Computer code

>computer code
>literal 1s and 0s
>worth $8000

Attached: IMG_1106.png (750x1334, 1.37M)

congratulations on this. seriously

The amount of electricity this code uses is just wasteful too. Can wait til pow goes the way of the dodo

>literal chains of acid
>infinite worth of human life

>Made of carbon
>worth thousands sometimes millions

b-b-but muh scarcity m-muh digital gold

>computer code
>computer code
>computer code

Attached: 10fzxh.jpg (625x500, 69K)

most of the energy is renewable ya ding dong.


Attached: blog_boomers_header-1.png (800x390, 538K)

>literally meaningless
>OP is still a faggot

Attached: 1510540731067.png (225x224, 51K)

>piece of paper
>literal scraps of dead tree
>worth $100

>rock of gold
>literal chunks of minerals
>worth market price

see how retarded you sound now

>child porn.mp4
>literal 0s and 1s
>worth 15 years in prison

OP visualized

Attached: 1533285891667.png (406x438, 46K)

It's not even code for anything. It's just arbitrary arrangements of 1's and 0's for the sake of being unique arrangements. that's blockchain for you.

>Laughing out out out out out out loud
? Are you mentally retarded?

lmao this so much

>worth $100

Look up purchasing power you mong. It aint worth close to that.

Becoming knowledgeable about crypto is an amazing redpill experience because there are so many people with impressive resumes who talk absolute ignorant shit. High flying financial types making 6 or 7 figures write blog posts that demonstrate that their understanding is literally more rudimentary than mine. It's crazy, really disillusioning.

t. vitalik

>the Mona Lisa
>Literally crushed berries smeared on cloth



85% of humanoids have an IQ lower than 115, which is the barely minimum to be human.
Most professions' mean is lower than that.

>literally atoms

>85% water
>inherently worth anything

>literally required to be alive
>worth nothing
