I freaking love science!

> I freaking love science!
> what’s that? the science says there’s racial differences in IQ?
> erm, uhhh..... better invent a new (((science))) called sociology to explain it!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw we have a sociology university and they spew that shit 24/7

yep this place is doomed

>I freaking love science!
I remember when this was a thing people used to say all the time and what they meant was random facts about space and deep sea octopi. They didn't even know the first think about the scientific method. I'm not even that into science but this always made me just rage. I can't even imagine how someone who is really serious about it must feel when they hear these cat piss stained Star Wars fans say it.

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a place for you nonsense

His methodology is completely bogus

You know he averaged much of Africa and tested bushmen. And in China he tested people who go to top schools in Shanghai and Beijing

>whites are the master race!
>what's that? the science says East Asians and Jews have higher IQ than whites?
>erm, uhhh w-well they cheated!

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Yeah it makes me feel like the average IQ in the west must have dropped 50 point in the last decade

You go back to Ancient Greece or Rome and say you want to cut your dick off they would say you are mentally ill, yet apparently all the (((science))) says it’s normal and healthy

Makes me wonder what other evil (((science))) is being used to justify. I certainly don’t trust vaccines or believe global warming will kill us all

The thing I will never understand about Stormniggers is that if they claim that Blacks are inherently stupider, how come they make their lives harder as well? isn't it enough with being stupider and less likely successful, but you also need to segregate them or outright kill them?.

they want to make their*

The data can be replicated today in America... in facts even the poorest whites are equally as smart as the richest blacks.

Straw man, it’s obvious Jews and East Asians are highly intelligent they just lack the creativity and empathy of western Europeans (we have autism from Neanderthal DNA and Varg told me it’s a superpower)

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People that "know about the scientific method" aren't much different desu

They are genetically and mentally inferior.

The strong deserves to rule over the weak.

>in facts even the poorest whites are equally as smart as the richest blacks.
but doesn't that mean blacks earn more despite being less intelligent?

This map is bullshit lol.

>they just lack the creativity and empathy
Which is why a significant chunk of Physicians and Social Scientists have been Jewish, makes perfect sense.
> Varg told me
Then why do you believe Jews ruling over the world is a bad thing if they are clearly superior to whites?

Then Jews deserve to rule over the west with that logic.

An unironically IQlet with a obvious agenda. Yikes.

I think I might know what you mean but can you elaborate?

*an obvious agenda, I mean. ;)))

No because Jews are evil and use whites natural empathy to subvert us... they win through nasty tricks. They are different than normal humans, they are parasites who suck their host dry.

Look at Asians they have no empathy so they don’t fall for Jewish tricks. They just don’t give a fuck and are LITERALLY colonizing Africa again and genociding Muslims

libtards and anti-racists getting owned EPIC STYLE itt

Piss off retard.

It means that the smartest blacks get top jobs by way of affirmative action despite actually being far stupider than even the average white man

Not an argument sissy boy

>They are different than normal humans
You mean like whites? because according to you, whites are superior to the other races in every sense and therefore other races should be exterminated. Doesn't that, by definition, mean that whites are also different from normal humans?
>they are parasites who suck their host dry.
You mean like when the Whites colonized Africa and Southeast Asia and sucked them dry?
> whites natural empathy
Like when the stormniggers clamor for a race war and the killing of all non-whites not only in white countries, but also in other (more specifically, Latin American and African) countries?
>genociding Muslims
They are forcefully assimilating them and detaining them, not throwing them into gas chambers.
> Asians they have no empathy so they don’t fall for Jewish tricks.
Which is why natives make up less than 40% of the population of Singapore and nobody there seems to care about it?

Imagine having this hard of a time understand things. Just feel bad for him and move on anons.

>No because Jews are evil and use whites natural empathy to subvert us... they win through nasty tricks.
So they're superior then.

>the """science"""

Everyone knows there is a racial difference in IQ, it's a fact, but it doesn't mean you should give different treatment to people based on it, this is the racist part.

Have they replicated it while controlling for the many things known to impact development?

>Everyone knows there is a racial difference in IQ, it's a fact, but it doesn't mean you should give different treatment to people based on it, this is the racist part.

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>whites literally rape, murder, plunder the world and cause the extinction of many races. Mass slavery and genocide while sucking the world's resources dry throughout the globe
>WAAAAAHHHHH Jews are more evil because they took the compound interest out of the loan I decided to take out of my own consent!
Also Chinese aren't even colonizing Africa the ways whites did. They just do business where none of them are getting enslaved and killed off unlike old imperialism

Your position is applying arbitrary teleological values to biology. This implies creationism. Your argument is invalid, you scientifically illiterate cunt.

