/wage/ - Wagecuck General

Thoughtful Thursday Edition

What's one thing that's really been on your mind lately? Could be something you've really wanted to do, or something to vent about, anything really.

For me, it just seems like time is flying by as I'm getting older. I wish the summers would feel like forever again.

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Agreed 24 now and it just hit me my youth is long and gone

>For me, it just seems like time is flying by as I'm getting older. I wish the summers would feel like forever again.
Yes, I have a sense of "time is running out."
I am 26 years old with nothing to show for it. I work part time at an office job that barely pays the bills, and I am still in college because I started back in 2015 long after my highschool classmates already graduated from college.
I have recently started dwelling on the past, hearkening back to my childhood and indulging in things that give me a sense of nostalgia. For example I started getting back into yugioh. I think I spent close to $200 on cards so far, maybe more. And I have been rewatching the series on netflix. I am on season 5 now, the final season. I was never able to finish it when I was a kid, because season 4 was when they had that pentagram-looking star that made my dad think it was satanic and made me stop watching it. Maybe after finishing the series, I will find peace and be able to move on from this pathetic phase I am in. I hope I'm just in a rut.

>26 yo
>Living in cheap country, working as Software dev
>Made ~400k from Crpyto (in december 2017 prices)
>Cashed out 50k
>Decided to take a break from my job as it was getting on my nerves and paying too little compared to crypto
>Spending my days riding my bike and browsing the internet >Start doubting myself, feels depressed man.mov
>Feel like failure compared to my peers, despite being richer >Everyone has simple things like girlfriends, fit bodies etc. and seem to be progressing in their job. Even though I know it's shitty I still get FOMO

What do?

Easier said than done but try to quit comparing yourself to others. There will always be those who are better off than you, and those who are worse off, it's not a productive use of mental energy to compare to them. Plus when you think about it, the comparisons are rather arbitrary anyway aren't they? So what if some kid you went to school with is 100x richer than you? There's some else on the other side of the world who you've never met that's 5000x richer than your classmate. We compare ourselves to people we vaguely know just because we happened to randomly get to know them in the first place, there's no rhyme or reason to it beyond that.

I'm 33, same boat as you, just started college 2 years ago, over 10 years "late", but I'm having fun, I don't feel bad about it, I just look to the future and know I'm taking steps to better myself.

Part of the problem today is that so few people know what they want to do with themselves, many struggle choosing a career, they don't know if they want a family, they don't know if they want wealth, freedom, fame, power, or a combination of them all. Instead of just taking action and trying, many people are paralyzed by the decision and end up doing nothing. That was me for a lot of years, but now I've finally woken up and began to live my life with purpose.

Can relate to those nostalgic feels though, have been thinking more and more about buying MTG cards again myself, a bit too expensive though if I actually wanted cards I used to play with decades ago so I'll probably hold off for awhile.

I think there are certain things we can do to claw our time back. It's scientifically proven that doing the same repetitive tasks day-in and day-out warps your perception of time as your brain is not using as much resources and there's no novelty in your life. It's a big part of why when people finally turn 65 and retire (if they're lucky), they look back and wonder where their life went.

FUCK that, that will never be me. I'd rather live a fulfilling life rich in experiences and die poor than spend 40 years in an office and have only a $1 mill stack to show for it at 65. No one ever wishes they spent more time working, but many will regret not experiencing life more.

Anons, get out there and do it.

oh, the Eternal Afternoon... kids are forever being described as "lazy," just because they don't want to take out the garbage. But have you ever taken a good look at how kids spend their summer afternoons? They build treehouses. They bake mudpies. They concoct elaborate schemes to turn their scooters into flying machines. Clearly, kids aren't lazy; they just don't have the same set of priorities as adults. Just imagine getting the chance to finally finish all those magical, complicated projects you dreamt up during those fleeting summer childhood afternoons; you'll be only called home for dinner once the forts are built, the pies are baked, and the scooter is soaring over the valley... kek

29 y/o wagie boomer here.
Enjoying my 4 weeks of summer holidays. Got 1 more in reserve for later.
Feel rested every day, no stress at all, can do whatever i want for another 3 weeks. feels comfy man.

