I'm looking for Marijuana-related investments that have potential. Stocks, Tokens, ICOs, Strains, anything. Give me what you have.
The future of the medical and recreational marijuana market is about to EXPLODE.
I'm looking for Marijuana-related investments that have potential. Stocks, Tokens, ICOs, Strains, anything. Give me what you have.
The future of the medical and recreational marijuana market is about to EXPLODE.
Other urls found in this thread:
so much potential yet nothing?
>start a snack delivery company with a wide selection
>enjoy profits
There’s a few but all I can say is stay away from projects that are simply a different payment option for weed. Bitcoin or anything else can buy weed. You need to seek out utility tokens. You need to seek out projects that are out there to change the infrastructure of something or disrupt an industry. That’s the golden ticket.
For weed related projects, there’s a ton of weed cryptos out there from Pot Coin to Dope Coin. Stay away from Cannabiscoin and the Asian D9 faggot.
Upcoming weed related projects include Jibbit
and Nuvus
but those are both literally trying to do the same thing: create a p2p marketplace and payment system and whatnot. Nothing to shake things up.
A newer one, is actually fixing the logistics and aiming to speed up the seed-to-market process. They already have a live demo of the DLA Center with virtual IoT middleware in the alpha version with a blockchain enhanced beta version coming soon. A payment system is a feature (which is the entire basis of some projects).
Conventment Whitepaper explains a lot.
It’s a good read and definitely something for the future. CNVT could be worth $50 each EASILY in a few months.
That being said, look for companies that are expanding. Look at dispensaries that are rapidly opening new locations and all that. You’ll know what I mean.
For strains?? Try Blue Nina.
wtf is this bullshit?
OP, invest in Cannabis biopharma
Emblem Corp - EMMBF
Nemus Bioscience- NMUS --- buy the dip
Inmed Pharma
these companies are working on drugs that will treat and CURE illnesses and give little to NO side effects, completely disrupting the entire pharmaceutical industry and popping the bubble
Give it 2-3 years
I was pointing out crypto projects
Cannabis biopharma is going to explode without a doubt. CBD has so many benefits and they’re discovering more and more.
Sadly, it’s hard to find innovation in blockchain related products unless it can be used to speed up any processes in the biopharma industry
Emblem Corp & Conventment
Conventment looks good
CBD has a lot of benefits for sure. I can see this being a big opportunity.
Its not CBD you plebs. CBD is the most basic shit, What I'm talking about is isolating specific cannabinoids and seeing what each chemical does and how it effects the body. We then isolate the compound and create synthetic versions to be used with maximum efficacy at treating specific ailments, such as staph virus infections or blindness from diabetes
theres literally an ocean of data to research but everyones stuck on "muh soccer mom cbd medicines". we're literally just barely ending a 100 years of prohibition and cultural suppression, do you not see the implications of this, you fucking brainlet tards?
This is the last post I will make about cannabis bio pharma. see you in 3 years when the entire world will be different thanks to these drugs
I've been holding inmed for a while now. Where do you see it going?
Alright I imagined it went deep.
It's exciting to imagine the possibilities.
Thank you, African
Probably the best pre-clinical company in Canada ATM. Not sure how succesful their cannabinoid database will be, but its a worthwhile risk.
Nemus is further along on their pipeline. Being funded by Emerald Health, which is a positive sign. Company is in dire need of news though, SP took a shit today
Drugs hurt people, don't do it
>proceeds to take multiple SSRIS and Opiate-based painkillers
Pharmaceuticals are the ultimate boomer product. Cant wait for all these companies to get BTFO by weed. Fuck you to all the boomers abusing pain meds
>muh medical marijuana
Jokes on you it has basically no beneficial advantages apart from mild "painkiller" properties
inb4 it's natural
>comparing whole plant product to synthesized isolated compounds manufactured with pharma grade efficacy
Take a look into THC. As anyone else in the cannabis industri they are a little late on deadlines and they aren't too good at hyping. Solid project though and their hemppay(tm) by the end of the year might bring the way for real cryptocurrency adoptation. The hemp industry don't have access to banking and thus have a big need for crypto. Hempcoin specialize in making incentives for consumers to adopt it and use in dispenseries
Hempcoin and Conventment look like two of the best ones in crypto right now. Conventment is just way too new though so I'll see how it plays out.
You already missed the big bullrun boy-o, don't have your hopes up too high.
Heh, high.
the rest are high risk / maybe a reward
TL:DR on conventment?