Yes, that’s literally what the study is retard controlling for environment (better income = better environment)

Let's be real, if Africa was full of blond blue-eyed square jawed white skinned people who nevertheless still had low IQs and AIDS and lived in mud huts, white nationalists would love them and praise their Rousseauian primordial dignity.

Racism is 100% motivated by the way people look and everything else is just an excuse.

Income is just one factor, and it far from guarantees a better environment.

I dont get it, there are old tests that are completely culturally skewed however as one who took one in school, if you have a basic grasp of the language it's given in, it seems without bias. It tests cognitive problem solving skills. The idiots who think "spiritual IQ" or that rout memorizing shit (I think that some groups may be doing this to game IQ tests though) is IQ related are retards.

Don’t know what those words mean lmfao

But I certainly don’t trust (((scientists)))

I go out in the world and experience things and see with my own eyes.

Of course you’d never understand cause you live in such an irrelevant sheltered country where you never have to worry about the real world impact of race divisions in a country.

Not superior, Jews have a hive mentality and live in closed off communities. Where the white builds a society the Jew acts as a parasite, stacking up money in his community, avoiding assimilation and building up lobbies to start influencing the political agenda of the white society. Jews didn't take part in building European society, they took part in destroying it. Jews didn't take part in building American society, they took part in destroying it. While the Jew commited countless crimes against Christians, it played victim for centuries planning a revenge, living like a parasite to Europeans, until it could steal a homeland they were too weak to built, to then bully the local Muslim and Christian communities. It's a cancer that should be eradicated, because like every cancer it ends up killing its host, but I guess we can give them they have higher IQs than Europeans.

This is just the wrong way to think about it.
You guys need Varg.

The Jews that don't assimilate are usually Haredim, and they're pretty isolated from the general society anyways.

Find then soyjak go see the first Black you see in the street and start explaining to him why you are superior to him because a map says so. Go see how he reacts, surely you're so manly it should go well.

Had to google because I have no idea what it was. Niggas look like they're opening an Elder Scroll lmao.

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>Jews had no roles in building white societies
Go take a look at how many influential physicists and mathematicians were Jewish. They had a role, just because you don't like them does't mean you should deny it

>His methodology is completely bogus
>You know he averaged much of Africa and tested bushmen. And in China he tested people who go to top schools in Shanghai and Beijing
Not OP and I share your criticisms but it's also foolish to pretend that all human populations share the same cognition when a battery of unrelated tests generally reach the conclusion it's false. Does it mean everyone with majority sub saharan African DNA is a fucking retard? Absolutely not but it means that maybe we should at least secretly pump the breaks on expectations. Maybe we should stop creating a curve for jobs to increase diversity of it harms the result.
Personal side note though, asians study for all of this shit...when you professionally deal with them, you realize their grades, degrees, schools dont reflect their performance. I'd say most that are supposed to be brilliant from my own experience are average pr slightly above at best.

They have taken control of white societies even thought they have far less numbers, how you feel of their methods is irrelevant.
Accept it goy, you can't compete.

>Jews have higher IQ than whites?
1/8 Jew 7/8 north euro cracker that decided to be retarded and still when they stopped testing had at least 130 IQ (I have bizzare handwriting and they thought it was mental related so they gave up after I passed 130 testing).
Honestly my non part Jewosh side is more intelligent. I think the Nazis just forced a survival of the fittest, only the retarded Jews in Soviet areas survived.

Yeah they're considered a bit crazy even by other Jews. They don't watch TV, read secular newspapers, use uncensored internet, or usually have working careers in the sense that outside groups do. Many don't even speak English well.

>Varg: "Christianity is inferior and Paganism is superior"

I was talking about in the context of races you idiot.

Jews don’t fight fair, they take advantage of whites natural empathy and compassion to subvert us

It’s really quite obvious to see. Why have Jews never subjeverted China? Because Chinese are basically soulless insects (a child can be run over and bleeding to death on a sidewalk and people will not care a bit)

Then why did Nazis hate slavs?

Do you have Satmirs by you? I live in BK and previously lived in an area with more traditional orthodox. The satmirs are in a league of their own. They are literally the most negative Jewish stereotypes in person and then added big dumb hats. They also destroyed a school system, refuse immunization, funnel education money to their genetically warped children, supposedly diddle kids (it was an internal scandal but I didnt here much after accusations) and are generally obnoxious. However since I have blue eyes and a beard, when I'm with my dark haired blue eyed GF their 10 year olds ask if I'm Jewish to sell me their magic jew tub.

