China is colonizing Pakistan and Africa. What are Europeans doing?
China is colonizing Pakistan and Africa. What are Europeans doing?
me on the left
You should know damn well what actual colonisation looks like, retard.
Kek his smug face cracks me up
damn, even bush niggers roll their eyes at chinamen
why are you making a joke out of this? colonization is never okay... and those girls look like theyre still children...
Damn that kid looks like he knows what's going on there.
you to faggot you are colonizing Australia right
You are stealing the Native Peoples land
The strong will always find a way to exploit the weak in some way or another, that's been the case since the beginning of civilization
>colonization is never okay
according to you and only you
Being colonized by Pakistan and Africa
STOP exploiting US.
Seeing as how it produces shitholes like Brazil, I’d say it’s pretty bad.
maybe you should start with going back to said continent
there is no need for this. all this exploiting of developing countries is only to maximise profit. it is sickening. investment and aid is okay but i see none of that in the op picture...
i think many will agree with me that there has never been justification for colonizing anything, especially in modern times
Looks as if that asian was hunted by those girls for their dinner
I will after I get proper education in Germany, im here to study :) I will go back and improve my country.
I wish that were me(in the middle)
Other way around.
if colonization was good, why Brazilians exist ?
Didn’t realise Chinese sex trafficking in Pakistan was a thing.
>degrading women for a photo
so the chinese are the pakis of pakistan
Those who know, are getting ready.
It’s a thing. Turns out when you have millions of extra men they do unsavory things for sex in foreign countries.
>for a photo
You know it’s much worse than that.
on a serious note, where do I find more images of naked african ladies(not disgusting muttified americans)
>why are you making a joke out of this? colonization is never okay...
>and those girls look like theyre still children...
look for "himba" girls
what is wrong with you? you really support exploitation of minors, especially when they are already so vulnerable living in developing countries?
Macaco, are you stupid.
> for a photo
If only, user.
Sending the runts of our society to China as English teachers to breed Chink women
>and those girls look like theyre still children...
I can't tell the age of blacks for the life of me
Not really. They do things openly. Pic related: Chinese engineer jumping on Pakistan police Jeep demanding access to prostitutes
their hair are made of shit wtf
>what is wrong with you? you really support exploitation of minors, especially when they are already so vulnerable living in developing countries?
the chinese are just improving africas genepool, nothing wrong with that
if you are against colonization you are against your own existence
not breeding with a(ids)nimals
look for another tribe then
>if you are against colonization you are against your own existence
Yes, I am against my own existence, how could you tell?
kys then you product of colonization
Sounds like interracial breeding grounds for me.
Are you afraid of chinksissy dick? Lmao.
truly iron brothersTM
I will, but not before moving to the US and taking as many creaturas and whit*s (if such a thing even exists in Unitedstatesia in the first placed) I can before committing suicide by cop.
>Pakistan is having problems with Asian sex gangs
>Chinese/African mutts
With the American mutt empire to the west and now a african/chinese mutt empire rising in the east, muts will truly inherit the earth like the Neanderthal/Homo sapiens bastard did before them.
calm down, dont do anything stupid
No, user, I am not doing anything stupid, deep in my heart, I know I'm doing the right thing, this is justice, and my actions are its instrument.
The face of "I gave these bitches food. Bitches love food."
are you serious?
Based. Punting is a human right desu.
absolutly BASED
wow a fucking comment from an american
Good luck with that. I met a guy that came here to do the same thing and now he’s ranting about jungle niggers that don’t want to improve anything.
>you are against your own existence
But I’m not wh*Te?
>chinese doing a colonization 2.0 in africa and latin america
>chinese moving in herds to south korea and japan
>chinese already have a considerable population and still more are going to western countries
>it is easier to find a chinese from the mainland than a local here
By the way, they are creating nice films too and now I prefer to watch chinese movies instead of western liberal propaganda.
>ywn be chilling in the sun with your harem of African qts
Feels bad man
i was talking to the colombian rapebaby not you
>breasts that big
>"still children"
Extremely based and redpilled.
There was a cool Congo guy in my college . I thought he graduated but recently I went there and he came to write exams too
illegal logging sounds like greedy africans
tax evasion and debt is indolent/cynical african administrations
multinational companies also invest in Africa otherwise there would be no profits
etc. etc.
ban foreign investment and close borders, ???, success
The weak should fear the strong
Says the one eternally living off EU gibs.
when anglos did this kind of pictures at least they were 2x as tall as the negresses, this is embarrassing
literally google images
holy based
found the underaged
Honestly, this is probably their best shot at evolving. Mixing chinks and nigs would help improve brain function for them.
Based colombian chad
Europe is still massively involved in Africa financially, for example british businesses are massive in West africa
>Honestly, this is probably their best shot at evolving
Which one?
Based and good luck
What bit are you from?
>steals information and resoruces from germany and takes them to africa
stop colonizing us!!!!! stop extracting resources that place could have gone to a local!!!!!
rubbery-lipped, hypocritical cunt
Then why do you live in a country founded and built by a Chink colonist?
t. virgin that's not going to improve his country
and now china is getting flooded with africans this is the after effects of colonialism
It is colonizing Shri lanka most effectively. They have literally got Hambantota Port and surrounding thousands of acres of territory under their control for 99 years in lease. They have akso reclaimed land to build Colombo Port City who's 270 acre part will be given to China, out of which it will get 220 acres for 99 years lease while it will get 20 acres forever to keep.
*It will get 50 acres for forever
So now that Trump's tariffs are crashing China's economy with no survivors...
Good on you lad. Half the problem is the brain drain from poor countries to Western countries.