
/Hungarians are mongoloids/ edition

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Can’t figure this chick out, turned me down from making out two days ago now she’s inviting me out to a concert.

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I miss last summer

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twoja skora pachnie jak ostatnie dni wakaci

I want to go collect more amber

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You search for it with a uv light?

yes, and special glasses, with those amber looks like bright yellow piece of illuminating plastic

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Hoe come there's so much amber by the sea, especially on baltic sea coast? Isn't it that amber comes from tree resin?

Its very old

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What is the value of amber per kg?

ancient tress got flooded and/or fell into the water
reminder that the baltic used to be a mere lake and before that it was probably dry land

I will ask bf when he wakes up, he is from Gdansk

>tfw ebony fever
help me bros, black women don't even look at me

Makes sense

nvm I found this zadluzenia.com/ile-kosztuje-kilogram-bursztynu/

>ebony fever

did you find any with fossil?

brb booking a ticket to Gdansk, finally my useless advanced open water diving certification will come in handy.

>fridge in bikini


sadly no but maybe one day
noice, I could recommend u some nice places to visit

I dont wear bikini, meds made me a chub chub, I need to lose some kgs first. I used to be skinny. Fuck. Anyhow, tomorrow gym

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sup queers
i'm still in the market for a slutty czech gf

how much did you gain becaus of them?

uh I dont even want to mention it. More than 10.

by allah you people shouldn't be allowed to breed

I dont want to breed, I barely take care of myself and I dont want to raise more miserable schizos

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what aboub baby?

there is no baby and there wont be any in near future at least

maybe with new medications you'll get in shape again easily :)

>noice, I could recommend u some nice places to visit

Tell me where the amber flows

Maybe. Anyhow Im going to gym and Im on a diet, no more junk food, my metabolism is rn too slow for this.

Go to Sobieszewo, it has nice and long beach, we could meet there. Lots of amber.

v4 seems to be full of fatties

I failed 165 kg and now I'm very sad.

fridge unironically sounds like that one crazy town NPC that's always in RPG games which gives you a quest


i am one, that's for sure, although it's a fairly new experience for me too
the other days i was showering and i slid the soap between my ass cheeks to clean it
then out of curiosity i let go of it and it didn't drop
my ass is so big my ass crack can swallow a soap

lmao I do? Oh
carry on friend

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don't tell Tramislav pls, i don't want to be raped

165 kg squat I was going to try today, I failed.

5'10" and 170lbs here, feels good to not be a fatty but also not a skinnyfag

Im sorry

Test post pls ignore

>170 lbs
Translate these barbarian units for me please

Your quest would be to collect amber on the beach and bring it to you
fuck if I ever make an RPG i'm putting you in

oh cool
I used to play a lot of RPGs, like Vampire and DnD and Neuroshima. I liked Neuroshima most

a storm is coming

Test 2


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Fuck rip my phone's brain


better fat than manlet

i'm a bit of a mall ninja but i never wore milsurp shit publicly, because i thought it'd be cringy
lately i started wearing camouflage pattern t-shirts because i realized they break up my silhouette really well

Rain is gone

as well as my will to live

pls live


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Is he posting here?

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What are your thoughts on having an affair with a married woman?

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I would rather not do that. If you want to sleep around go single.

You are engaging in having sex with a woman who has taken vows to be a form a family with another man. Also there's a risk of being murdered if it goes south. Not worth it.

>people should divorce and end up single in their 30s/40s/50s just so they can have a little bit of fun on the side

Do people really do that? Seems like cheating is practically the norm these days.

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what a time to be alive

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based if you gonna make her pregnant and let the cuck raise and pay for your offspring.

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>Seems like cheating is practically the norm these days.

It seems like the norm because you don't hear about the marriages where both couples are happy and neither cheat. Because what kind of news would that be, you do hear about the cheating that happens because it is scandalous.

It is definitely on the rise, I think until something is done less and less men are going to engage in marriage. There is a reason why rates are declining.

Then they should not enter marriage if they cant be faithful
Being slut for women is incredibly easy, just open tinder.


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shame olympics made a new law. I would love to see man dabbing on women at olympics level.

We aided the wrong side. Sieg Heil!


and now dessert

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whats that?

Polenta and fried pig

>that bowl of stolen jam packets
confirmed cygan


Sending my power to aid the summoning.

looks like easter food

it was easter last week and I've told my chef to bring me only traditional Romanian food

the only bad thing about is this place that it's not recommended to leave the village


bears niggy, they are literally everywhere

eloings frens

My bashful future maid, how are you today? You fave slut is feeling great.


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ottoni is a shit-tier waifu

holy fuck you just discovered america

Don't be baka cutie, there is enough of my love to go around ;)


I need to cuddle with a cute girl

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> I need to cuddle with a cute girl
> posts plastic sloots

they make my peewee tingle nonetheless

hello ; 3



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i change my mind. ottoni is healthier than average american

How you doing tramito, how was the tram today, if you worked today that is