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>watching Chinese cartoons and playing with Pokémon cards
Never gonna make it lad hit the gym and quit being a 5oy Boy. I was in your shoes I didn’t graduate until I was 26 and didn’t land a job until I was almost 27. I felt like a giant loser since all my old friends already had comfy office jobs. Guess what? Me waiting to go back let me get certain grants that allowed me to graduate debt free while all the other kids are sunk in jewish loans still living at home while I’m now in the swanky part of town in a cheap comfy apartment. Sell weed if you have to life hardly ever rewards those who are honest smart and hard working you have to step up and take what you want and take some risks.
Holy shit is that the epitome of boomer dom is watching time fly by? Hit me hard last month that in an office time has a weird way of standing still, the work week drags on and feels like a month, the weekend is over in the blink of an eye and you look up from your monitor and the entire year has gone by and you step back and ask wtf happened? Even when I was 24 a summer still felt like an eternity. I love these threads btw OP is wagies need to stick together or we will go insane from all the NEET LARPs reminding us we are jewish slaves daily.

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>hit the gym and quit being a 5oy Boy
I'm not interested in Jow Forums Jow Forums lifestyles. I work out and take care of myself already. I don't appreciate being told "never gonna make it" from someone who is older than me and still hasn't made it

>Holy shit is that the epitome of boomer dom is watching time fly by? Hit me hard last month that in an office time has a weird way of standing still, the work week drags on and feels like a month, the weekend is over in the blink of an eye and you look up from your monitor and the entire year has gone by and you step back and ask wtf happened? Even when I was 24 a summer still felt like an eternity. I love these threads btw OP is wagies need to stick together or we will go insane from all the NEET LARPs reminding us we are jewish slaves daily.

I definitely hear you man. I think it's all about injecting novelty in your life and being mindful of the time passing. This is something I struggle with myself every day as well.

Appreciate that you enjoy these, I'll definitely keep them up since it seems like wagers like having a space to cope and co-mingle. Pretty sure most of the NEET larps are wagecucks coping anyway.

I’m 27 and have a 75k networth, better than anyone my age I know besides a couple of kids from my HS who had trust funds or played professional sports. Sure LARPers on Jow Forums will laugh at that but in the real world aside from NEETs on a board about shitcoins it’s doing a lot better than most. You need to man up and quit being soft if you can’t take criticism on fucking Jow Forums how are you going to manage when you do get a real job and people are actually critiquing you on shit that matters? No trying to offend you here but a dose of reality is if 95% of the population finds out you play with yugioh cards you will be looked down upon. Find a more fulfilling hobby like art or cooking or something that translates into real world use, that’s whats kept me sane.

>No trying to offend you here but a dose of reality is if 95% of the population finds out you play with yugioh cards you will be looked down upon.
My bad. I appreciate the concern then. But at the same time I've already given up on societal acceptance. I kept waiting for it to happen and just assumed I was a late bloomer, but it never happened. So I'm just going to do what I like. Yugioh is fairly harmless when compared to other things like drug addictions or alcoholism anyways

They are I make NEET threads on other boards all the time LARPing as someone who’s made it in crypto.man I have quite a bit of novelty in my life and I’ve still noticed how the work week drags the fuck on and a week long vacation still is over in what feels like a quicker period than the travel time to get to the destination. I’m just stacking those shekels and holding onto the dream of becoming a full time artist that owns rental properties for income.

>Find a more fulfilling hobby like art or cooking
I do digital art too btw

Someone took a fat stinking shit this morning and it wasn’t me.

I’m pissed.

You keep doing you man. I've always been a proponent of if you're not hurting anyone else and you enjoy what you're doing then do whatever the hell you want.

>I’m just stacking those shekels and holding onto the dream of becoming a full time artist that owns rental properties for income.
Are you familiar with the concept/subculture of FIRE (financial independence/retire early)?

Happens all the time at my office. There is this one guy who fucking blows it up a couple times every single day. If you don't get in early morning before he takes his first shit then you're basically fucked. He spends forever shitting his guts out, too. And it's really loud. We all have to hear it. He has no shame.

