This is what calls you "not-white"

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el goblino...

Americans shooting census workers suddenly makes a whole lot more sense.

fuck you mutts we are not whiteys we are african BVLLS

To be fair, only 1% of the white population is from a MENA region, and the arabs want their own racial category. The bigger issue are the millions of mestizos and quadroons who call themselves white.

Italy has pretty apparent MENA admixture

There is a noticeable genetic difference between Sardinians, Northern Italians and Southern Italians. People from the North seem to be close to the French population, while those from the South overlap with Balkan and other southern European populations.[4][8][9][10] Yet, the genetic distance between Northern and Southern Italians, although pretty large from a single European “nationality” point of view, is only roughly equal to the one between Northern Germans and Southern Germans.


It's the other way round. MENA has Italian admixture.


due to Neolithic migrations southern Italians "show a higher similarity with Middle Eastern and Southern Balkan populations than northern ones; conversely, northern samples are genetically closer to North-West Europe and Northern Balkan groups"

Molecular anthropology found no evidence of significant northern European geneflow into the Italian peninsula over the last 1500 years. On the other hand, the bulk of Italian ethnogenesis occurred prior to Germanic or non-European invasions. DNA studies show that only the Greek colonization of Southern Italy had a lasting effect on the local genetic landscape.[13][14]

Southern Italians have more CHG than northern Italians, while Sardinians have more EEF than northern italians.

Every European is a mix of Anatlolian Farmers, HG and Yamnaya steppe people

They studies are retard.
Is not like Europe were all thing are scientifically confirmed.

All false
Kill yourselves

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Talking about quadroon shit, if I do one of those mail order genetic tests, what percentage of BBC would make me technically any of those categories ?

My family on both parents sides were always pretty fair in features, but since we monkes are pretty mixed and there's a hint of many ethnic groups in one person's face at time, it gets complicated to put into a classification.

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Cretins who think in terms of "white" and "non-white" need to be removed from the genepool.
This thread belongs on Jow Forums and you belong six feet under.

Those are big.

I'm white

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I wonder who could be behind this post

its right though. if anything its not inclusive enough.

Then use the term Caucasian (which I myself prefer) instead of the cultureless historicless "white"

Its patently false
Are you Chechnyan, ingush, Georgian, or Armenian?

id rather not sound like a nerd
europoor cope, you're not special

>be removed from the genepool
This post belongs on Jow Forums, shame on you!

Since when I found the term on F3 I fell in love with it

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