Incels will NOT make it

You guys need to read "The Millionaire Next Door"

They all have one woman they've ever been married to and that woman is the reason most of them are still rich. They are the value seekers you fucking incel faggots. Find a decent girl, red pill the shit out of her and grow with her. It's the only way to make it you stupid fucking retarded nigger faggot fat virgin fucks.

Attached: woah hold up.jpg (1257x764, 76K)

I have one but shes fat, what do. Im close to leaving her for a skinny thot

Show her about snake juice fasting and say "HEY FATTY!!" every time you see her

I have a model gf (75k insta followers) it’s not worth it. They are mad expensive. At this point I’m stuck but stay with your meh girl and mold her how you like

Feed your Braphog less food you idiot

Incels have already given up on life and blame everyone and everything else for their problems. That’s why they’re bitter and actually call themselves incels. They’re not incels because they’re ugly—they’re incels because they suck as people.

heavy roastie post


so true

Meant for

>red pill a woman
Illegal in Massachusetts