I am an honest literal wagecuck. Working min wage here in California which is more than my hometown in PA so I get by. I'm pretty frugal and save most of what i make. But I'm kinda just frustrated I want to work alone and be alone but to have a remote job is really tough to get especially one that pays well. I also don't want to lose my social skills and be super autistic. I have lots of ideas on what to do to make extra money but I can never pick one and stick with it. I just want to work for myself and make a business I can take with me so I can move back to PA and see my family and spend more time in nature and fishing. I would be happy making 40k a year. Sorry for blogpost just needed to vent a little.

i'm a 23 y.o. 'marketing' wagecuck but i just work 2 hours a day maximum and shitpost all day. I want to develop the drive and ability to make money on the sides. I want to work on a project I am excited about and get into entrepreneurship. I have few technical skills but have an eye for aesthetics and can write decently. I sort of know seo, sem, and all that but i dont wanna be a clickwords bitch. how can i free myself from wagecucking a useless job and become a financial independent Jow Forumsness man. I want to invest in crypto more but wont see returns and my stack is too small. I liked /ent/ discussion but dont know what i should do. do you anons ever feel purposeless. Time has moved faster since i graduated with my worthless degree. How can i become the next big shot? I am hardworking but there is nothing to work on. Someone partner up with a fellow wagecuck

You ain’t lying at least you aren’t drinking or drugging away your problems. Being a wage cuck has made me realize how stupid the average Goy is. I used to think people in high positions at companies had to be geniuses but after watching them not be able to work a fax machine or click scam links in emails I was shocked to find most of them just got there from associations or being at a company long enough. Our current society is a fucking mess why should we care to go out to a bar and yell about “DUDE BEER LMAO! Sportsball!” With the NPC’s that lack any sort of original thought or idea straying from the herd? Just a suggestion maybe throw in a hobby that also translates to a skill it really helped make my life feel like it had some fulfillment.


Coffee gives me the shits on my hour commute and I always have to pull over. Biggest fear is shitting myself in traffic.

27 year old Ive been at the same boring office job since I was about 22. If I don't change something by 30 I'm just gonna kms.

See there’s 2 sides of the coin with FIRE to me, I def want to retire at least a decade early but I also don’t want to be a penny pinching kike that had no fun in his youth because he saved every single dollar instead of living life. Some of the memories I have just from my ages of 17-25 are about as valuable to me as all the money I have. I’m working on finding that perfect balance of the two.

29yo embedded software dev
worked the same company and position for 6 years
6 weeks annual paid vacation and flexible hours with no pressure to actually deliver
while i make a decent buck (just under $5k a month) i think i would be able to make almost 30% more if i changed my position slightly, but i cant decide if it would be worth it since i am extremely comfortable where i am
im afraid of being seen as an aimless faget by my family and any future 3dpd i might happen to put the pee pee inside of
i live in a cheap 2 bedroom rental and drive a 2011 toyota auris
i dont feel like time has progressed since i graduated 6 years ago and i really do believe that i will become miserable in a decade when im still at the same position without ever having tried to be better

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Any tips for getting into embedded software? What are some languages I should focus on learning, and some projects I should consider putting on my portfolio?

Yeah it's definitely all about doing what works best for you. To get that perfect balance between time and money when you're not yet financially independent is huge.

At the end of the day money is just a tool to buy freedom and time, and freedom and time are just tools to obtain happiness. And happiness is the true goal in life, at least for me.

Meeting in about 8 minutes. Have to so a stupid presentation nobody cares about. To top it off, I have to shit but as my previous post mentioned; someone already destroyed the toilets.

realized crypto is actually dead and I am going to be wageslave for 30+ years
i may actually rope at this point, i don't have a family so there's literally nothing to live for other than doing work for mr. shekelstein

the sense of time 'flying' is related to experiencing new things in your life and how your brain registers change.
a good analogy is having an old file on your computer, even if its a useful file like an old meme from 5 years ago and you use it once a month, your computer never has to update what it remembers about it until a change is made to the file itself.

it would be an inefficient use of your brains power to re-learn how to take a shit, navigate your way around a familiar room, how to digest food, how to tell a joke or any of the other countless millions of things we do everyday using past experience.
if you dont want to live life on autopilot then you need to do new things every day, look at something different, say something different, learn something different etc. its not just a wagie thing, neets experience time flying even more so

Good luck user, I mean at least there's very little pressure eh?

