lol what a pathetic being
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He's right ya know
It's what Satoshi wanted, ya know
Oh look someone fighting the current establishment how DARE HE.
Not what satoshi did at all.
I bought a bag of 0xBTC after fudding it for months because this toastfag seems to have the right idea.
Let's see where this shitcoins is at in two years.
> crying that an advertisement site charging fees
> having right ideas
Yea he's not about to play (((Cointelegraph's))) game. You realize that this "news site" literally writes whitepapers for people and then shills it for them? It's a fucking racket. ICO'd tokens are overvalued as fuck, but the rich got out already after using "reputable" media to hype them up. 0xBitcoin is OURCOIN
> Media company offers to write entire whitepapers and audit ICO code
> Works with product team to create marketing plan for maximum media hype
> using ICO funding from retail investors (goys) the dev team pays CoinTelegraph for their services in creating maximum hype.
> Retail investors literally just hand over millions to the media companies and core devs.
> Core devs dump their shitcoin during hype phase and profit off of retail investors, who genuinely thought the media companies had their best interest in mind.
The 0xBitcoin community is not going to be fucking Jew'ed like this. 0xBitcoin exists is part because people were tired of being Jew'ed by ICO scams anyway, which are all hyped by the media for maximum dev profit.
Infernal_toast is right, and he's doing exactly what Satoshi would have done. You can't possibly defend this bullshit cycle of the media scamming investors on purpose while pretending to be impartial.
Hey. I own 0xBTC but I’m making an ICO for bitcoin mining.
Not all ICOs are bad
I think it's clear that this cooperation between shady dev teams and media agencies like CoinTelegraph has created an ICO market in which the retail investor is destined to be screwed over. I'm not saying ICO's are all scams, but the VAST majority of them are overvalued due to artificial hype.
Media in theory should have a responsibility to objectivity, and if asked they would claim that they provide objectivity. Unfortunately it's very clear that this is all a lie and MANY ICO projects are just pump and dump scams, with CoinTelegraph taking the lead.
0xBTC holders are even more delusional than linkies.
Not really faggot
cucktelegraph BTFO
Checked and true
Not true
The short term gains would have been nice, but damn man for the long term sticking to principles like that is what makes 0xBTC the best fucking coin. The real deal.
0xbtc fuck all dem scam defs i rather loose all my money too 0x then too them other shits
I just want everyone in this thread to know that if you're invested in a coin with an ICO, you likely bought at a deliberately overinflated value. You have been mislead, sometimes directly by news agencies like cointelegraph. And by the way, the devs won't say anything about that. This shit happens all over the place. Enjoy getting dev ICO funds dumped on your ass. Only pure mined coins and tokens are immune from this bullshit.
only a pajeet would use an avatar like that
curry brown skin, typical pajeet cartoonish design
i got reqtd etc pp no more all in in 0xbtc if it dont work its ok at least i dont put my money in french devs ass... miners are more sympathic then all these scam artist
This is what FUD against 0xBitcoin looks like. Due to the strong fundamentals and fully transparent code, this is the best people can come up with.
BTW it's called a cryptopunk there are thousands of these avatars all over the internet
if I called signatum or panda a shitcoin would I be fudding too?
muh mining muh no ico or premine
nigga this ain't nothing fucking new
late adopter trash there's been countless pow scam shitcoins that only exist so the early Miners can shill and dump and run off with their free btc
how is this any different?
btw tell me more about this "anonymous side chain"
no were just tired off all this bullshit crypto
I'm done with forced narrative of ICO's. This system isn't sustainable for a future industry. What made crypto currency great was the fact "work" is needed even if just running a bunch of math equations IT'S BETTER than NO WORK AT ALL.
Are Panda and Signatum erc20 tokens? If they run on their own chain then they don't offer anything useful to the crypto space since there are already more established blockchains. 0xBitcoin is on the Ethereum network, meaning that it can serve as a store of value WITHIN Ethereum. It has advantages over BTC and other established coins (LTC, BCH, etc) since it is smart contract compatible and can be swapped on decentralized exchanges. It further has advantages over the Ether token since it is deflationary, scarce, and has transparent monetary policy (eg we know 0xBitcoin has a 21 mil token cap, but to this day have no idea how inflationary Ether will become).
The Ethereum blockchain has literally over 50 billion dollars in wealth stored in it right now, with 40 billion of that being stored in an inflationary token not unlike the USD. It makes no sense, so either people are going to start pulling their money out of Ethereum in general or move their Ethereum based wealth to a token that's more suitable for the purpose.
im tired of you
coins with their own chain are inheritly worth more than piggy back tokens
in jan even dead shitcoins from 2013/2014 were pumping purely because they still had their own chain and could still be used
muh erc token... not a very good shill point and it doesn't change the facts
I'm not sure why it's relevant that they have their own chain. 0xBitcoin has a functioning chain as long as Ethereum exists. It actually adds security to 0xBitcoin to be an ERC20 token since it is immune from death spiral and 51% attacks. The hashrate could go down to literally 0 and 0xBTC would still be transfered as long as Ethereum exists.
