What you are about to witness is the biggest coordinated crash of Crypto. Strap in guys and watch the show...

What you are about to witness is the biggest coordinated crash of Crypto. Strap in guys and watch the show. No need for an explanation because it is about to unfold right infront your eyes. Get out of crypto and definitely do not go into USDT. DAI, TUSD or real fiat pairs right now are your only save haven. Good luck anons.

Attached: e7wd9bozoxcz.png (608x656, 412K)

Fuck off pajeet

14 minutes

kys Rakeesh

12 minutes

where were you last month?
altcoins lost nearly 50 billion in value
all thats left are small specs holding bags and market makers trading with themselves

Attached: 1531412654673.jpg (250x247, 6K)

AHAHAHAHAHAH the absolute state of bears

nah I don't think so

10 minutes

I really wonder what you are going to do when nothing happens in 10 minutes.

I should aks what are you going to do in between now and 8 minutes between now to safe your Rupee's.

I genuinely hope something does happen but we both know it is a larp. The only question is why you gave yourself such a sharp deadline.

Waiting to either see OP being a retarded LARP or getting a nice chance to buy cheapu.

Pretty sure I get to see the former but it`s win/win eithera way.

nothing, he will simply stop LARPing and go back to taking his dad's nigger cock

shut the fuck up you stupid dirty pajeet kys


Attached: chaf.png (244x206, 7K)

Trips confirm op is retarded.

So what drives people to make these threads?


The hopes that someone will sell low

having a bbc in your mouth forces you to make faggy threads

wow its fucking nothing

pajeet-tier fud

The fact that people like you reply to them ;)

He’ll come back tomorrow and do it again like he has on every non-crashing day for the last several weeks.