How do we save Venezuela?

How do we save Venezuela?

Attached: venezuela.png (274x155, 8K)

nuke USA

nuke everyone

At this point is a lost cause. Nothing to do here, only watch.

Build a time machine and go back to warn people that replacing all the operators of oil rigs with people who don't know the business is a bad idea

Damn, socialism is one hell of a drug

What do you mean? They are based and hate america they are so badass I wish I lived in a socialist country so my stupid parents would not ground me any more, long live the revolution!

americans will pay for this insurgency.

today they fuck with venezualians internal politics, tomorrow venezualia will give those nasty yanks a taste of their own medicine.

it will not be forgotten

We can't. But as a democratic and freedom-minded board we side with Guaidó, the legitimate President and reject that tyrant Maduro who starves his people.

we don't

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Let America install a puppet state

Based and redpilled.

Sadly despite the talks going for 8 months in private before Trump opened his retarded mouth, now all the lefties here think it was all plotted by Trump from the start and now they all defend Maduro and try to pretend people aren't starving and it's all lies.

Gdp is not the only thing that matters

When the GDP of a country is decreasing it leaves room to a rise in unemployment and poverty.
So it is important.

Nuke the USA and hang both Maduro and Guaidó on a public square.

Someone should kill maduro

Based initiatives. Thing is that the problem isn't Maduro if he gets killed someone else from the same party as he will continue this mess.

I see no problem, you just kill the next bastard after him, then the next one, the next bastard will have second thoughts before getting involved with foreign interests.

Joke: Intervention/proxy war/funnelling money to start a civil war
Woke: Doing absolutely nothing and allowing these things to resolve themselves
Bespoke: Nuking America

by integrating them into the slovenian state

You are talking about Latin Americans leaders, they're as dumb and persistent as they can get.

>Allow permanent Chinese and Russian bases
>Invade Colombia to fuck with the US
>Get a nuke
>Use nuke to get America to lift sanctions
There you go.

Install real socialism

Best post ITT

Would it be that hard for the UN to organize nationwide elections to prevent voter fraud or whatever the fuck?

Based anti-imperialist Pole.

The UN has done that already. The problem is that Maduro keeps winning. Venezuelans don't understand how democracy is supposed to work.

Then just nuke Venezuela


In venezuela's case it tells you the truth.

Chavez was at the height of his power in 2011. There's no way the GDP was that high.

kill all the left leaning parasites
remove trade barriers
get a small loan of sever billion worth of foreign aid
join the EU

>Chavez was at the height of his power in 2011. There's no way the GDP was that high.
You are a fucking idiot that believes Left=Bad. Chavez wasn't retarded, he was crazy but he allowed smarter people than him to help him and was willing to compromise and to hear the advice of chinese capitalists and latinamerican social democrats, his path to shittyness wasn't suicidal. Maduro on the other hand is an absolute moron that gave control of the country to Cuban intelligence. Chavez took the country when over 20% of the country didn't knew how to read and forced niggers into learning how to do it, he created a long term project that may have been flawed, but was designed to endure future right wing leadership, and his support relied on national responsability and retarded panlatinamericanism, it was stupid, but was slowburn decandence.

no they wont

Close the oil wells for 50 years.


>Dude just sell your country to the IMF
Kill yourself.

I don't know but I hope lots of Venezuelans migrate to Germany

Gib venezuelan qt :3

>I hope lots of Venezuelans migrate to Germany
why? lol

>Let's base all of our economy on oil, what could go wrong?

$87 Billion is pretty god damn good considering the nation is under siege by the most powerful country in the world, not allowed to trade with anyone and have had all the money they made on the oil trade stolen off them by the federal reserve and personally given to the terrorist Guaido.

In the circumstances Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea have to face, a capitalist country would collapse within a week.

Annexation by Colombia

You know the embargo was instated when maduro pulled this shit, right? It was going down even before that because 91% of their economy was dependent on oil

When America starts their war with Iran oil prices will shoot up. All VZ has to do is wait.

87 bil? That's nothing. Why don't they just sell the country to Apple or Microsoft


It's worth trillions. They just have to wait for America to destroy the oil market again.

only bulls emigrate

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They have that though.

""savage"" capitalism

Germany can benefit from this too, desu. Strong Venezuelan bulls that survived famine can put an end to the Muslim menace.

So you still want American bases or not? You guys said you would pay us for it and everything not too long ago...

>Chavez wasn't retarded
Chavez was, indeed retarded, and 90% of the problems Venezuela faces today are consequences of his populist economics.

>that will ever happen
[X] doubt

Trump and all of his FP advisors want war with Iran. Israel wants war with Iran. Saudi Arabia wouldn't mind a war with Iran. It's going to happen.

Trump and most of his military loyalists and cabinet was war with Iran, the only thing stopped it was the top brass in the Pentagon and military who, surprise, have mostly all resigned now.

>T. Assmad Ukulele

We make the borders permeable from the inside and impermeable from the outside. Everything can leave, nothing can enter.
Foreign intervention is known to almost systematically lengthen civil wars several times.
No reopening of borders until they've got their shit figured out.

Then the killing just continues too.

>Nukes make America lift sanctions

You ever heard of North Korea?Your a fucking clown. Venezuela had a high GDP then cause oil was $120 a fucking barrel.

North Korea is proof that nukes keep America out.

A funny way to spell China

Also back then the oil refineries hadn't all blown up.

More socialism.

Nuke it, it has always been a shithole.
Maduro is a crook and Guaidó literally an american stooge. Nuke murrica and Russia while we're at it.
Since WW2 it's either one or both of those faggot failed states that mingle in the affairs of literally-who countries who happen to have oil.

How easy do you think it would be to get a Venezuelan gf, in exchange for a Finnish passports?

Attached: 1556504012228.png (477x539, 2K)


doubt she will really love you

So, military men do not want war with Iran while merchants want it.

Real life Arslan

We do nothing, do not intervene (in hard OR soft way) but do deny asylum and close borders. They'll learn to never again listen to socialism or communism and eventually fix their country on their own.
