Innocent criminals

>innocent criminals


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>tfw based and purplepilled state that can't decide on anything

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>"""Innocent""" criminals

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Why are americans so obsessed with killing?

based utah not falling for the dumb poisoning meme

One guy we [Virginia] executed a few years ago was a hitman for some gang. He had killed like 12+ people, and his last words were "Kiss my ass"

Best part is, is that he was Irish.

Another guy that we gave the needle had broken out of jail to go to a hospital, for some reason (think it had something to do with his son, or maybe his head). When they tried to take him back he killed two cops.
The UN chimped out because of this one though, because he was obviously mentally ill

Catharsis for all the pain they suffered due to mandatory circumcision as children.

I would opt to go by firing squad

Lethal injection fucking terrifies me. If I had to be executed I would want to be shot under the open sky.

But no, we drag you into a sterile hospital room with fluorescent lighting and no windows, strap you to a table, stick you with an IV and hope it kills you correctly. That's a "humane" way to die.

Based Utah. Maybe it's because I'm Mexican-American but the idea of getting shot seems better than being strapped down and poisoned.

Americans love killing people

The guy opted to be shot, but most states wouldn't give you an option.

He was still shot in some depressing concrete room though.

>it's because I'm Mexican-American
you're not

damn. can't they give him the luxury of at least dying outside, in the sun?

I am though.

Were you born in Mexico?

Not the other user. But if your lineage is 100% Mexican, then yes. Another designation he may use is Hispanic-American.

That's not how it works.

It certainly does work that way. But you're allowed to believe whatever you want user.

>It certainly does work that way
Except it doesn't.
>But you're allowed to believe whatever you want user.
Listen I know you're a chicano and want to believe you're mexican but sorry bud, you were born in the US. You're American, like me. Because that's how our citizenship process works.

If you were born in Mexico but come to the US you may call yourself Mexican-American since that is true. By your logic I'm British-American or French-American or German-American. You're a chicano. You may have mexican roots but you're born in the US. Sorry bud.

No 100% or bust. You can't claim German, or whatever autist heritage you want when the ancestry is less than 100% FULLY. Sorry but they have their identity, and you don't. btw Korean gang here, seethe more mutt.

>You can't claim German, or whatever autist heritage you want when the ancestry is less than 100% FULLY.
This doesn't make any fucking sense. Even by your dumb standards many chicanos consider themselves mexican-american even if they're not 100% heritage.

>Sorry but they have their identity, and you don't.
So when do you lose your heritage? How long does it take for you to drop your dumb hyphenated american status? 100 years? Fuck outta here. If you're born here, you're American not whatever country you can MUH heritage about.

>btw Korean gang here, seethe more mutt.
You seem kind of buttflustered here actually. Also mutt? I dont give a shit. I call myself American unlike you who larps as a Korean. You're the one actually defending the whole dumb muh heritage garbage that this board makes fun of. Also I even doubt you're Korean anyway. Seethe more that you're not a real Korean

both sides of every amerimutt “muh heritage” argument are equally gay and retarded

>Getting this butt blasted because someone doesn't agree with you
Seethe more. lol

>no argument except hurr u mad
Proves you are too dumb to have a conversation. Considering you're a """"""""""""korean-american""""""""" I thought your iq would be higher. Thanks for proving sterotypes wrong.

>Thinks wasting your time with an "argument' on 4channel is a high IQ task
God you're soo cringe.

Post something worth reading

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>2010, firing squad
absolutely based

yeah this


based natives harnessing the power of electricity
also i wish firing squad was legal everywhere. if i was on death row, that is absolutely how i would want to go out. much less terrifying than injection, hanging, or electrocution, and probably cheaper too. don't know why it's only legal in utah.

it's fun

>don't know why it's only legal in utah.

And your average murderer is a sociopath pussy who's terrified of death so they cry about even lethal injection (which is a much nicer way to die than your average grandma experiences) after torturing people to death.

the method of execution isn't for the criminal's sake. it's for the executioner's.

Did they at least give him a last smoke?

I don't personally if that helps friend

People who are part of poisoners are just as involved as people from shooting squad.
I have noticed that many finnish people support death sentence but they want it to be humane
Most humane method we have come up seems to be shotgun through the brain if done correctly

>innocent criminals

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injection is so fucking cringe. hanging and electric chair are okay but firing squad is the most kino

>getting your brain fried so hard your eyes pop out is okay
I'd rather die in a gas chamber desu