
International Wagies' Day edition

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is that candlejack

morning, lads

Candlejack is a tired old me

Who's working today lol

>made out and slept in the same bed with 4 different girls
>never had sex

Hahahaahahahhahahahahahahh, w*m*ns BTFO by BBC.
How will fems recover from this?

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a bit dead are we lads?

I wish I was dead


Saarlased on õelad paganad,
nad on kuralaste naabrid.
Nende maa on ümbritsetud merega,
mitte kunagi ei karda nad suurt sõjaväge;
suvel, see on meile teada,
laastavad nad ümbritsevaid maid,
kuhu nad merd mööda tulla saavad.
Nad on palju sõjasaaki võtnud
kristlastelt ja paganatelt.
Nende suurim jõud on laevad.

Eestlased on samuti paganad,
neil on palju mehepoegi.
See tuleb sellest, et nende maa on suur
ja nii kaugele ulatuv,
et ma ei suuda seda täielikult kirjeldada.
Neil on hulgaliselt vapraid mehi
ja iseäranis palju maad,
rohkem ei taha ma teile sellest rääkida.

Selle järele läksid samad sakalased Järvamaale, võtsid seal nende ülema Hebbe (Hebbus) kinni ja viisid ta ühes teiste taanlastega tagasi linnakesse (Viljandisse?), kiskusid neil sisikonna seest ja rebisid Hebbel veel elusalt südame välja, küpsetasid tulel, jagasid endi vahel ja sõid seda, et nad kristlaste vastu tugevaks saaksid. Tapetute kehad laotasid nad väljale ja andsid need koertele ja taevalindudele söögiks

Attached: kalevipoeg_assamallas.jpg (1000x1011, 845K)

Candlejack doesn't exi

Nii kõvad mehed olid meie esivanemad, et kristlastel tuli vastu astuda sellise jõuga

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Rooma paavst ja terve Põhja-Euroopa tegi kambakat.

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candlejack is old and buste

>my ancestors weren't there


disgusting people

its fake i think


babby tier

Where are all the kiddos. Do they have to go to school today?

Game of thrones sure does have a cult like following. Unironically yikes.

If you do not work today you are pretty much a lazy loser.

Mad wagie lmao

Sorry, my maccas gave me a day off

I love life so much! So so much! So very much!

If you haven't played "Kelyje II" when you were a kid, go kill yourself now

If you haven't played Orda 2, consider suicide

>Kelyje II
boomer trucker game


t.ele 2

koks įdomus klausimas. galbūt gali ir būt, gal ir nebūūūt

Trali vali festivali
Oi oi oi ajajajajai
Čiaukšt smaukšt
Trili pirli

Why are there no special burgers in macas? I'm talking about shit like Karlas and Sofija

cbb dx

jets flying over for past 20 mins

Vyrai, nustokite valgyti greitą maistą, arba kaip aš jį mėgstu vadinti, greitą šlamštą!

the sales ended. Karlas And Sofija were replaced by Alfo Ivanausko chefs burgers. And now they got replaced by New Big Tasty burgers with either BBQ sauce or Chicken

Something about "Returning to the basics" is this quarter year goal

atleast i dont claim unemployment money i could get so dont cry

Me on the left

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Reikėtų, tiesą pasakius. Manau pradėsiu gaminti maistą namie.

Me in the middle

me taking the picture

wasn't it 30€ or something

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no like 200 eur

Fucking normalfags the lot of you

stfu virgin

>he didn't lose his virginity to a gypsy girl at the age of 10
I pity you city fools

>being tainted by a gipsy

virgin cope

animal fucker cope

>he lost his virginity

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be nuomos


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in 2012 it was 30
in 2017 it was 150
t. expert


big tasty is garbage tbqh

Hello my nazi friends! Sig heil!

do you have to do some job courses? i dont think you can just sit unemployed, not do anything and get paid 150 eur by goverment

Happy Labour Day

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delete that shit from your folder

You only get it for 9 months, after being unemployed for 1 month or 3 months if you haven't worked before. I told them I didn't want to do it when they pushed some gayass course, and just told them about the 3-4 job positions I applied for, they only forced me to take part in one event and that was after 6 months.

I remember seeing this image back in high school. it was an example of how stalin portrays himself above others, like a god or king
anyway, the point of my post is: gommunism bad

Communism is indeed pretty bad, but what does it have to do with Uncle Joe?

>Communism is indeed pretty bad

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>Visu zemju proletārieši, savienojieties!

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Big Mac is cheaper and tastier. Fact

>this post waa made by a latvian
Not surprising

communism sucks

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big mac is one of the worst things to get at maccas
prove me wrong
pro-tip: don't try

>communism sucks

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Better than the big tasty that's for sure

are you regular at mcdonalds

idk, I usually get something without gayass lettuce

why not buy everyones favorite lögaburks from random kiosk

kapsas on vaese inemise lehtsalat

pede oled?

absolutely based

t. rögabert dildomar

>oh noes it will drip on me

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>a qt grill saw me naked today and actually mired
later virgins :^)


Mis on kõige rohkem vittus nimi, mida te päriselus näinud olete?
>Äsli (Ashley moonotus)
Töötasin värbajana mõnda aega, kui teie nimi on midagi taolist ss gg lmao

>Äsli (Ashley moonotus)

>Äsli, Bärgit
mis neis imelikku on? igasuguseid eesti keelde väänatud nimesid on
bartholomew -> pärtel
gretchen -> krõõt
tony -> tõnn
samamoodi kahtlased ju
aga koidud, kõued, talvid, tormid jne. on ok?
on selle roheliste partei tegelase hüüdnimi

mu 30ndatel sündinued vanaema kesmine nimi oli Päevalill, enne ei teadnudki kui tema matusel preester seda ütles

>koidud, kõued, talvid, tormid jne. on ok?
need on iidsed paganlikud nimed

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>estų galios valanda
Kur visi lietuviai? Latviai gali eiti nachui

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Äsli on hääldus Ashley-st, see on sama nagu panna nimeks "Deivid" või "Dzeims". väga võõras

"Tavalised" nimed on ka tegelikult võõrad nimed. Adolf = Aadu.

Vähemalt pole mingi muu keele hääldus vaid on eestimaiselt väänatud

Tulin lõnga Kunstiga õnnistama

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aluseline ja punadroogitud maal sul sõber