ETP portfolio up 200% since last month

> ETP portfolio up 200% since last month
> gf up 25lbs this year
which one do I dump first?

Attached: ETP.jpg (819x779, 112K)

right is better
only low t betas think the left is ideal

Bigger titties tho

Dubs have spoken. My japanese gf is so deliciously thick. Pounded her pussy for a straight hour last night asnher phat ass clappedmon my white cock. You havent made it until you experienced that.


Attached: 1506060486541.jpg (850x1201, 145K)


Any pics of the 12.5lbs state? Might be the ideal.

Fat guy cope.

Fatties are disgusting.

Attached: 12.5lbs-state.jpg (834x350, 98K)

Right is alot better wtf.