
wage slave freedom day edition


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be grateful to us you don't have to work today

but communists don't work anyway

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wake up you subhumans

And how did Stalin kill 50.000.000 people, boi?

Hr didn't use that meme Thanos gauntlet, it all happened by Proletariat Work™

stalin did nothing wrong
everyone was on vacation in siberia


wish my vacation would end

what language do greek churches preach in?
slavic once do it in something close to old church slavonic, so it's hard to understand what they're saying most of the time

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Ancient Greek

old church romanian

so can people understand it
i'm seriously asking tho

Not so much, you can understand parts but overall it's different than modern Greek

Also, during the Easter Sunday they do preach the Paschal Wishes in other languages, slavic Arabic English and others too but I can't recall any other instances this happen

>during the Easter Sunday they do preach the Paschal Wishes in other languages
same, tho i think they do it for the guests that attend

well joking ofc, but many religious texts are written with arhaic romanian but it's fully understandable


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Why do Bulgarians oppress the good gypsies (no thieving btw)?

gypsies don't want to send their kids to school or work
we have 0 problem with gypsies who are productive members of society, especially so if they learn to speak good bulgarian
we have no problem with our muslims either, because they at least do farming and stuff
sure there are political parties that the minorities vote for, but that's just democracy 101
the skinhead wanna-bes hate literally everyone, so that's not really a good representation of bulgaria as a whole

The gypsy leader said its just one clan making all the crimes in the UK, lmao, and the brit believed it supposedly

yeah i've seen the video
bulgarians don't know about gypsy clans, the kalaijii are probably the most famous, because they're honest workers, tho they are also the once who arrange marriages selling their virgin daughters, which from all documentaries can be see the girls being "sold" are into it, so it's hardly even a human right violation
many gypsies call themselves turks, even tho they don't even speak turkish, since it's seen as somehow better than being a gypsy
and many also call themselves bulgarians. many bulgarians have grown up (me included) with gypsy/dark skinned or even asiatic looking classmates who are bulgarians, and they are not discriminated for it

дoбpe дe зaщo вce тpябвa дa cъм бoлeн във ПOЧИBHИTE ДHИ БE ДA MУ EБA

Good morning to everyone except the pseudoreligious pseudotranny.

bosnia should balkanize
serbia deserves more clay anyway

Serbia deserves to be vaporized into dust and ashes, but that's just my opinion of course

I haven't showered in months.

Do you really feel comfortable with gypsies calling themselves Bulgarians if their honest and hardworking?


>many gypsies call themselves turks, even tho they don't even speak turkish

Some of them actually do, but they only use their Turkish knowledge when they want to scam some retards from Turkey


of course
even many slavic bulgarians aren't honest and hardworking, but at least they're bulgarians
same with the "thracians" or "balharan hindu-kush etc etc iranians"

if a greek or armenian or georgian or macedonian wanted to learn bulgarian, be a good citizen and even call himself bulgarian, that to me is a great thing for our country

the problem is to make these people WANT to be good people in the first place. bullies are doing their part, but it often does more harm than good, and either way different approaches are needed, some economical, but not all, for example in the west they basically bow down to africans and muslims, and that's not the point at all

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are stores open today

I have no idea. I want to go and buy some cigarettes. If I don't find anything open, I'll have to stop by a gas station to buy them.

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the pagan, so she could convert him and save him from hellfire

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1 mayıs?

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I am in Bulgaria. Ask me A

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Did you at least read the Bible?

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Exactly my point, you are only virtue signaling like a woman that you wouldn't have anything against gypsies claiming to be bulgarians. In reality you would rather not.

おはよ !