There aren't many Satmar/ultra-Orthodox Jews near me but I've read a fair amount about them.

No, because China has larger IQ than white to not be subvert.

Because Nazis weren't white nationalists, they were German nationalists.

>Chinese are basically soulless insects
t. probably doesn't know many Chinese well

>whites """natural empathy"""
Lmao, on Jow Forums they would call that "Jewish brainwashing" since whites had no empathy until the 1960's when Jews finally tamed them. White "empathy" isn't natural, it was forced

this all day
people always favour good looking people no matter what they do or how they behave
look at this list and amaze yourself at the sheer amount of foreign surnames under the flag of a country that was supposedly racially pure
most foreign surnames are slavic, and polish especially
hell, the fifth guy in the list has a fucking polish surname, so it's not like you gotta scroll that far

Yea I go to a school with 5k Chinese students... they are literally a hive mind

We blacks will pay back everything whites have done to us

Like fuck, I'm fucking a new white chick every few weeks thanks to Tinder. Whites will be no more


>There aren't many Satmar/ultra-Orthodox Jews near me but I've read a fair amount about them

So the "my family and I wear wool 24/7 (hardware store owner I felt with just wore a yarmulke and dressed normal) while praying separated per gender" are insular and some are slum lords but the later isnt a significant amount (still above average). The wealthier in their community subsidize the rest and they usually invade areas. If you are male the adult males happily deal with you (religion has no place in business), the rest never will unless you literally save their life. Some males hint and convert women.

The Satmars are their own pile of shit and basically all other Jews and non-Jews who deal with them wish they'd implode. Seriously, based in Jewish websites they are the most despised (based on editorials and shit posting). Most probably wouldnt think Jews would want to throw their own in front of outsiders but the Satmars and Bolsheviks if you go on Jewish websites are the most hated and the later for dumping gas on anti semitism.






>whites natural empathy
Wasn't a thing until the 20th century, and wouldn't still be a thing if not for Christian influence on philosophy, which is the reason compassion to others is nowadays somehow more important than the survival of your own tribe.

>We blacks will pay back everything whites have done to us
I doubt that you could do that, even if you donates the entirety of your productivity to the white world.

>countries with average education and non bombed out shithole conditions give children better opportunities to improve their intelligence

Plainly and obviously false. Just look at the IQ of Israel, even calculating out Arabs leaves and average IQ of 100 at best.
Jews have a small subpopulation with rather high IQ, but that subpopulation are just people who are partly Arab and partly genetically Europeans upper class.

Saying "Jews" have a high IQ, is false and pointing out that "Ashkenazi Jews" have a high IQ, since I can easily find white subpopulations with higher average IQ.

Just think before posting.

Black IQ in America is about 85.

black in america also live in poverty and go to underfunded schools until they drop out and join a gang

Pajeet IQ in America is higher then that of whites. The blacks still suffer from the economic disparity that has yet to disappear.

Yes we are low IQ

No we are not ashamed of it
No we shall not stop coming to your countries
No we shall not have less than five children each

What we muslims on Jow Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Jow Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic, don't be pathetic with #notallmuslims campaign.

Embrace it. Yes we are terrorists. Yes we will terrorize you. Yes we will invade your land with refugees. InshaAllah Europe will be muslim in the near future.

Neckbeard neets can only complain on Jow Forums. The leftist media is on our side. Edgy 4channers only dare to spout their hatred here on the internet, for they are pussies in real life while we muslims, we prepare to die for our deen.

Remember, convert their families, marry their daughters, put hijab on them and make sharia the law of the land in the whole of Europe.

Takbir ya ikhwan.

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>black in america also live in poverty
As you would expect from below average Intelligence populations.

>and go to underfunded schools
A) Evidence
B) Evidence that school matters, which really isn't clear as all as some studies do suggest that schooling makes little difference for intelligence.

>until they drop out and join a gang
Even I am not that racist and by the way rich blacks are more criminal then poor whites.

>Pajeet IQ in America is higher then that of whites
Maybe and I think Pajeet is doing pretty good in America, why?

>blacks still suffer from the economic disparity that has yet to disappear.
IQ and income are substantially correlated.
There really is no sane way to explain underperformance of blacks without IQ.

90 actually in the last research.

Scientific data isn't based on personal lived experiences, you scientifically illiterate cunt.

Because whites underperformed in Barbadis ya dummy.

