What is the best way to invest in gold? I see lots of trusted sellers on eBay near spot price, is this the way to go?

What is the best way to invest in gold? I see lots of trusted sellers on eBay near spot price, is this the way to go?

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If you buy gold off of ebay you're going to get scammed.

They allow returns for up to 2 months

Why would you buy gold?

Always buy coins with Premium.
Old French Napoleons or Louis d'or for instance.

Way more liquid if you ever need to sell.

This thread has to be #jewelrybro bait.

The only coins I'd consider buying on ebay would be maples made after 2014 because of the security features on them, but any other coin you'll have to scratch it to make sure it's not gold plated.

Lol invest in #jewelrybro

I buy off apmex...no problems for years of service from them

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I’m right though, turn it into jewelry. Its a value add that decouples it from its commodity price if marketed well.

Ie, turn 2k in gold into 20k worst case scenario you still have 2k in gold

invest in snowdividends.com. it’s better than gold from ebay

What the fuck is #jewelrybro?

I’m old school, I buy from the pawn shop.

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Can someone explain to me how the mint makes money off of these?

They get the gold, then sell it barely above spot... what's the point, how much profit do they make per coin?

Not much, but they sell a lot.

They both accept crypto

They buy low, hodl, and sell high. Same idea as crypto and the US dollar is tether. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

>buy above spot price
>sell below spot price


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Trusted dealers bro. Apmex and JM bullion are my go-tos. They have eBay stores as well. Other legit dealers are monument metals, provident, BOLD, bullion exchanges.

Don't buy from random people on eBay, your chances of getting fakes goes up dramatically. Learn how to test your shit.

Also metals are not investing. Good luck

If you're looking to hit market swings, just buy ETFs, physical is for long term holding.

lol, I come on here to talk to investors about my jewelry projects a couple times and now I’m fucking jewelrybro.

Buy from a mint company you cunt, silvergoldbull.ca

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