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Good Post

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>of course
even many slavic bulgarians aren't honest and hardworking, but at least they're bulgarians
same with the "thracians" or "balharan hindu-kush etc etc iranians"

There's no such thing as Slavic Bulgarian or Thracian Bulgaria. You either are a Bulgaria or you are not.
Just like you can't be a gypsy and call yourself a Bulgarian, just because you are hardworking and honest.
I'm certain you wouldn't feel comfortable if all gypsies were hardworking and honest, but are still replacing us in numbers. If tomorrow half of the people and half of the ones you work with were gypsies, you wouldn't like this.
>if a greek or armenian or georgian or macedonian wanted to learn bulgarian, be a good citizen and even call himself bulgarian, that to me is a great thing for our country

Out of all these people only the Macedonian could call himself a Bulgarian, the rest of them are just larpers. Greeks, Armenians and Georgians don't look like us, they are more fit to call themselves gypsies than Bulgarians.

>the problem is to make these people WANT to be good people in the first place. bullies are doing their part, but it often does more harm than good, and either way different approaches are needed, some economical, but not all, for example in the west they basically bow down to africans and muslims, and that's not the point at all

I don't understand this. Can you elaborate?

тoa нe e фapмa нeгo eбeнa гpaдинa


It's soon to be a farm you numbskulls.


you can read a summery here

also all the gospel of the new testament are basically the same thing, so if you read even just one you'll already know about jesus

you can also find audiobooks that read the bible to you, here's an even shorter summery streamable.com/tg4mh

now of course you might say "a-HA ! you don't know what you're talking about", but you can make that claim at any point, if i said yes you could say "well did you also read the quran? but did you read it in arabic tho? and did the read the bible in hebrew? how about in greek? or the mahabharata? etc etc"

sure there is much scholarly work one could do, and because people don't wanna do it they just say "ok i'm a communist now", but in fact it's very simple, christianity is the only truth, and it's self evident by the territory christians inhabit, their numbers, their economies, their militarizes, their sciences, their morality, nothing else can compete, clearly the work of god

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Does somebody from Plovdiv know if stores for beds and furniture are open today?

>Can you elaborate?
hmm, it's p straight forward
it's easier to hate them than to help them
but for their and our own good it would be better to help such people, be they gypsies or not

i'm not saying that "bulgaria should stop being bulgarian", exactly the opposite, that these people should want to be more bulgarian, and that all bulgarians should be better in general
i honestly couldn't tell "a gypsy" from "a bulgarian" if they speak bulgarian well enough, when i visited museums and places in sofia several people spoke to me in english or russian, assuming i'm "too white" to be a bulgarian
should bulgarians be whiter? sure, white people are attractive, but it's not about that, it's about having a strong economy, a strong military and a good society

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Pshek is having a meltdown

you can click on each on the left, and it gives you information
at a glance most look open to me

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Current daily routine
>Wake up, open Discord, Jow Forums, /balk/, Youtube
>Browse mindlessly all day
>Frequently view "cringe"/incel content to feel better about myself
>Go to sleep
What can I replace these activities with? I used to enjoy learning languages but now it seems my attention span is too low for that. Whenever I sit down to learn things I want to get back to browsing after a short while.

I know who you are. I talked to a Bulgarian from Jow Forums who told me gypsies could assimilate in Bulgaria because they look like us.
Well, they looked like him because he had Greek ancestry.
How do you know those brown Bulgarians are just gypsies calling themselves Bulgarians?
Gypsies who come from Bulgaria to the west usually call themselves Bulgarians or turks, since they are ashamed of being gypsies there.

Besides that, why should we help them? What do we win from helping niggers and brownies? Christian points for the heaven? That's all bollocks, those people wouldn't help us if we were in their position, so there is no reason to help them either.

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is that a macedonian flag in behind or a circus tent

stale pasta

>and it's self evident by the territory christians inhabit, their numbers, their economies, their militarizes, their sciences, their morality, nothing else can compete, clearly the work of god
We've already talked about this, faggot. The countries you're talking about are highly secular countries where most of the population doesn't even practice. If you wanna see practicing Christian countries, look at South America.

