Incels will NOT make it

You guys need to read "The Millionaire Next Door"

They all have one woman they've ever been married to and that woman is the reason most of them are still rich. They are the value seekers you fucking incel faggots. Find a decent girl, red pill the shit out of her and grow with her. It's the only way to make it you stupid fucking retarded nigger faggot fat virgin fucks.

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I have one but shes fat, what do. Im close to leaving her for a skinny thot

Show her about snake juice fasting and say "HEY FATTY!!" every time you see her

I have a model gf (75k insta followers) it’s not worth it. They are mad expensive. At this point I’m stuck but stay with your meh girl and mold her how you like

Feed your Braphog less food you idiot

Incels have already given up on life and blame everyone and everything else for their problems. That’s why they’re bitter and actually call themselves incels. They’re not incels because they’re ugly—they’re incels because they suck as people.

heavy roastie post


so true

Meant for

>red pill a woman
Illegal in Massachusetts

Nice to see cuckolds are still here. I thought you guys left with the Jow Forums shills

>it's over
>le blackpill
These are buzzwords only the greasiest of non-whites would use. Here's a thought: go back where you came from and get an arranged marriage you greasy streetshitters.

>gf ate ramen, bulk chicken, bulk porkchops, and protein powder with me for two years so that we could save 90 cents on every dollar that didn't go to bills
>tfw I told her that I was going to make a risky investment
>tfw she said that she trusted me and wanted to be with me because she believed that I was "always looking ahead for something greater"
>tfw all in on LINK with our life savings

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I am a 6'4 ginger. Talk shit about that now, incel.


checked and jealous

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oh shit rekt!


My gf is 12 get rekt and I'm doubled her age

Must be getting late in the UK, go to sleep.

Get her into exercise and eating properly you moron. OP said redpill, that includes the diet jew and fitness jew. She probably thinks it's her "glands" or some shit. Cure her of that. When you work out, take her along. Maybe have a separate session just for her, so you can still lift with bros on other days. Once she's into it, she can get into yoga and general female specific exercises. I actually got mine into BJJ topkek, so now she can probably fight better than I can (too busy working to roll much) and she's a lot more survivable. Feminist landwhales btfo vs combat training trad wives.

or just get yourself a qt azn waifu
white women are trash

I'm a boomer now having kids way too old. My biggest regret in life is not marrying young BUT I'm from the UK where I was brainwashed (As all the West is) that marriage is boring and sad and oppressive and free people are footloose and fancy-free singles. Its BULLSHIT being single is shit and bouncing between partners is soul destroying. Here's the problem though the women you find in the West are often just as badly brainwashed so you got a couple of options.

1. Marry a sincere Christian women you find in church OR

2. Go to Asia and some other more traditional conservative societies and find a wife there.

IF you don't when you try to marry in Western society you are just as likely to end up fucked by their belief they need to be single again and fucking someone else or with some late 30's woman struggling with infertility. The picture is all bad.

This is my father advice to my young children here. If you heed this warning it will make 100% difference to your life. Marriage is awesome but you got to get way from shitty cultures that push going clubbing in your fucking 30's is actually a fun way to live...ITS NOT. You will do a million times more with your life as a married the right woman.

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i tried. she left me after 5 years to bang other dudes. trying again but its hard.

Goto gym to get her.
Eat health fully.
Make it.jpg

tfw shortstack chubby gf

1st of all, the book was written in the 90s and the millionaires were already in their 40s and 50s. the left has since destroyed society so good luck finding a marriage-worthy woman today vs decades ago. pro tip: you can't

2nd, being married and not divorced was mentioned as a common factor but not 100% required.

fucking brainlet. MGTOW is truth

I'm married for 9 years I make 100k and she makes 110k and my family is poor and hers has money. honestly if you don't marry someone that makes at least as much as you do or even better more than you do it's a bad investment

You sound like a pathetic faggot and I don’t blame her for forgetting you exist



That's true. Behind every successful man, there's a woman. But behind every downfall of man is also a woman.

link us up bizbro



>pink ID

Why do you fags BTFO yourselves like this?

>Being this poor that you demand your wife makes as much as you do

lmao... just.... lmao

Ignoring my advice is pathetic. U think i made this shit up basement boy?