Trevon James Subpoenaed and due to appear in court in front of SEC


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who cares, he is clueless, he is just a scapegoat if ever anything comes up

See a nigger.
Put the nigger in a cage.
Call it a day.

>it was real in my mind ya honor

See a jigaboo.
Put the jigaboo in wooden crate in the ocean and push it toward Africa.
Call it a day

why this guy always looks as if he is about to have a dick in his mouth?

fuck. imagine hooking up with a black chick and having this come out.

What the fuck did he do? Can you really get in trouble just for saying, "invest in this, it might go up?"
Land of the free my ass

For the love of god I hope they finally lock up Craig Grant. I honestly don't care what they do to Trevon, just put Craig behind bars for good!

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No he was also giving out referral codes. Which means that he was going to profit out of his scam. Whether he knew if bitconnect was a scam or not does not matter. He referred others and made money from it.

when jail

he didnt say it might go up. he literally shilled a ponzi and to invest if you want to make millions and become rich

There's a bunch more to it, but they were pretty high up in the bitconnect food chain.

It was: Bitconnect Leadership -> Glenn Arcayo -> Craig Grant -> Trevon James Brown

They weren't just promoters. That said, promoting a ponzi is illegal in the United States.

>Can you really get in trouble just for saying, "invest in this, it might go up?"
yes if you're making money off it

Ah, alright. Makes more sense then.

>That said, promoting a ponzi is illegal in the United States.
What if you didn't know it was a ponzi? That's a little fucked, but whatever. Glad I never promote anything, I don't want anyone I know to make it besides me

Yup, still illegal.

ignorantia legis neminem excusat
(Latin for "ignorance of law excuses no one")

all these armchair lawyers on youtube thought he was going to jail the first time and literally nothing happened. they just took the mony he made from the scam and let him go. thats literally all they want. money. only poor people go to jail.

That's for a judge to decide.

The question he will ask is: would anyone in his right mind assume bitconnect was NOT a ponzi.

I'm pretty sure everyone, especially people who are not in crypto, would say it was a clear ponzi.

he was giving referral codes and making videos to hype it, he was essentially advocating and endorsing the platform and giving financial advice

he will go to prison

Not an American, but I'm pretty sure the American constitution is not there so you can do whatever the fuck you want. It's there, so you have the right to do whatever you want, unless it infringes on others rights.

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I've been following this drama since before it imploded. He's been served, twice subpoenaed, and named as a defendant in roughly 3(?) civil suits, so far.

Recently they made him give up all his bitcoin wallet addresses, and odds are that "hack" that happened to him was all bullshit to avoid paying taxes. He'd still have to pay them, he's just not very smart.

Tons of stuff has happened, just no jail time yet.

I have to wonder if he knew, or was literally just a dumb nigger.

hilariously stupid. thats good for today, no more posting

Why not both?

Promoting a ponzi is not illegal. Ponzis are not illegal.

Fraud is though, the question is, didn't everyone know Bitconnect was a ponzi. Yes, they did.

No one is going to jail over this because there was no fraud

Anyone that listened to this guy and lost money to bitconnect deserves it. He should get a medal for promoting financial Darwinism and helping greedy idiots lose their money. He's a hero in my book

caveat emptor

>got a supposed subpoena through a phone call

Yeah, no

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this is how i see it as well. If you can spoof/layer legally, surely shilling is legal as well? I dont think they will have anything on him and he is a hero in my books as well proving retards and their money are soon parted. I'm rooting for him. Serious 21st pair chromosome club candidates to those who were apart of the most laughable shit I have ever witnessed in my life outside of MLM scams.

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does it have to be in person like in the movies? In australia you can get served over facebook... are you sure?

you get a letter, he probably got prank called and being the brainlet he he is believes it's actually real, or he's just trying to gain relevance by spreading a fake story

>going to testify, and essentially put your admission on guilt on record


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If the SEC in investigating cryptocurrency to determine if it is a scam or not, it seems reasonable to interview people related to scammy crypto ventures as a part of that process. Where is anyone getting anything about going to prison? I didn't think the SEC was part of the judicial.

Oh most definitely, but i do think there needs to be protections to prevent this kind of abuse.

righto. attention whore. what a dumb fuck... drawing attention to a legal smoking one way or another is the height of stupidity. who paints a target on their back to waste time? oh...this jig...

This. A lot of aryan Jow Forumsacks are really salty that a nigger pulled this off while they were circlejerking over worthless alts lmao


Any mechanism to prevent abuse will be abused.

if you dont know what youre promoting then youre fucking stupid

I don't support people getting fined/locked up for scamming people but that's funny.

Trevon is a piece of shit and deserves to go down for what he did, but that being said he didn't do anything differently than tons of other people. I guess he was just dumb enough to attach his own face and identity to his pyramid scheme / exit scam.

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