I researched and realized chainlink isnnt a scam. Will it dump again? Need time to acumulate

I researched and realized chainlink isnnt a scam. Will it dump again? Need time to acumulate...

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>researches chainlink
>thinks $0.30 isn't a good enough point to begin accumulating


Another newfag bites the dust lol
Buy buy buy user!

The concept is real but the project was a Russian ICO scam.

>and realized chainlink isnnt a scam.

Wow congrats on being so stupid that it took you this long

>not wanting to buy in a .30

congrats on still being stupid

Lets say it does. You bought a little high.

Lets say it doesnt. You didnt get on the boat.

Think about it like this, go back in time and lets say you could buy bitcoin at $10 but you want to wait til it is less than $5 because you dont want to feel ripped off. Would you be kicking yourself for buying at $10? I wouldnt.

>current price is $0.30
>lowest it's been recently is $0.19
>actually considering waiting for a dip that clearly doesn't look like it'll happen

EOY people will have either have $999.70 profit per Link if buying now or $999.81 profit per Link if they bought a few weeks ago.

Don't be a dumb fuck

Technically req isn't a scam. Should you buy it? Hell no!

all coins are scams. if you still haven't figured out you're in a scamming business, you'll probably go broke

fucking hate these linky threads.
too many holders = bad ecosystem
u shud know that by now.
even tho im bullish on the tech opportunity, too much awareness makes me less bullish.
cut. it. out. NOW. Jow Forums

No it wont :3

>buying high

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If you believe is not a scam you didn't researched enough.

>tfw you research so deeply you find stuff you weren't supposed to find

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Same situation here, as soon as I fomod and bought at 0.31 it started to dump
Reaaaally activates my almonds REEEEEEEE FUCK YOU BOGDAOFFS

All you newfags need to stfu about Chainlink. I'm in large discord group of holders with at least 100k +. We'll dump on you fags if you keep it up.

Please do, fren

Both of you faggots are wrong.
Just cost dollar average whatever money you were going to put into it instead of just waiting for "WHEN MOON" or "WHEN CRASH"

It's not a scam, but it's a lottery ticket.
It has a very low chance of succeeding, mainly because it depends on many other things going right.

Wrong. You're in a discord group filled with dumb niggers and the only thing you have invested in is KFCoin.

holy fucking shit

>all coins are scams. if you still haven't figured out you're in a scamming business, you'll probably go broke
this is true except that link isnt a scam which makes it so special right now as every other shit coin is bleedin' out like london black man after a knife fight

t. future $20/LINK November 2018 buyer

you are like a little babby

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Bogs garnished my wages. Apparently payroll found out I owe them money because they didn't pay for my first 3 weeks of benefits when I started.

great image user

Jesus christ.

IF the guy has $100 to spend that's the differnce between having $500K and 300k.

Should probably add the szabo satoshi theory


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Love it but what is the bottom creature and what is it from?

better version here

no, the sazbo is sergeys father theory

literally the only reason i come to Jow Forums any more is to gather stinkvibes so that when it zeroes out i can have the largest schadenfreude cumload in the history of the fucking planet
i hate you people with a burning passion and i want to see you suffer

Why are you fucking stupid?! Always saying like muh no difference between 30 cents, 25 cnets etc. Yes, it is the same if you have “unlimited” money. Let say if you want to buy 5k and you have 10k usd then it doesen’t matter do you spend 1.5k or 1k. But iif you have limited money and want to buy the maximum amount of coin for it...it really matters, do you have 3.3k or 5k (if you have 1k isd to spend). Especially if you calculate with 1000 eoy.