Yes we are low IQ

No we are not ashamed of it
No we shall not stop coming to your countries
No we shall not have less than five children each

What we muslims on Jow Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Jow Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic, don't be pathetic with #notallmuslims campaign.

Embrace it. Yes we are terrorists. Yes we will terrorize you. Yes we will invade your land with refugees. InshaAllah Europe will be muslim in the near future.

Neckbeard neets can only complain on Jow Forums. The leftist media is on our side. Edgy 4channers only dare to spout their hatred here on the internet, for they are pussies in real life while we muslims, we prepare to die for our deen.

Remember, convert their families, marry their daughters, put hijab on them and make sharia the law of the land in the whole of Europe.

Takbir ya ikhwan.

>IQ and income are substantially correlated.
Not fucking remotely.

Daily reminder that Chinese IQ guarantees their victory.

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Was about to call the authorities on your post but saw your flag

That's interesting, source?

You can argue these points if you want, but the argument that blacks in America having lower IQ proves that blacks have hereditary inferior IQ does not hold up because there are many factors which could potentially skew the result and you have to account for all of them.

In the matter of third world IQ for example, childhood nutrition and medical care and environment in general has a significant impact on brain development. A poor starving child growing up in New Delhi breathing smog and drinking poisoned water probably would end up smarter growing up in Toronto.

All these things are important and simply showing a map and saying "SEE LOOK NIGGERS ARE RETARDS" isn't conclusive.

And I didn't say I wasn't a racist.

oi 'av ye got a loicense to call the authorities?

They're automatons responding to cues/npc ingroup stimuli, not fans

>Not fucking remotely.
That is the most bizzar thing I have heard here.
Find a study which shows no correlation, for some who do, just read the Wikipedia article and follow the citation.
I mean even some libshit sites just plainly state IQ correlates with job performance...

"Hispanic" also jumped to 95 while mexico remained 88. So upbringing IS an important factor in deciding IQ performance

I used to work with an african guy with a phd in maths and a black guy with masters in engineering.

I think people forget that these things are distributions and not deterministic. I also think that racial groups lack a sort of validoity as a unit of analysis. They are not actually genetically discrete as categories and there are loads of omitted variables when you draw causal inferences from a pairwise comparison

No matter how smart you are staying in Academia long curbs your income for example especially if you make a,career out of it

>and you have to account for all of them.
Yeah, that is why you do "twin studies", where you pretty much have the exact same environment.

Or better yet, in the somewhat near future we will just be able to look at the genes.

>In the matter of third world IQ for example, childhood nutrition and medical care and environment in general has a significant impact on brain development. A poor starving child growing up in New Delhi breathing smog and drinking poisoned water probably would end up smarter growing up in Toronto.
And guess what, blacks in the USA have ahigher IQ then most of their countries of origin.

Oi bladdy 'ell me fone loicense expoired it did!

>Maybe and I think Pajeet is doing pretty good in America, why?
Because America specifically selects for Indian immigrants who are well above average in the first place. We don't import malnourished illiterate day-laborers.

>IQ and income are substantially correlated.
Income and education resources are substantially correlated. And all other resources.

>So upbringing IS an important factor in deciding IQ performance
That's a total non sequitur, how much has upringing changed in the last decades and why has very little happened to whites?

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>And guess what, blacks in the USA have ahigher IQ then most of their countries of origin.
And their conditions are better than their countries of origin, but still not as good as whites.

a lot of these infographs are literally doctored and fake. just ask yourself if people actually went around to hundreds of countries, some of which are incredibly hostile just to ask people to take IQ exams. Even in the US, where they take IQ tests seriously, they don't even have accurate average IQ for college majors. They rely on SAT scores to approximate which is fucking stupid considering higher SAT scores are heavily related to income.

Most blavk americans have poor nutrition, exposure to shit like asbesto (that does cause you to be brain damaged) and other ills of poverty.

That's another issue. The iq being shown for say somalia is based on the results of ethiopian jewish kids rotting away in a refugee camp.

Yet it gets wheeled out as fact.

>but still not as good as whites.
Since pretty much any discrimination against blacks is highly illegal, one can only draw the conclusion that most of that is caused by whites themselves.

Also certainly the Chinese have worse living standards then whites, so the argument that "everyone would have the same IQ if they had "white" conditions" is stupid.
Also, again "twin studies".

>wheeled out as fact
yes by people with an agenda. its so pathetic honestly because I'd be interested in people actually going to all 190 (or so) countries and getting accurate IQ tests. I don't believe in the IQ test but it'd be interesting. But all these fake stats, especially this lynn faggot is just intellectual dishonesty.