to lose votes.


Depends what you mean by "religious".

If you mean you go to Church on sunday and act like a depraved fatass the rest of the week then you're just normal but if you actually hold religious principles and practice ascetic disciplines then you're seen as weird and foreign.

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>jesus (pbuh)
Why do muslims say "peace be upon him" instead of "rest in peace"? pbuh sounds gay as hell, RIP is cool

listen shitskin, white people don't pray or believe in god for some aesthetic or boast of their pieous life
that is why you found him odd
kill yourself spic

In school, no. Being openly religious in school would paint you as a nerd. But outside of school in the adult world, it is perfectly normal. In the south you'd probably be looked down on if you weren't openly religious. And by religious I mean christian.

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pbuh in the context of talking about mohammed and shit is different than saying rip

It means the same thing. I actually think they don't say RIP because their Islamic scholars arent well versed in Anglo culture

They're seen as odd but nothing unusual.

People seem to be fine with the more casual Christians and Jews but being Evangelical, Mormon, or a Jehovah's Witness makes you look insane.

>It means the same thing
No, go read about it