> Be me > Wagecucking at a shitty office job with lots of two faced losers > One day notice that there are tire valve stem caps on the ground near my car > Don't think anything of it > Weeks pass, notice them several times > Get paranoid > Check my vehicle > The caps belong to my vehicle > I suspect two possible coworkers even though its a big parking lot > Find out the intial coworker I suspected also had something done to their car that broke something (don't believe its him) > Talk to security but it seems nothing can be done even with security cameras because "it'd be too dark too see from that distance" > Bs if I can see a person's figure that can be a large advantage considering the degenerates body type is rare > The other coworker I suspect is one whose clearly a degenerate and in his 40's > One thing in common with me and the intial suspect is that the degenerate mocks both of us and attempts dominance tactics > Notice that in prior times the degenerate has taken an interest in my car, bringing it up in conversation > Eventually connect the dots that he is likely the perpatrator
What can I do? Gonna try to get info from other guy.
Had someone do this to be but left the right side ones on and my car kept pulling left into oncoming traffic.
Austin Gonzalez
Only the ones the side hidden from others better were removed.
Noah Thompson
just ask him up front and look him angry in the eye, if he twitches you deliver a full blow to his chin.
Asher Thomas
What the fuck does this have to do with biz fg8?
Nobody cares about your shitty life
Colton Russell
>What can I do?
Let the universe serve him his karmic fate, which will be 10x worse than whatever you can dish out.
Mason Allen
Post some hidden cam, film it get the guy fired.
Gabriel Johnson
Also if you ever have food in the office (Mexican or something ) add some laxatives in his coffee.
Did this to a co-worker who was talking bad about me behind my back. The guy literally shitted himself in his pants. Everybody blamed the Mexican food kek
Christian Perry
That is fucked up. Fucking with someone's food is not cool even if he is an enemy. It is on the same low level as fucking with another man's car. You have a problem you confront the problem - not petty bs like spiking someone's drink.... ffs
Ian Murphy
stfu pussy
Joshua Nguyen
Lmao valve stem caps who gives an actual fuck it was probably some kid, kids love taking off valve caps
1.) subtlety mention it to him ("if i find the fucking faggot that keeps taking my valve caps off, i'm gonna ream my big fat cock in his faggot ass") 2.) ask him 3.) don't ask him, just start beating his ass and tell him if he fucks with your valve caps again, you'll fucking kill him.
whats a shraeder valve diameter ? 2-3mm ? get a bearing of that diameter and put it in the cap of one or all of his tyre valve caps and screw it back in lightly to allow the air to escape gradually whilst he is on his way home. make sure to wear gloves. you will need them for later when you follow him on his way home. wait till he pulls over unable to continue. he gets out. double tap to the head and one in the chest. your car will never have this issue again.
Jayden Rogers
I remember a story were someone was working over night stock at target. Someone kept stealing his food out of the fridge. First he thought nothing of it. Then got a zippered container with his name on it. They still keep doing it. So he made some brownies and loaded them with laxatives.
Quickly that night the guy found it there were two people eating his food.
Henry King
Fuck off with that kike shit.
Colton Perry
Wifi on Wifi off
Jack Turner
>not spiking it with laxatives and weed to make them shit their pants and get fired for substance abuse