How many of you are gobbing up all these cheap bois? Thanks for selling at a loss retards

How many of you are gobbing up all these cheap bois? Thanks for selling at a loss retards

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I’m just waiting for bitcoint to hit 6k so I can finally start buying

I sold my whole stack for tether when BTC was at $5,900.
Got back in 3 days ago with 2k extra. I'm just happy i got my stack back, lol.

I have no choice but to buy more.
Have to DCA this at these stealing prices

You are welcome. Enjoy the ride to zero.

chekkked and kekked

>I’m just waiting for bitcoint to hit 6k

Attached: 7836464.jpg (1200x1600, 686K)


rip op

>ride to zero
for what reason?

Been buying everytime it crashes. Im loving these cheap prices. I have not forgot that feeling that I wish I bought more when ether was still at 170.

I'm selling my link for this don't care what anyone says

I want to be really well fucked.

>Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
>Department of Consumer Affairs
>Drum Corps Associates

just buy more, prices will go back up.

yep. I'm actually thankful for this crazy price drop. Easy fucking money kids.

Was listening to a long format show, Caravan to Midnight, and they had a guy come on. I think he was a remove viewer. He was going on about how light coin would hit 4 digits this year. But what I really took away form him was what I said. Its down right now, when it was at 300 people were wishing they could get it at these prices. So take advantage of it. Crypto is not going away.

How long do you think RLC will stay at these prices?

I'm down my initial investment with it sadly, and I cannot buy any right now which pisses me off, I only have 5300.

RLC has remained relatively stable compare to other coins, especially with how new it is. But if its following the same trends, not long.

Month, 2 months? Bitcoin is peaking for its market share while Ether and shitcoins are at the bottom. Its about to reverse.

Ethers market share has remained also stable even while bitcoin made a huge move. Ether wont sit idle much longer and either will shitcoins.

Here it is. See how little they moved while bitcoin went up? Ether should have been going up which is why its so stable. Someone pumped a ton of money in to bitcoin. Its going to snap eventually, it wants more market dominance.

Attached: market dominance.jpg (1061x445, 72K)

Honest question, why would the market manipulators let some of these coins hit the low, low prices that they are hitting. It seems too easy to buy when it's down here, as I am, I am loading up right now. Why would they let us have the opportunity for such a great buy in price knowing full well where RLC will end up?

I think each time it drops lower, more wallets are created and RLCs gets even more spread while they accumulate

I think there are far more pussies in this market than you realize. It's super speculative, so when people see the V2 selloff still continuing to this day they all abandon ship, leaving riches for smart people at the "bottom". I think we're close. I'm DCAing right now.

They seem low, but if you look at the market cap in terms of what they are delivering and current adoption, most of these coins are/were massively overvalued and this correction makes sense.