HOT Holo
shot btc chart xd. it is a virtual flat line.
BTC goes up or down price goes up or down 12%
it's going under 100 gwei. if you're still in profit on holo GTFO
Lmao....i set my buys at 1 sat for this shit. Pretty confident they'll fill.
Will be below REQ mcap soon which is saying a lot.
Nah, it's never going that low.
>this time it is different
>HOLOCHAIN is the new paradigm
>feels like stealing
ah whatever...soon Jow Forums will be crypto free
It’s the BTC dip and a change of a single sat. It was trading at 9sats. Now it’s at 8 with stupid drops to 7 for like 1 or 2 tokens. The increments between sats and gwei are huge so a drop of a single sat kills the gwei rate. Meanwhile, whales have stepped up accumulating.
Should of added it during the eos run when there were still normies who love cheap coins
whales pulled their fake buys which is why it's tanking, they were propping up the price for volume and now they're letting it fall
is this the thread where i'm supposed to say skycoin is a scam and holo is the future?
You must be retarded to be buying holo at this point.
You must be extremely retarded to be buying it with sats, you're easily overpaying ~10%
I personally will buy in at around 8000 gwei
>"whales are accumulating"
kek who are you trying to trick faggot, are your bags getting heavy? no one is buying this scam, there are no normies in this market anymore.. how dumb are you? better prepare your anus, there are a lot more red dildos waiting for you on the way down
lol if it goes that low i'll buy a hundret million. would be such a good move
i sold at 20000 a week ago, got 3 btc, put them into AT, 9 btc now. everything good until now. if i put it back into holo at 8000 i'm settled
ah ok, very high risk but I admire you for it, good fucking job
cool had a limit at 140, next one 120
that exchange is really nice, honestly. and i got into their exchange token the day it was released, did a x3 since that. gonna pull out some soon
never heard of that token, has it moon potential?
also can't believe i fell for another biz scam, fuck you faggots. this is the last time
thanks, it was the safest bet i've ever don in crypto actually sind i know someone from their team in person and knew everything about that exchange. most legit shit i've every been on in crypto, i promise we'll hear more from them in the future
Not anymore, you'd be getting in at the tail end of a massive pump and feeding the guy to whom you're replying
what did you think would happen after it went 2x in a week? honestly
it's at 50 million cap right now, so it's not that undervalued anymore. i'm not gonna promise moons since i'm not trying to shill this lol. let's see what happens when it's listed on CMC
everyone was saying it would go up after binance and i somehow fell for it. later on i realized i got fucking pajeeted, just look at their telegram it's a 3rd world shithole, full of pajeets.
it's a good project, but they have nothing going on for them until october. then they get alot of hype because muh binance and price increases by 150%, there's no better time to sell. i knew it was gonna bleed out again until october
fucking scam piece of shit, i think about selling my holo bag at a huge loss, i am totally fucked rn. but the thing is hot will probably go down a whole lot more and i can probs make up for my loss by holding DAG instead. let's hope this works out for me.
>selling at huge loss
ah, i see, you're using the official /biz trading strategy, haven't tried that one yet, please tell me how it worked out later. good luck user
You are fucking dumb. I hold both but get smart faggot. Market cap on DAG is low because they locked up all of those tokens, it's artificially low. Holochain is much farther along in development too.
it's obvious we are in a down-trend user. why would i want to hodl if i am sure we will see much lower lows soon? i rather tether or buy another shitcoin to get my portfolio performance back on track.
>portfolio performance back on track
you decided to buy HOT at all time high right after binance listing. how the fuck has your portolio performance ever been on track?
let's be honest, most people thought it would go up not down because "muh next eth" but sure in hindsight everyone is a pro-trader. maybe i just fell for the pajeet shills dunno