His country doesn't border 2 oceans

>his country doesn't border 2 oceans

Attached: 1465738792460.png (327x316, 188K)

>his """""""""""country""""""""""" has only 1 timezone

Attached: golden lel.png (600x580, 572K)

>his country is only in 1 continent

Attached: 1555602401088.png (330x274, 2K)

>his country doesn't have borders with two nuclear superpowers who wants you dead

But Turkey is 100% European

That sounds awful, though.

3 oceans here bitch

>his country doesn't border two oceans, have 12 different timezones and have lands in 5 different continents

Attached: 1554957157731.jpg (680x680, 53K)

>forgetting about Alaska

Same. OP the retard forgot Alaska exists

>That sounds awful, though.
Pls help us