>Why yes, im Spanish food, how could you tell?
Why yes, im Spanish food, how could you tell?
It's kinda cute.
you're tanned just like your owner
Looks delicious
my ancestors...
Looks tasty
do you agree with image though? what other meals would you put in?
Paella is overrated.
Ya se me antojó una paella pero van a ser las 12 de la noche ptm
Why is it flat?
>what other meals would you put in?
fuet in Catalonya
callos in Madrid
empanada gallega in Galicia
tortilla de patatas in.. Extremadura i think
>tfw no steady supply of jamon iberico
Calamari sandwich doesn't seem like it would be very nice
>nnnoooooo I don't want to be Spanish foooood!!! qweeeeeek
medoid cuisine is so fucking kino
we eat that but stuffed with rice chickpeas and shredded pork. Google lechona
>stuffing a pig with pork
its one of those meme "if you visit X place you have to try this XD" foods
i love brazilian food too
>delicious meat
>perfect seasoning
>interesting mixes of flavors
Porceddu sardo would like to have a word with you
most brazilian food is just italian or iberian food with SA ingredients anyway
madrid is a meme
that's literally the case for all of latin america
it's heavenly dude. You should try it
That looks very good
Finnish food isn't appetizing enough for you?
Yes but that wasn't the topic in question was it faggot.
hmm yes. .. a delicacy...
Why are canadians like this
potato puree looks nice
whats the brown thing udner it? looks like kebab meat
I invented the phrase "take it gazpacho" but nobody ever seems to use it