Though, as I've already explained to you that one time when I BTFOd you thoroughly, that has little to do with religion and much to do with geopolitical relevance. Islamic Sicily, Syria, and Spain were powerhouses of intellectual exchange during the Islamic Golden age, and Aquinas, for example, quite literally parroted Ibn Sina in a great deal of his work. But is that because of Islam? No, and neither was their decline, which happened due to economic stagnation brought on by the discovery of the New World and trade routes leading around Africa. Same can be applied to the rise and fall of Christian civilization, and using Abrahamic religions as a key to understanding economic prosperity of countries and regions is embarrassingly stupid even for low IQ larpers like you.

By the way, do you know which period was considered the Golden Age of Africa?

Bantu conquest of Africa where they genocided 90% of the population there.

You can spot gypsi features in some "whites". I don't consider them Macedonians even if they act like the whitest people on earth. Being Macedonian is not how you speak or what your behavior is, it's blood.

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Greeks are whiter than pure-blooded macedonians.

you're an idiot beyond reason
i see no point in wasting my time arguing with you
don't worry tho, unlike your beloved islam, no christian will harm you for your ways, even though you live in a christian country
even if enough idiots like your got together again and put together a communist state, you would only starve and hurt yourselves, but be sure that if you then were to do as you please, like those ISIS goat fuckers, the christian world will destroy you, for you are wicked
>golden age of this
>golden age of that
the kingdom of christ has stood for over 2000 years, and it shall remain so until the day of judgement

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>the kingdom of christ has stood for over 2000 years
They also stood in geopolitically relevant places, hence the prosperity. They didn't move around much, and when they did, it resulted in shitholes like South America. Thanks for reinforcing my point. Anyway, I see you don't have any arguments AGAIN :^)
The BBC (Big Bantu Conquests) were interesting but no, Africa certainly had better periods than that.

africans are more white than macedonians

Ancient albanian


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I've gotten 3 replies with this reaction pic from you for my shitposts.

>I see you don't have any arguments
then you must have missed the part where i said that you're a waste of my time
don't worry, you can have the last (You)

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I don't understand or care kazanboy

I know what the Christian homosexual wants.
He wants us to allow gypsies to call themselves Bulgarians. And after we do that, he will want to invite more brown subhumans because "Bulgarians" are already brown.

After we forgot about Tangra everything went to shit, fuck these Christians.

Lmaooo magyartard absolutely btfod

That's just fucking sad, my friend. I'm sure if you tried your best you produce at least one acceptable argument instead of these shit-tier excuses.

By the way, how do you feel about the Orthodox concept of essence-energies distinction being "borrowed" from Al Ghazali?

Or about Ibn Sina's notion that essence is something ontologically prior to it existing as a particular, or a universal concept in the mind, which ironically paved the way for a lot of interesting philosophical distinctions to be found in Latin Scholasticism?

We're not white you fucking slavShits

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>you produce
*you would manage to produce

based sofoklis

It's the other way around, retard.

Jó reggelt az okos tesóm.

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is it wrong that i like working my job?

EE distinction was formulated by Palamas, so somewhere in 13th or 14th century. Al Ghazali lived in the 12th.

And Ibn Sina died in the 11th century, which predates Latin Scholasticism. It's not exactly a secret that they borrowed a lot from Avicenna, basic research could confirm this.

Tövbe estağfirullah

Good morning frens

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Best city of Turkey

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Somali nibbas are also interesting, they have ancient clan system (Xeer) and they're profound seafarers. If it wasn't for the P*rtugese, Imam Ahmed would completely annex Ethiopia in 16th century.

Morning tranlo-chan!!~~

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İzmir is overrated meme, Muğla is better

How is your mood today animebey

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I'm just enjoying seeing how magyartard is getting absolutely destroyed by burgastranlo.~

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Desk work or manual labor?

Știu. E un viciu de vreo 8 ani. Fumez numai când nu am facultate. Poate ma târziu îl las de tot. (Fumez cam 3 țigări pe zi)

poor magyarbey :(
He always tries to argue despite having an intellectual deficit

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just machines, sometimes desk work but i like the machines a lot more