1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. Do (You) have any problems with roaches?

1. Kekistani
2. No, last time when I saw a roach was several years ago

Attached: 1557538408512.jpg (1080x1036, 124K)

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I never seen a cockroach irl but I heard they are one of the mightest insects who can survive a nuclear blast and survive a new ice age or volcano explosion.

Oh wait NEVERMIND, scratch that--I used to work in a science lab in the basement and yes there was roaches. And if you left a beaker of water a roach would climb inside and drown. Yikes a roo!

When I went to hawaii they were everywhere. Fucking terrifying, why humans live outside polar circles is beyond me.

I've only seen one roach in my life if we don't count captive ones from pet shops and reptile shows.
It was at a harbour so it probably came from far away.

This, roaches are DIS-GUST-ING

what did erdogan have to say to the people of the phillipines?

Some chinks even eat roaches...ewww

wtf was she bigger than duterte or something


Big enough

Yes, they're everywhere in my part of the country. My b&rp cat kills any that try to get into my apartment tho