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How can I do this Jow Forums?

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How do I short women

Mt Goodness she's fucking ugly without the makeup


>basic bitch
but i repeat myself

I can't breath

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My* fuck

good time to buy Steam?


>posts on Jow Forums
>thinks he can be a social media celebrity
Oh user...

>getting toasty
pick both

top keeeeeeek

Good guy Instagram!
Time to throw all those thots and bitches from the pedestal. They've been poisoning mankind for long enough.
I've been addicted to porn as fuck. Since I quit my life changed completly.

STOP FUCKING JAERKING OFF. It kills you. Your body and mind think that you're reproducing therefore killing all your drive and will to do things.

Convert your sexual energy into action! Go and date girls, work out, learn skills. Do fucking shit! IMPROVE OR DIE BASTARDS!

I’m depressed my girl left me taking my 2 month old baby and my dad died at the same time. I used to be good at things now it’s a struggle not to kill myself.

Help me

Guesses on why she was banned?

Oh she's literally a pornstar. Never mind.

you won in the long run, better the bitch leaves now

the thottening

nah yoire just a lazy sack of shit with confirmation bias
I bet your life is still as boring and empty as it was before

hi lana. sorry your instagram page was removed. i reported you for lewd content. good bye

It certainly doesn’t feel that way. I can’t talk to anyone and I don’t think nice things anymore and I miss my son

why you tryna mess with my entertainment dude
I like looking at thots
not my problem ur a gay guy

you like looking at clothed pictures of a pornstar whose videos are available for free?

I also enjoy looking at thots. I'll never understand these closet fags that DON'T want to see chicks with huge asses/tits putting it on display for all to see.

Why even live?

>tfw you arn't there to comfort her

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I like laughing at the stupid shit they post


If it's true I feel sorry for you bro. Whatever happens, do not kys.

You should go and get some serious help. Not some mambo-jambo mental guru but some noted and respected psychologist. There's nothing to be ashamed of in it.

And you should better quit Jow Forums. There's nothing but venom and vile shit in here.
Take care buddy.

You're just a random fucking number on the internet. Say what you want, you don't know shit about me.

Cause it creates sexual autism. Your perception of a woman is beyond distorted. regular hot women are plain to you. The sex you want you're not getting and the sex you're getting (youre not getting shit) you dont want.

This dude gets it. Cheers

My man

and how do I know you're not just a random number in my mind? I know everything about you bro, I am your Father, your Creator, your God

Start posting on r9k
You will feel better

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>Start posting on r9k
>You will feel better
That's some evil advice, user.

>Go and date girls
Pick one

>t. butthurt waggie

sorry user

Most pathetic thing I've read today

Do not start posting on that subreddit. It will break you.

What does this subchan do? Suicide



if you're still young, become a twink, start streaming and shill yourself on /hm/. You don't have to do porn just be the male version of a titty streamer, you'll get fag orbitors in no time

She needs instagram to get fucked on camera?

Same. I put a gun in my mouth every night and wake up with a metallic taste in my mouth.

why are women such heartless creatures?

Kek, pay the toll whore

>Your body and mind think that you're reproducing
That's why i love it so much, i don't need to submit to holes

Jesus dude that's heart breaking. Hopefully you have someone irl to talk to. Good luck man.

Lol what a trooper

>my fucking sides

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This is some straight up projection my dude. I'm just a man that enjoys looking at tits and ass.

Is that what a IQ below 90 sounds like? Holy shit, can you imagine being the parents of such a wreck? Mentally it sounds like she's 12.


don't kill yourself please

Are you from reddit?

newfag detected, fuck off back to r*ddit

Basically you need to be hot.


looks at rates of suicide of kids whose parents kill themselves. realize that you'd be killing your son by killing yourself.

does she mean she uses instagram to be a literal prostitute and find customers?

With an ass like that I don't care what stupid shit comes out of her mouth

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how do i stop jerking off? i try like 4 or 5 times now, usually make it just a few days and then cave in to the impulse

its destroying my life, i feel like my productivity and ambition would go way up if i could stop but i can't

I don't write nothin' down, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else