Bill Clinton is a XRP holder

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short short short.


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biggest red flag I've seen all year


fine dammit I'll buy. fuck.

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>Bill Clinton is a XRP holder

sell sell sell. Paedocoin

Don't let Bill's raping keep you poor Jow Forums

So glad I own only one of these bad boys

Jesus Christ XRP is such a pathetic shitcoin.

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Is this guy gonna cum on XRPs dress?

Well at least all the money I lost went to a good cause.


More like Rape-ple

>involved in every financial fraud since the 1980s
>involved in every political fraud since the 1970s
>cennected with every (((banker))) in the jewSA
>connected with ever (((polititian))) in this globe
this makes it moraly repugnant but not a bad investment

>this makes it moraly repugnant but not a bad investment
this lol.

I guess ya'll are too much of a bunch of newfags to remember what happened last year during the conference? We got the top jew and we still DUMPED hardcore.

wtf is the point of owning 1 XRP?

Roger Vet now shilling...

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yeah he likes to support the inferior product when there is an obviously better competitor on the market

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Speaking to them for a 6 figure fee doesn’t mean he bought their bags. They probably gave him some so they can say he holds XRP, though.

jew/pedo coin confirmed

>Right now we live in a world, where our perceptions are changed every minute by something we see. First it was the JFK ploy, next thing you hear is Hilary is eating the brains of some child. The power of these central entities is shaping our world for the worse. What happens when the system, and by system, I mean the Banks. Entities we trust with our money, goes haywire. Well folks, we saw this in 08, and it’s still happening today. Hell. I keep my money on off shore accounts just because I can’t trust this system. The Japanese developed a solution to this. They call it bitcoin, I call it bigcon. The folks over here at Ripple, we’re able to use this criminal behaviour and develop a new innovation called, DECENTRALIZATION. Yes, decentralization, the trust system that doesn’t rely on any third parties. Hell. I’d decentralize my marriage if I could. Folks, this is big time. Big money. Big—- sorry my 15 minutes are up.

>yeah he likes to support the superior product when obviously there is not a better competitor on the market
there fixed it for you