
Why is this piece of shit mooning during a fucking BTC dump? I've been trying to suppress it for weeks but my stack isn't big enough kek.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 12.33.55 PM.png (406x418, 39K)

this shitcoin still exists?

it's actually one of the few shitcoins which actually has a metric fuck ton of development behind it, hence my interest

>tfw bought at ath

>3% candle after 3% dip

>while most other shitcoins continue to die on ratio

what'd you pay?

300 sats jesus what the fuck it was just at 420

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 12.57.10 PM.png (542x430, 86K)

You have to trade this one on ETH ratio. ETH has dumped against BTC for the last month, so FUN tracked that. Anyone holding ETH also got rekt on sats.

muh dick
my scalp order just got filled lol

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 1.00.39 PM.png (512x782, 69K)

lel we closed out the candle you filthy nigger

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 1.02.46 PM.png (398x568, 42K)

>also this b*nance light mode is killing my eyes

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 1.03.05 PM.png (584x510, 94K)


People are beginning to relative that gambling is cryptos only use case.

I have around 12k FUN, hodling for the long haul

>I have around 12k FUN, hodling for the long haul
enjoy your $12k in December, sir

I have 17k I spent a premium on. If I bought now I could have had like 250k for the same price. just kill me

you aren't trying to suppress shit you stupid faggot you're shilling and trying to pump your useless shitcoin. Also its down 3.6% in real money since yesterday

Time for you to read about cost averaging. Life lessons.


> down 3.6% in real money
> he still measures his altcoins in fiat value

Imagine being this fucking retarded

Because they pump the mouney from btc into toher curencies

you stupid nerd. please go kill yourself so you don't risk polluting humanity with your retarded genes anymore

>Also its down 3.6% in real money since yesterday
hurrdurr what is literally every altcoin that tracks bitcoin
>measuring alts in fiat
absolute brainlet

> hurr durr this coin has lost 3.6% in real money over the last 24 hours
> meanwhile BTC is down 4.35% in 24 hours

I'll let you figure the rest out

yet you're celebrating 'muh moon' while getting cucked by btc just like any other shitcoin. glad you live a happy life being a cuck, go on

people holding BTC are in the same boat you absolute brainlet