Are you ready for it?

1 BCH = .09 BTC
1 BCH = .01 BTC (Q4 2018)
1 BCH = .001 BTC (Q4 2019)

Cashies getting fucked so hard, and they deserve it!


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Do I believe you faggot? Prob not

Attached: meem.png (480x480, 77K)

Numbers don't lie man.

No, but yours do.

Attached: meem1.png (333x450, 207K)

This movie isn't over... They might have crippled BTC but BCH will surprise everyone in the 3rd act...

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Legit truth.

Bch is one of the good alt to hold for long term tho.. but their shill and marketing strategy is literally at shit tier why dont u just become a better crypto rather then tried to shill normie that u are real btc?


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LOL that's all you got bcore fag?


At least post a legitimate argument.
Your name calling is worse than Ver's.

>Can't handle the truth.

>another corecuck makes a bitcoin cash thread
we already won

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Talk shit while you can cucks

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I love seeing this alt suffer

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AHAHA bcashies are so mad and delusional.

Attached: 1533060803557.png (1024x724, 1.1M)

sup fag?
mad cause scamcoin btc is dying?
now fuck off

bcash is the retarded little brother that never grows up because he kills himself

the only thing dying is altcoins and your shitcoin centralized scam - hashrate and price now 9% of Bitcoin; bleeding each day; whilst Bitcoin's dominance is increasing each day.

you fell for the bcash meme HAHAHAHAHA

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>mfw bitcoin cash already broke bitcoins tx per day record

What kind of progress is bcore making besides pointlessly relaying IOUs over a hub and spoke network? Just a matter of time before Bcore is a distant memory

> bcash stress test
> hurr durr bcash broke bitcoins tx per day record
like i said, delusional

everytime BCH falls to a low BTC ratio it has a huge spike

if these fools would be buy when its cheap they would make money

it did break the tx per day record moron. What the fuck are you talking about?

>bcash longer chain
with a fraction of the total work and EDA abuse that caused 100k+ coins to get mined outside distribution consensus
>bcash more tx for one day
what other bone headed arguments are cashies going to latch onto?
it's such a clearly obvious scam that if anyone looked into it for 10 minutes would realize

How does it feel to know bcore has no scaling plan? Enjoy your coin that can manage the txs of a wal-mart self-checkout lane

this is actually what cashies believe?

Ofcourse there's a scaling plan, it's just you morons have no patience.

> Bcash blocksize increase is a TEMPORARY solution as stated by Roger Fag, not a permanent one
> Bcash to implement lightning network once it's released as stated by Roger Fag
> Bcash will never surpass Bitcoin in hashrate + price
> Bcash bleeding like a vagina on a period everyday
> Bitcoin will increase it's blocksize eventually, completely wiping out bcash

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>TEMPORARY solution as stated by Roger Fag, not a permanent one

Roger isn't a dev. He can't Implement anything. JFC corecucks are stupid

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Yeah, he's the CEO, he just tells the bcashies what to implement and they do it, because it's a centralized shitcoin. It's that easy to gain consensus when it's centralized.

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How fucking stupid do you have to be to not realize this was a spam attack?
Cashies are trying to hide this fact calling it a "stress test".

>BCH spam attack
>fees don't rise
>Bcore spam attack
>fees rise through the roof

Corecucks unironically calling their own coin shit

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