London-New York train. Good idea or not?

London-New York train. Good idea or not?

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Eastern Europe is not safe. How many train bombings have Russia had?

Literally no one.

You can fly to London from NYC in 6 hours

Couple of bombings each month. Didn't your liberal media told you about it?

retarded idea, it would be faster and easier to just sail across the atlantic

It's metro, retard, not a train.

Eastern European here.

You live in the past sir. Western Europe is a lot more dangerous nowadays then Eastern Europe.

I lived 10 years in Western Europe and I've seen it turn from the safe place it used to be in the violent and unsafe mess it is today.

6 months ago I moved back to Western Europe and I feel a lot safer here. Times are changing.


Not a train and not close to the amount of victims Russian attacks gets

That evil stupid Russia, who bombing there own trains for no reason.

probably the least profitable infrastructure project imaginable


Sweden is also tiny geographically and non-existent on the political scene compared to Russia.


The whole line is crossing right into Mongol and Arab/Turkic Terrorist territory who might hijack or shoot missiles at the train at any time.

Isn't Sweden a future Arab territory?

>arab territory

Attached: 1545757619465.gif (185x233, 1.74M)

only if it's a hyperloop

Neah. Poland is where the Arabic invasion stops.

I heard a lot about it few years ago, now there is nothing about it in news anymore. Looks like it was fraud.

>taking a trip from London to NYC on a train
imagine the smell

This is the most dangerous part of the whole route

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Attached: europe_outline_safezone.jpg (1000x847, 173K)

You're so ignorant it hurts

Yeah it's actually nice, you can travel around the world by one train.


Gypsies looking for pickpocket victims

They just told you that Russia doesnt have any train attacks.

Bad idea, it will be longer than going from Central America to China.

>muh based pootin savior of the white race

We sent all our Gypsies to Sweden
Sasuga Sven

Attached: Military-Jam-Map.png (600x308, 79K)

>Mongol and Arab/Turkic Terrorist territory who might hijack or shoot missiles at the train at any time.
Huh? You're fucking retarded. There are shitloads of trains that go through there and never once have they been attacked.
There are no terrorists there. Learn fucking geography.

The race that contributed the most to the betterment of humanity.

not ayyrabs

Attached: 1522856767733.jpg (924x470, 254K)

Caucases aren't arab, тyпoй yёбoк. Haхyй ты этo зaпocтил?
And the train doesn't even go anywhere near there.

What does that have to do with Putin lol?
He's completely right.

Yeah, thanks for taking the gypsies from our countries. That was very nice of western Europe.

You did bitch a lot about us being intolerant with them. Now you have the opportunity to tolerate them.

More so than football head Turks

Attached: Turk admixture.jpg (2048x1638, 305K)


I want to read that mango now

>More so
None of them are even related to Arabs.
How are you so dumb?

Wew lad

it''s their inferior skull

Attached: rCnSfadUnJc.jpg (719x626, 218K)

Tesla is Balkan. Took me 10 seconds to think of a Slav that contributed to humanity.

Do your research if you don't know what you're talking about.

what does it have to do with the current discussion you Jow Forumstard? also
>231 samples
yeah, very credible and it isn't about ayyrab admixture but turkic

Kurds aren't Arabs either you dumbfuck


Those places on map are REALLY far from ISIS and co. territories, nobody will bomb them, and there is NO STOPS at any dangerous area. Well, maybe you can be robbed in Tynda, i don't even know what it is, but user above said it's dangerous. Though it looks not that bad.

Attached: tynda.jpg (600x394, 44K)

Caucasians look like Turks, stop talking about some irrelevant bs

It's safer for trains for sure, nobody is interested in terrifying russians, few thing in this world can make slavshits life worse, and death is surely not included.

It's not the 1990s anymore grandpa
Sweden is now a shithole

Attached: display-column-crime-index-v-chart-crime-index-select-37839885.png (500x505, 84K)

This is where the dangerous Arabs are.

Attached: mapss.jpg (634x408, 105K)

Unless this train was going at mach 5 it would be far better to just fly.

Every time shitskins kill or rape europeans I feel relief, just because of posters like you.

Yes they are apparently

Why they are deleting posts?

Yeah wtf mods salty slavshits confirmed

Most places in Eastern Europe are way safer than most places in Western Europe.
Also Iran is safer than the US

I said Arab/Turkic since Turks are Mongols mixed with Arabs

Whiter then you, Ivan

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You're the one talking about itrelevant bs. He's afaraid of travelling near kazakhstan and Mongolia because he's afraid the train will get bombed by Arabs.


The terrorist in Sweden came from Uzbekistan, right where this train passes

Russia moves the most shit by trains per capita

Attached: Capture.png (804x394, 34K)

The train doesnt go anywhere near Turkey.
Turkics arent turks you ignorant fuck. And they don't bomb anything lol.


>St. Petersburg

Your point? There have been Norwegian terrorists too. No trains were bombed in Russia or in any central asian countries along that route ever. I'd be much more scared of travelling from London to Paris in terms of terrorist attacks that travelling there.

Lol ur so dumb its actually cute. How old are you?

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It does

Swedish denial of reality reaches new heights
No wonder you country is literally worse then Eastern Europe now

This is white in Balkans I believe.
Good thing nobody here cares about "white", you're either Russian or not.

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>Uzbekistan, right where this train passes
Holy fuck you're worse than a burger.

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It clearly does not.

Do you know why Chechens are so white?
Because they are very racist and marrying non-chechen is unacceptable in their barbaric culture.


So, this chart only tells that russians are not giant pussies. Actuall statistics would be better.

Are you baiting or underage?
What did you mean by this?

It's even safer in USSR days, almost zero crime level back then.

Fucking pathetic

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Chechens aren't white, idiot. Also shut the fuck up about chechens. They have nothing to do with this thread.

The entirety of that state had less crime than Sweden does today.

I guess britain is not safe now since pakistan was part of the british empire.

Pakistan is not a walk away from Britain

Incredibly dumb post.

Well half of Pakistan will soon be in Britain

Neither is Uzbekistan from Russia lol. Kazakhstan is like 20 Swedens.

Theres literally an entire desert, mountain range and dense forrest between the railway and Uzbekistan you dumb kid

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What the fuck is this Swede?

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Not to mention that the entire central asian area is sparsely populated and pretty safe.

*Explosives goes off in the middle of nowhere*
Sure glad we took that train though Russia instead of a flight like normal people

Attached: Trans-Siberian railroad.jpg (4493x2996, 3.69M)

this, apart from a ladder to the moon

Meanwhile grenades are going off every week in Sweden

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0 victims