The Korean pledge of allegiance

>"I strongly pledge, in front of the proud Taeguk flag, allegiance to my fatherland, to devote my body and soul to the eternal glory of the korean race"

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>Koreans actually refer to themselves as "gooks"

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Have sex

>pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth

can we end this meme already

>korean race
umm... they should really change this to "human race"

Amen. To Korea

This post actually proves how worthless having gook diasporas in your cunt.

You know there are so many Japs in the US. Can't seem to find them though. Literally never see Japanese. Where are you guys?

>Literally never see Japanese

Pathetic gook, you have no ideas why you do not see them.

You fuckers do not go out of your small community like hikikomori with fearing
of oppression and pressure from majorities. You fuckers have been in the US as almost as the Japapnese immirants, however you fuckers have not ever
tried to assimirate into the US society. It is no wonder why you fucking hikikomoris never see such assimirated people. You pather
tic caveman.

>You fuckers do not go out of your small community like hikikomori with fearing
Hikikomori is a Japanese word. We're always about, socializing, interacting, et cetera. I NEVER see Japanese. I always see mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong and Macao islanders, but you guys are like ghosts. I always see your sushi restaurants and the Mexican workers but I never actually see the Japs? Whatchu' scheming?

> however you fuckers have not ever
tried to assimirate into the US society. It is no wonder why you fucking hikikomoris never see such assimirated people. You pather
tic caveman.
Why is your English so bad? Can you please stop confusing l and r? It's not impossibru.

Why do you need englsih in your small world in the first place, you pathetic loser gook?

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Are you mad that we have Korean shops? It's not like Daiso and Uwajimaya aren't staples in America too. It's not our fault that Japs basically abandon their culture the second they leave Japan. To be honest, we'd do the same too. Who would ever practice Jap culture unless they were forced to by society? YUCK

Is there anything that Koreans and Japanese agree on? Any common ground?

That Chinese people are gross.

I guess thats something hahaha

Where are the Japanese immigrants ? and repeat and repeat

It sounfs very funny how you pathehetic gooks are struggling to find out your enermy or anybodybody elses to parent you. LOL

I will say;
The Korean-Americans I know do seem to click up with other Korean-Americans. The Japanese-Americans not so much.
Not trying to imply that one is better or worse. Just different.

>Where are the Japanese immigrants ? and repeat and repeat
Was this supposed to mean something?

>It sounfs very funny how you pathehetic gooks are struggling to find out your enermy or anybodybody elses to parent you. LOL
We always have to watch our backs when around Japs. It's like keeping a look out for a snake.

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We do, mostly because there are a lot of fob families coming through. I don't know why there aren't any Japanese clicks. It's such a mystery to me. Makes me think they're hiding underground and preparing to massacre us.

What are on benefits for majority Americans to have such hostile immigrants like gooks like this korean american guy for national security terms and economic, patriotism are concerned?

It has already on the diplomatic level issue between the US and Japan like Osaka sister city friendship has been pruned because of their political activities with endless grievances.

America used to have good dicipline to be an american which is " Do not bring in your prejudices behind" , this gook poster is a swamp of America which is nothing beneficial for american spirit.

>What are on benefits for majority Americans to have such hostile immigrants like gooks like this korean american guy for national security terms and economic, patriotism are concerned?
The benefit is that I actually have a job, unlike your hikikomori ass. :)

Their community in California was destroyed during WWII. They became scattered afterwards. Little Tokyo is still in California, though. They still celebrate certain festivals and such. All the Japanese in Hawaii were left alone, though. The government figured it wasn't worth the effort to force them on the boats and take them to the mainland.

My psychiatrist is an old japanese man. I've seen a few japs. Mostly koreans and chinese here, but a jap here and there

I bet you fucking gook work for korean shop in cali and most of your fuck's mony as well as shitty ass companies revenue go to Kim's pocket via uderground bank or money laundering. Kiss my ass

Okay hikikomori, you win. I'll become NEET now and leech off government. Maybe I can go to Japan and become NEET. That sounds like the life. Free sushi, free apartment, free Japanese pussy, free everything. Can I stay at your house, bro?

Go back to shitty peninsula and die that's the best answer.
You fucking garbage insects are not good element for both societies.

>the eternal glory of the korean race"
I hope Korean schools don't teach real history to taygook kids

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I'm going to go to Tokyo, get a cute Jap GF and we're going to have kids. Then, when you get old and die, my children will buy your land and we will make Japan into New Korea. :)


California and Hawaii
t. Californian with 5 Japanese-American friends

anally devastated

We will prepare a good gas chamber for you. An efficient one than germans. You will have no worries to feel pain.

Based North Korean diaspora

What do you mean by devastated? I do not get it.

>The Korean-Americans I know do seem to click up with other Korean-Americans. The Japanese-Americans not so much.
This is true. I know a few of each, one of my good friends being a Japanese-American, he and all the other Japanese-Americans I know are friends with everyone of every race (me being white)
The Korean-Americans all click up together with other Koreans, I never see a Korean without another Korean, actually kind of annoying

No need to do that. Just feed me some sushi from Fukushima. I'll die of radiation poisoning quicker than you can say Itadakimasu!

It means that by getting so worked up and frustrated over my comments, that I intellectually raped you and destroyed your asshole.

No you are geeting owned by me in whole thread.
Your upset and devastated reactions tell everyhing.

assblasted jap again
lol typical

Yes, I'm so angry. I just got cucked by the superior Nippon. Will you let me be your slave? I can suck your dick. :3

Here he comes.

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looks like JOMON MASTERRACE to me, lol

Oh this worthless gook keep replying back to me only. Why can not you try to react to white posters, small dicks.
What a small gutless weido.

You half nego gooknoid is pretty much target of gook bullies. Enjoy your rest of life prasing disgusting heritage, or go to a surgery to fix your shitskin before teased and segrigated by pure gook racists like this Thai boy.

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Negro* nigger*

what the fuck are you talking about, out of all east asian japanese looks closest to seamonkeys hahaha stupid island monkey

You chinky half negroporeans no near to master Japanese.Nigger

Your actual face is like this

Go back to jungle

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Slaughter is an answer for you inferior bad gene racemix insects

>being a proxyfag roleplaying as a nip on Jow Forums

the eternal tease and torment these japs have to go through on daily basis.
why bother come to 4channel anyways?

we do not care about inferior shitskins

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