In that case, I wonder if I should accept that job at Mcdonald's. I applied for it because I'm looking for a second part-time job to supplement my current one while I'm in college. But I held off because I hate dealing with shitty customers
Maybe taking the job will give me that "try something new" thing. I never worked fast food

C and C++, no one really uses anything else
python is a good addition since many use it for target-specific autogenerated code
architecture-specific assembly is used for boot sequences, familiarize yourself with assembly if you want though its not necessary
some neat arduino or cheap real-time mpu stuff is fine for building a portfolio but whats important is not using libraries, instead write your own methods for stuff
best thing to put in your portfolio would probably be a rudimentary OS (task handling, scheduling, interrupts, semaphores, timing)
if you can read and understand a 1000 page reference manual for an ecu/cpu you will have good chances of making it in embedded

might aswell, you dont have to do it forever and youll probably have some funny stories to tell on the wagie threads for years to come.

26 year old boomer here.
Wagecucking is the only thing that stills makes me feel anything and that feel is fucking pain.

nah. have faith

Get Jow Forums first of all. Then read the bible, start with Ecesslaties and the Book of Job and Gospel of John.
Nothing new under the sun, human nature always been the same.

Good tip. Also, Proverbs.

What do? Your own project, start to finish.

Bible, serouisly? Did you really fall for the Peterson meme?
I agree that if you don't have a goal in life you can get depressed more easily, but choosing religion to fulfill this need is just wasteful in this day and age.

Waging away, my boss just walked past me and saw me browsing Jow Forums luckily he's old enough to be my granddad so he doesn't know or care.

I'm in the same position, turning 28 in a week... What do?

not sure. using bitmex to increase my stack, taking weekend trips, reading, and playing sports to make life better. i wanna get into entrepreneurial things soon while still wagecucking since i could double up. yikes 28 is too long to be doing this i havent even been a year and im dying inside

What does working as a contractor under your own Ltd company count as?

If you
>set your own hours
>decide what you want to work on
>enjoy what you're doing

I'd say you're a baller boss man.

Good morning to the west coasters just getting in.

I'm suggesting memes but it has truly helped me. First step, if you are stuck, is to at least change your mindset.

Read books:

How to Fail Almost Anything... Scott Adams
Millionaire Fastlane.. MJ Demarco
Zero To One... Peter Thiel
How to Get Rich... Felix Dennis

So you're ready. Then... look into things like niche sites and dropshipping. Try that for a while and get your SKILLS in order. Once you dive into that world you will find your ideas. After a change of mindset and minor experience you will truly be ready.

Reminder investment only makes you rich when you're old unless you go all-in on crypto and get lucky - and reminder, those days are gone whether this board likes it or not. Still be safe and have crypto. But try to get your money through non-luck ways.

Great list of reads. I'll add to this

The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins

Everything you need to know about financial independence and passive index investing for long-term wealth

i appreciate it. im not gonna waste my time reading those books for a month and then get to it though.. i gotta get going asap. is niche influencer sites, referral marketing and dropshipping the ways to do it??

good answer. as long as you have the mindset that you will keep going no matter what, then sure skip all the motivational bs. some people need it though because they are scared or their mind works that way aka you have to analyse things before getting started (i did)

niche sites: authorityhacker / nichepursuits, literally google "how to create a niche site" - this is a process that will take a while to see results however, yet is the epitome of 'passive income' - get your website(s) to rank on google then when someone googles "how to create a niche site" they will see your site on page 1, click your links, make you money

suggestion: look up the authorityhacker podcast and pick the beginner ones and listen to them.

start with the "noob series" 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,65 ,66 - it is MCUH easier than you think to start a site but if you dont have money to outsource you'll be doing a lot of work yourself
. then listen to you will need some background. 4, 5, 32, 33. you're basically done, and all the other episodes and articles are essentially delay tactics to stop you from getting started.

dropshipping is more of an 'instant results' type of thing but theres a possibility you will burn money if you don't know what you're doing. do some googling for that as well.

if you dont mind dropping money to learn QUICKLY then there are courses out there you can pay for that will explain everything in an efficient manner. if you're smart enough to write wel and follow through ifs just a matter of failing quickly and sticking with your goals. once you make your first 10 dollars you will get a jolt that will energize you to continue

I really wanna fuckin get a dropshipping business going. I think i've read pretty much all there is to read. i can get help from a friend who has just got her masters in digital marketing. I've got a niche in mind that can draw a crowd with good targeting. i can handle the creative easily.. just waiting for a lil bit of startup capital (no/minimal savings) and currently neet.

