Why yes, im Spanish food, how could you tell?

>Why yes, im Spanish food, how could you tell?

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It's kinda cute.

you're tanned just like your owner

Looks delicious

Attached: Uniplaces-Food-Map-Spain-2017.jpg (1035x1200, 740K)

my ancestors...

Looks tasty

do you agree with image though? what other meals would you put in?

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Paella is overrated.

Ya se me antojó una paella pero van a ser las 12 de la noche ptm

Why is it flat?

>what other meals would you put in?
fuet in Catalonya
callos in Madrid
empanada gallega in Galicia
tortilla de patatas in.. Extremadura i think

Attached: Mapa-Gastrono%CC%81mico-de-Espan%CC%83a.jpg (720x509, 54K)

>tfw no steady supply of jamon iberico

Attached: american vs spanish dry cured ham.jpg (1000x563, 116K)

Calamari sandwich doesn't seem like it would be very nice

>nnnoooooo I don't want to be Spanish foooood!!! qweeeeeek

medoid cuisine is so fucking kino

we eat that but stuffed with rice chickpeas and shredded pork. Google lechona

>stuffing a pig with pork

its one of those meme "if you visit X place you have to try this XD" foods
i love brazilian food too
>delicious meat
>perfect seasoning
>interesting mixes of flavors

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Porceddu sardo would like to have a word with you

Attached: yum.jpg (1466x1041, 50K)

most brazilian food is just italian or iberian food with SA ingredients anyway

madrid is a meme

that's literally the case for all of latin america

it's heavenly dude. You should try it

That looks very good

Finnish food isn't appetizing enough for you?

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Yes but that wasn't the topic in question was it faggot.


hmm yes. .. a delicacy...

Why are canadians like this

potato puree looks nice
whats the brown thing udner it? looks like kebab meat

I invented the phrase "take it gazpacho" but nobody ever seems to use it

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