Attn: LINKerz

attn: LINKerz

what the fuck else do you buy?
i want to diversify
i NEED to diversify
but i literally unironically feel like i'm simply 'wasting' my shekelbux 'investing' in anything other than LINK

for example, i got drunk on twisted teas last week and bought a payfair trust node
it dumped 20% the next day
meanwhile, LINK mooned through a bear market

WTF else is worth our cuckbucks LINKmarines??

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put 90% into LINK and the rest into LINK, thank me later

Attached: POWHLINK.png (1254x1447, 99K)

Make sure to invest only in coins which directly depend on LINK for their success. I’d suggest REQ, it’s very affordable right and would compliment your LINK stash nicely.

Nothing unironically. Every other project is either absolute shitcoin with no future or a chink scam


thank me later

Get platforms: ZIL, EOS, ETH, ADA

Maybe a little monero. Keep 50% of your crypto stack in LINK tho


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BTC, LINK, XMR and ETH, in that order, was considering gold.

I also have SALT, but that's a momentary mistake.

unironically low key carrying (ico) REQ
literally only other token in possession
spookier yet, have OMG from when the team airdropped on wallets back in the day 0_0

at the point where accumulating more LINK would offer diminishing gains (millionaire@~3$LINK)
literally have no reason to buy more LINK other than to accrue a grossly negligent immoral amount of wealth for a single individual

I'd hold bitcoin for the time being, but buying the amb dip might not be a bad play or you could go for high risk high reward with sky. I also really like UUU but have to get on hadax

All in link, I have 20k but also hold 12k zil as I think it is also very promising.

>yes, good goy. Diversity is good for you!

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dont listen to this fag a dozen ethereum clones have launched and none of them are being used in the slightest. the people have chosen eth, all others are money grab scam pieces of shit.

UUU is on bibox user. way better than hadax

Are u me? I literally only have link and pfr (about 3% portfolio)

OP if you're not a china hustle retard look into NKN, FSN, and UUU

Bitcoin. Ethereum. BCH.

NKN and UUU are gonna be yuge

I used to recommend REQ w/ LINK because I truly believed in the project. Now I say... just LINK, just LINK.


What happened to req and jnt or ambrosus. People used to talk about them but not anymore.

Been wondering this as well. Frankly 90% of crypto projects need widespread adoption before they'll ever be useful. See all exchange, payment, currency coins. Meanwhile the other 10% of projects are going to CAUSE widespread adoption. BTC, ETH, LINK, maybe some of the 3rd gen smart contract platforms, maybe ENG, maybe an asset tokenization project.

There's no reason to be holding tokens that are WAITING for adoption when you can be holding the tokens that will CAUSE adoption. When those moon, you can use some of your millions to scoop up absolute shitcoins like REQ and OMG and NANO (which will all be 1/5 the price in sats as they are today) because they'll finally actually have the ecosystem and userbase they need to start growing and flourishing.

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the chadfolio of course

anything else is subcivilized

A rough estimate of my holdings:
60% Link
10% Ark
And then have modest amounts of the following:

Hoping at least ONE of these projects moons during the next bull run. Preferably Link, obviously.


LIterally the worst shitcoins. Good if you want to learn how to loose money fast.


>what is risk analysis
You will never gonna make it.

What about doge?