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Just finished the meeting. 55 year old boomer is telling me how he used to trade stocks in 87 again.

Is it august already? I thought it was May...

Lunch time!

How profitable are dropshipping sites?

it correlates with your skills. your skills

-picking a niche
-picking a product
-writing good copy
-picking your audience well

it can get very profitable very quickly but it has a learning curve. if you pick your products well though you can be trash yet still well. the key is to optimize and squeeze max profits

depends mostly on the price the manufacturer sets and what your markup is, minus ad spend and other costs such as shopify at $30 a month.
from what I gather it takes a lot of ad spend at first to figure out which methods and products work well together and find a market who want to buy it (the niche).
yeah this. eventually you want to step away from dropshipping and have steady predictable sales so you can just buy in bulk and ship/brand whitelabeled products yourself

>niche sites: authorityhacker / nichepursuits, literally google "how to create a niche site" - this is a process that will take a while to see results however, yet is the epitome of 'passive income' - get your website(s) to rank on google then when someone googles "how to create a niche site" they will see your site on page 1, click your links, make you money

This is what I learn more about then. I have experience managing and making simple wordpress site changes. I just gotta find a niche.. how long till google page one serp

also, say i had a niche site and decent traffic, how do i monetize all this? will those resources get me there?
say my niche was 'bolo ties', i create a shopify site and advertise for it but all im doing is selling alie express garbage? Do any of you guys work with manufacturers or gotten to production on ecommerce?

yugioh fag here, just got to work. It's 12:30pm here but fortunately I can come in whenever I want. But if I came in earlier I would have made more money since I get paid hourly. I guess this is what they call "making it" if making it means having freedom to choose your work/life balance at the cost of potential wages.

What do you do again?

data entry at local mom and pop business

>tfw live close to work so go home at lunch to poop and eat

Fuuucking kill me. I don't want to work manufacturing anymore. Its the worst of the wagie jobs.

At least you office cucks get decent AC, a warm mug of coffee, the ability to surf the net, a comfortable chair.

I get awful heat, dirty machines, horrible chemicals, heavy shit that needs to go in awkward places. End my suffering please.

Me too. I used to come to work at 9 and take like an hour lunch just to go home since I take however long I want, but I realized it's more efficient to get all my "lazy" out in the morning and go in when I'm ready to stay for the rest of the day

>he doesnt poop at work.

Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime. Thats why i poop on company time.

I feel your pain, I really do. I did nothing but shitty factory work for 4 years. I developed alcoholism for a while and literally turned religious and prayed for an escape every single day.
Only managed to escape by going to college for comp sci and applying to places that vaguely need "computer skills." You can actually get a better shot at office jobs just by being in college (they look down on factory workers and view them as subhumans, so don't list that on your resume)


You're getting cucked hard. The aim of tech companies is to keep you comfy and avoid switching jobs, because a lot of people don't know how expensive experienced programmers are. You could prob move to a high cost of living area and rake in six figures without an issue if you aren't a complete retard.

I know kids making $8k/mo doing internships in San Francisco right now.

My office has one bathroom for about 20 guys. They get away with this cuz we have another office about ten miles away that has just a fucking shitton of shitters. The coffee shit rush between 9-11am has seriously fucked my day before and I've been forced to run to the library to take a shit. Also while im ranting we have this thing where you check into your desk each day and no space is truly your own. I fucking hate it. My last job I could at least have a few toys and a bottle of bourbon or so but no, not anymore. Just a blank clean surface that isn't yours. I hate this job.

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I'm Air Force reserve as well. So i think that brings me up a little bit.

