w-we have a partnerships guis! dnv gl! supply chain! $14.88 buying opp.
Just buy our fucking bags gweilo.

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO.jpg (447x510, 54K)

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OMG! Can't believe I won ! Thank you VeChain team ! keep doing the great work.

this whole story stinks of attempted price manipulation. A blockchain can’t verify quantitative chemical data— that’s what analytic laboratories are for. Without any kind of verified QC, there’s no way to determine if data submitted to regulators is valid or not. Blockchain can’t do analytic chemistry.

What?! A chinese company being full of shit?! No wayyyy brooooo

That's not what it's for. It traces responsibility, so that if false data is uploaded you can trace back to who did that; it tracks temperature, which is a critical point for maintaining safety of a vaccine; and it tracks history from manufacture to point of sale. Yes, if the factory is loading up a tablet with cyanide and calling it a vaccine it won't test for that but it will tell you which factory was doing it and who signed off on the quality control verification claiming it was not cyanide. As to vaccine safety, most of the issue isn't factories making chemically incorrect stuff, it is either people selling completely fake stuff or that the vaccines are dangerous because they have been improperly stored or allowed to be used when out of date, all of which blockchain tracking resolves.

wow so you're just adding a distributed database to something that would be fine with a regular database? Surely this will be huge.

And the funny part is he is so deluded to think the chinese gov will buy thor on the open market from western neckbeards.

inb4 the novennies hardcope. Can your coin track and verify medical data? Is your coin partnered with a budding superpower? Heh didnt think so sweetheart.

$4 vechain is a dam buying opp

Since the whole need is for the system to be trustless, a regular database obviously wouldn't fulfil that need. But do keep trying.

cryptopher walken lil bitch reported me. KYS faggot

Uhh how is that system trustless if you have to rely on Vechain's sensors? The same point of failure exists only now there's another middleman in the process lol

Sunny needs to introduce more lotteries

Lmaooooo this shit has scam written All over it and people still buy it

Listen up
China has 0 tolerance on any form of crypto
The only crypto that gets traded is in Hong Kong and Macao etc which got different laws and regulations.

Read south China morning post about bitcoin ban and you’d know why they banned it outweight and no they didn’t make an exception for an obscure less than a decade old company

Sunny is a piece of shit lier
Always making up shit lies to promote his shitcoin so that he can unload his bags(how else do you think he hosts all those events, the entire team has been dumping since day one)

Brb buy my shitcoin in the high amounts and not sell and I give you a chance to win free $20 everyday.

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>China hates crypto

dumb gweilo

its funny what happens when vechain cultists can't censor discussion.

If my life was so sad, small and pathetic that my primary source of validation and fulfillment was trolling people on reddit and Jow Forums about a cryptocurrency I don’t even own, I’d prob consider killing myself

But that’s you

yeah, solidifies how big vechain is gonna be
you don't get to see how retarded the fud is on reddit

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Actually user, there are sensors that can actually read simple elements and compounds. If you can figure out a way to make them tamper proof, your good.

I doubt there is currently sensors that can 100% organic chemistry wise test a compound, but were getting there. It won’t be ven though. Buy amb and be rich

Get in or stay poor

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The vechain rottery results are rin revrybody! Ronraturations to revryrody ru rarticirated! Revrybody riz a rinner! VTHOR rill be rewosited into rur rofficial rechain thor rallet immediretwy!

are you seriously copy pasting your leddit comment? All respect lost.

why? explain me how their tech is better than ethereum or zilliqa for example?

It's something you never hear from ICX/WAN/VET/TRON holders, their death is certain, just time it right.

It was a retweet from Shady Lu.