Anti-gay thread: A final solution the gay question on Jow Forums

Greetings true friends. As many of you know gayposters and beyata leftists have invaded this board, posting their boypussies and stomachs, often coupled with animated Japanese comic images commonly referred to as anime.

It has recently come to my knowledge that Janny is one of them. How do I know this? It's obvious. He always lets their threads stay up for hours. How do we stop the beyata leftist faggots from destroying this glorious board?

Attached: bröderna5.webm (614x718, 2.19M)

have sex

That webm is gayer than anything those gayposters post.

My suggestion is that we report each and every one of them until they are so exhausted that they simply can't take it anymore. The worms that have crawled their way into power on this board will finally be smoked out. Fuck faggots.

Attached: northern brothers.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

Have sex, Mohammed

t. beyata leftist quivering in fear from seeing sons of Evropa engaging in regular heterosexual activities like exercise

beyata leftist

Attached: bröderna3.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Imagine having a sexual indentity this fragile, lol

>fuck faggots

Attached: 1232174.jpg (283x259, 35K)

All these faggots need is manly activities like weight lifting. If they lift weights and spend large amounts of time in the gym and in the woods with other muscular men we can cure their faggotry.

quiet faggot

Attached: bröderna2.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

>Fuck faggots

Attached: 1557474243429.jpg (300x250, 15K)