I want an office job right now so bad. I want a warm cup of coffee to start my day and not have to wake up at 5am every fucking day.

we have one bathroom for around 100 guys
its always looks clean other than a few pubes

Yep factory work is hell. Makes you feel like shit every day and makes you feel like you're wasting your time (you are, if you have a >99 IQ and are capable of literally anything else)
Hang in there, it might take a while but keep applying to office jobs. Bullshit on your resume if you have to, learn things like Excel and QuickBooks

I miss my old NPCs where I could go drink beer and watch sportball, I'm not a huge sports fan but fuck do I miss having people to do that with. Now it's all pajeets and Chinese so we have nothing in common, they are all PHD holding from ivy league biochem majors so they are completely autistic so during company lunches and outings I feel like the fucking NPC. When I take into consideration I'm making more money now I feel.....just boomerish.

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Imo start lifting and start working on projects that you want to see in the world.
Also, martial arts are another way to introduce a "progression" into your life.

My God, that must be horrible..do you like form lines?

it only gets bad around 11am - 2pm, otherwise you can always find a stall open

Today was my last day.



any plans for what's next?


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when i was younger i did the startup thing. learned a lot, worked a lot. rode that for some nice money.

right now i've grown into the manager thing. learning a lot, working a lot and i'm looking forward to riding it for sweet gains soon. also got a kid coming some time in the next year or something so that's also changing things. i'm not gonna pull 60 hour weeks with a kid, no matter how much money i'm making.

looking to get some real estate under me and a more chill & more local job. the question isn't "if" for me, it's "when."

please no I'm not even 30 yet PLEASE NO

how the fuck are you supposed to "do it" with no money you fucking retard



also getting into yugioh (though i was never into it as a kid). it's a good game, much deeper than hearthstone. not sure i agree with buying the cards, though. the buddy who got me into it and i are just doing duel links for lols.

sounds like you need to work out. the biggest problem with working too much or working too little is falling into laziness and letting your body fall apart.

look into copywriting or technical writing? easiest remote work i know of if you don't know how to program.

don't read the bible. best oldest disinfo campaign on earth.

Yeah, last day at work. Not at life.. for now
Starting university in two weeks. Doing a masters degree in cybernetics and robotics.

I meant what was your job

Yeah I just prefer to hold the physical cards. Gf and I duel all the time. She's a really bad duelist though so I always win... she sucks at building her deck, I try to help her but I also like not knowing what's in her deck to make it harder for me. So I have to make weak decks for myself to make it fun
Anyways, there's something addicting about the physical cards and building your own deck with them. Maybe it's just sentimental/nostalgia value though

Worked at a factory

Long weekend this week

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Just another wagie doing the things, opted for the starving artist route in life but it's fulfilling to perform on stage (mostly sword-fighting, stage combat, and acting) and it's a lot of fun for me a a hobby.

I posted a couple days ago about possibly directing a stage show for a convention and they got back to me the other night with the COO and he's interested in the project pending a pitch but to consider it a soft greenlight so my off-time is dedicated to knocking out that pitch by tomorrow.

Helps the day go by faster than being complacent and being satisfied with 29k a year. Fuck that noise.

Congrats, proud of you for doing what you want.

Hey wagies. I just want to share a couple things with you

>envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

>focus on the journey, not the destination.
corny, but it changes your perspective.

>Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Mathew 6:34

>This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Focus on what's in front of you today. You want financial independence? You want to be an entrepreneur? Focus on what's in front of you today, not tomorrow. That's not to say that you shouldn't have concern for the future, but you should not worry about it. Rather, focus on what you have to do for today.

I think there was a Chinese proverb that went like this:
>If you are depressed, you are living in the past
>If you are anxious, you are living in the future
>If you are at peace, you are living in the present

Hopefully this helps with some of you.

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Good, but at the same time plan carefully for the future.

>he's literally LARPing on a stage and thinking he's pursuing meaning

jesus fucking christ

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Poor entrepreneur here. Business is doing great I just don’t pay myself above what’s necessary.

Tbh feels like wageslaving.

This has been on my mind.
>Would much prefer to be running on another project with a luxury good that I am uniquely positioned to produce and market - had one person write an loi and then disappear, need investment.