Do Aussies really do that?

Do Aussies really do that?

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Apparently they do, but if the guy is already dead I am not sure why people are suppose to care. Are they worried he can't use his hands in heaven lmao??

>King of war crimes making this thread

I'm not judging!

but talibans are bad guys and it's not like he cut the hands from somebody who was alive
don't understand the point of that article

reminds me how few weeks back UK soldiers were playing "simulator" (they were playing arma) and for batns one of them shoot some AI civilian
it made national news about muh war crimes even tough it was a fucking game

You have to show respect for the dead, the situation in OP is a violation of the geneva conventions.

families expect full body burials

if your soldiers returned in a casket with hands missing you would wonder as well
they signed up to lose their life it doesn't mean their hands as well, a dead body isn't up to anyone to destroy

i'm sure some taliban would also totaly follow geneva conventions
just like they do in those behading videos

he was terrrorist who was making lives of local population miserable in case you think talibans are loved by other muslims

>i'm sure some taliban would also totaly follow geneva conventions


it is
>his family would feel bad
well what do you tell family of soldier who got beheaded on national TV


Relevant. This kind of bootlicking is why France is a laughing stock.

Not a "human rights" issue though. Its a dead guy he can't use his hands. Its not ancient egypt anymore.

im going to fall back to my man Diogenes for this one

"what do you want us to do with your body when you're dead?"
>just throw me over the city walls
"but then wild animals will eat you"
>then give me a stick to defend myself
"how will you be able to defend yourself if you have no consciousness?"
>if i have no consciousness then why would I care what happens?

"what do you want us to do with your body when you're asleep?"
>just set me over the city walls
"but then wild animals will eat you"
>then give me a stick to defend myself
"how will you be able to defend yourself if you have limited consciousness?"
>if i have limited consciousness then why would I care what happens?

Diogenes was a mega retard.


it doesn't matter whether your opponent follows the rules or not, you do.

the only issue I have with this is 2001-2019 Afghanistan is not a fucking war
Cutting hands off of a corpse at war time would be nothing

>lose the war
>"at least I played by the rules"

Diogenes was a sick cunt and you're a poofter

We need to give that hands a proper burial ok. Hands have feelings too

what a stupid fucking idea
thanks for letting me rape your civilians while you'll do nothing as revenge

the united states has never as policy committed war crimes.

all instances you lot point towards are the subject of propaganda from old adversaries like the soviet union, and indeed the fucking nazis themselves

the use of Agent Orange as a weapon of chemical warfare during Vietnam, circumventing the conventions associated with it through bureaucracy and obfuscation

it is the west that invented "human rights" to get the moral highgroud

it doesn't just becomes irrelevant just because you can't find a good way to prosecute it, nor should you give it up just because the bad guys don't care about human rights

No such thing as a warcrime

A crime is a crime.

abu ghraib? camp x ray at guantanamo bay? sticking japanese americans in concentration camps?

ah yes, you've proven my point with your first reply

it was a defoliant used to remove the vegetation to establish secure fields of view for the perimeter of defensive barriers at US bases of operation and elsewhere, it was not a chemical agent of war against the bodies of our enemies, and you are a giant stupid asshole

you wish those were concentration camps

What a dog, probably "just following orders" as well.
Have no respect for our army, absolutely none. Those pieces of shit actively took it upon themselves to join up with an oppressive military force that has been an extension of the US corporate military industrial complex for ages now. They can fucking rot overseas for all I care; we have no business being over there.

literal grug logic

ah yes because the Vietcong always kindly left the trees before we dropped the rainbow agents so as to stay within the lines of the Geneva convention

>I didn’t mean to shoot him he was just in front of my gun when it went off

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>muh geneva conventions!!1!
>rapes 11 year old Japanese girls
Fuck off Jarhead nigger.

T. Zhang

>it was not a chemical agent of war against the bodies of our enemies
it was and it was also used on your own troops who were assumed to not return, to experiment with its effectiveness.
The US military has been using chemical warfare for decades and has also been testing it on American troops for decades, not just in Vietnam.

You have no idea how much I would enjoy putting a bullet through your head.

>violation of the geneva conventions.
A) The Taliban are not signatories of the Geneva Convention, and are therefore not actually subject to its protections.
B) Even ignoring that, the Taliban void their rights afforded under it due to fighting as non-unifirmed combatants

I can't tell if you're baiting or legitimately retarded.

you should really go back to Jow Forums you fucking crackpot

what the fuck do you think a war is soiman?

what he said sounds about right.
But in any and all cases, fuck islamists with a chainsaw, these vermins should be used as lab rats and their death should be broadcasted in front of mosque.

Sounds a bit like the shit that would be better suited coming out of the mouths of a Hungarian war criminal after Bosnia

Signatories are supposed to abide by the conventions even if their enemies do not. Governs treatment of prisoners under custody and does not require reciprocity.

Human rights are because you're dealing with human beings