How many times do I have to tell you?

How many times do I have to tell you?

Cryptocurrency = Tulip Mania 2.0

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Other urls found in this thread:

I usually just hide these threads but I am genuinely curious who exactly posts these. Like you could be trading, or researching, or learning, or working, but you post like repost a thread over and over. One of lifes mysterys.

Trips confirm

Utility tokens = Not tulip mania

look at

Original comment. Even if this was true, you're 7 months too late. I'm guessing either a salty 15 year old without enough funds to get in, or a salty boomer without enough balls to get in.

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Liberal niggers or jews who actually think /biz gives a shit

i've been here for YEARS and a liberal. i'm a liberal because even though i think you're a moron i dont think you should die because you can't pay a fucking hospital bill. the rest of the modern world agrees. (you're still trailer trash btw)

>references tulipmania
leave genxboomer

Damn you were right all along. And here I thought you were just b8ing

We dont care if its Tulip Mania 2.0. Only think we care about is if we are early or not. And by the looks of it, we are.

Its like every ponzi and pyramid ever. If you are early, you win. Wouldnt you love to be early in bitconneeeeeeect? The money we could have made man....

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The prophet has spoken.

Btw, I bet his fingers smell like roses :)


Great cuckposting op. I’ll deposit an extra 2c to your account for all the hard work you are doing.

or piss and fish

Let me break down everything wrong about this photo.

1. Places like this are NOT suitable habitats for this species of primate.
2. The handler is WAY too close and is forgetting something that animal caregivers often forget: just because you spend time and have a bond with an animal does not change the fact it is STILL a wild animal. Accidents DO happen.
3. Putting human clothes on primates is degrading, offensive and dangerous for the animal; not to mention uncomfortable. These clothes were not designed for animals and can sometimes be made of materials they find irritating and confusing.

How many times i have to explain the worl that the tulip mania dont exist/never happend. In the golden age 17th century, in The Netherlands (I live there) the financial system as we know it today was invented. including stocks, loans, banks etc. but laws where not really up to reality so some clever people found some cool maze in the law to fool the system. they could offer money for a tulip bulb knowing they never would actually have to pay cash money for it. Some other people thought that was a really cool way of making fun of high class so a bidding war on tulp bulbs started from one Gilde (a beer house full of drunk clowns) biding up to the next gilde. Knowing you never have to actually pay what your bid because a discrepancy in the law. just google tulip bubble never happend and educate yourself. And I'm bussy typing anyways digital assets like bitcoin or xrp or eth are NOT a bubble because they can do something quite magical that has been happening since the existence of humanity but was previously not possible in the digital age: transfer actual value digitally from A to B. And i mean not updating some ledger at your bank but transferring the actual value.. If you think thats a bubble you are just blind and stupid

Conventment is going to be the next 100x

Screencap it

>educate yourself
protip: never write this because everybody you disregard whatever you say as the delusional ramblings of a pretentious prick

that being said, yes tulip mania probably never happened

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I’m holding you to it when October comes around

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The evidence tulip mania existed was super circumstantial. The best evidence is likely tainted by the fact that the authors grandfather was one of the few confirmed losers in the whole fiasco. It has almost certainly been blown up to an absurd degree as time went on.

In the US liberals are not liberals.

Imagine paying for this

Yeah because in yurocuckistan, the "far-right" is just shy of Karl Marx.

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Yes, because you die if you can’t pay your medical bills. Have you ever been to a county hospital?

Even before Obama care, no one died. Homeless people were treated repeatedly.

This is just another horror story the left used to scare the populace to action at the polls.

Keep taking the incentive away for someone to become a doctor (and in turn successful) and you will progress what has already been done in Canada, and is starting to be done in the states, instead of seeing doctors, poor people are sent to nurse practitioners and receive care from glorified assistants.

Wealthy Canadians and Europeans from Universal Healthcare states come to the United States to receive prompt and adequate care.

But keep pushing us towards socialism; it’s worked so well every other time it’s been tried...

Do you really think it's a good idea to imprison people for wanting guns that can be printed on 3d printers?
You need safe spaces to protect you from offensive ideas
Far lefties are new Christian right boomers from the 1980s

Shut da fuk up wif yo bullshit an gibsmedat wite boi.

It's an assblasted hapa

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Funny thing is that it’s actually going to happen. Read the Whitepaper.

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You dunce. In the US liberals are retarded leftists, in reality liberals are people who believe in capitalist free markets. Commiefornia is not run by liberals no matter how much dems call themselves that.


Hell yeah

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>believe in capitalist free markets

your leftists in the US are socially liberal, 'commiefornia' has nothing in common with real commies like the soviets, which were executing homosexuals.
You are correct liberalism in principle applies to economics and law, but we are dozens of branches away from that.
Today's conservatives are yesterday's liberals

tt-they are just friends r-r-right?

With benefits

this was literally posted 7 months ago and was laughed at

LOL, this dumb bitch is going to deconstruct whiteness all by herself. says otherwise hahaha:

"it's glaring how much everybody prefers white guys and doesn't respond to black men and women."

"The results are striking. An African-American man would have to earn $154,000 more than a white man in order for a white woman to prefer him. A Hispanic man would need to earn $77,000 more than a white man, and Asian man would need, remarkably, an additional $247,000 in additional annual income."

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