Don't you think that a deflationary and scarce asset is a better store of value than an inflationary token with no cap?
i.e. mining this shitcoin serves absolutely no purpose
Actually it is going to be used for off-chain relayer governance for the Lava network. 0xBitcoin is the first programmable mining chain, with the miners able to delegate arbitrary events like picking who relays these packets. This is not unlike how Bitcoin mining decides which miner chooses the transactions to include in the block.
Also even without this, mining serves the purpose of forcing people to put in work if they want the token. It makes for a much stronger currency than if distribution was through centralized means like ICO, airdrop, or faucet.
it really isn't and the only reason you think otherwise is because of those massive bags youre holding
>muh eth doesn't have a fixed supply
yeah and? monero doesn't either but it's not fiat tier and you are using it in a disingenuous manner to shill your shitcoin
there is nothing centralized about an ico or air drop
in fact I'd go as far to say that an ico with contribution caps is more fair distribution than mining as not everyone can afford decent mining equipment and keep spending to stay competitive as difficulty increases
3rd worlders with $100 to their name would benefit more from icos and air drops than competing with million dollar mining farms
prove me wrong I fucking dare you
What really isn't?
And you're moving the goalposts a bit. A store of value has to be more than just "not fiat tier", it has to be deflationary and have scarcity. At the VERY least it has to have transparent rules about its monetary policy. We literally do not know to this day how inflationary Ether could even potentially be since it hasn't been decided yet.
> an ICO with contribution caps
Oh, you mean an ICO that makes whales set up multiple wallets to circumvent the issue? Or an ICO that requires KYC? Because there is no such thing as a decentralized contribution cap...
And you really think that a dev team holding upwards 20% of the token supply is not centralized? You think it's fair that in many cases insiders have pre-ico sale options?
> air drop
Let's not forget that air drops simply reward those who happen to have accounts on the right exchanges or those who happen to have more wallets or those who happen to have more money in those wallets. The decision on who gets these tokens is up to the central team that granted THEMSELVES all the tokens upon creation.
If you can't see why PoW distribution is the only one that can't be gamed by cheap tricks, and why these cheap tricks reward a core group of individuals leading to centralization, then idk what to tell you.
If everyone decided to stop mining 0xbtc, we could hardcap the max supply at 2mil or whatever it is. And go on transacting as usual because ethereum keeps the ledger, and 0xbtc does fuck all. The token should be a deterministic reward for propagating the network. 0xbtc is just a cute distribution method, the fact that it requires work is pretty arbitrary. You could just airdrop to random ethereum wallets and have the same effect as making people work for it.
>The token should be a deterministic reward for propagating the network
Why "should" this be the case? 0xBitcoin's network is propagated by Ethereum.
What is it about the "propagation of a network" that is relevant to the storing of value? Gold is a huge global store of value asset, and the mining of it does nothing to "secure" the transfer of this gold, nor does it "secure" the atomic composition that proves it is in fact gold. I'm just not really getting why the fact that 0xBTC mining does not secure a ledger somehow impacts its value as a store of value. 0xBTC still is scarce and deflationary.
When people mine on bitcoin, the work serves the important role of demonstrating that you are offering an accurate record of transactions, and the reward is given in exchange for the honesty. The btc doesn’t arbitrarily have value. It’s value is backed by confidence in the transaction record, which it is intrinsically linked to. When you buy 0xbtc, you’re saying “I’m confident that Ethereum is keeping an accurate record of the 0xbtc transactions”. Literally the only thing valuable about 0xbtc is it has a fixed supply, if Eth forks to a fixed coin supply, 0xbtc becomes worthless immediately
ethereum classic has a supply cap doesn't it? so 0xbtc is literally already useless
Keep in mind all of this doesn't change the fact that Ether has been centralized through an ICO, and it is transitioning to PoS, which rewards those who already hold more Ether. I'm really not talking about some crazy hyper-ideologically backed idea here...
The fact that Ether is a bad currency is nothing new, and has been stated by Vitalik, Vlad, and other high profile devs from the beginning. Ethereum NEEDS a better currency on its platform.
ETC can't be used in Ethereum smart contracts... I don't really think you're understanding here. Ethereum needs a store of value asset because there is lots of wealth stored in Ethereum. Right now Ether is doing this job, but (as seen above) many people think that it's doing a very shitty job.
eth is not centralized
flat out lying doesn't give your shitcoin a use case
Upon creation of Ethereum, 100% of the tokens were owned by a central entity. That central entity made decisions on its own about the distributional method of Ether, and then profited off of its distribution. This means that it is centralized.
No, 0xBTC faggots know it's a scam are just want you to buy their bags. Linkies don't.