How much actual, physical cash do you have on hand with you, /biz...

How much actual, physical cash do you have on hand with you, /biz? Please don't tell me you didn't sink it all in something that you can't cash out of right away.

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I've got over $200k in liquid assets but never keep more than $20 on me (for black barbershop). It's more convenient to keep track of my spending if I use my cards.

bout 20K

local bitcoins in person for cold hard cash is the only way to cash out.
Of course I always pay full taxes on any amount I cash out

I have 127k in my bank does that count?

>over 100k liquid

>local bitcoins in person
cashlet detected

are you being sarcastic with that last statement? why would you go through the trouble of meeting in person..

So i can buy the dip. Plus i live at home so no expenses. Comfy but humiliating senpai

15k liquid.

I prefer >10k but I'm starting to save for a house down payment so I want that on hand.

Its all in the bank though. keep like $300 in small bills in the apartment for random things.

$200 in my wallet. $1000 in my safe. $10000 in my bank acct.

Physical cash? I think I have AUD$75 in my wallet

I only have a a couple half dollars under my pillow that I keep for the tooth fairly. Not underage just old and my teeth are starting to fall out again. I've paid all my taxes and just want to live a simple life.

i have all my money in crypto, im drinking lots of water right now and really who needs a damn hot dog in a bun? however if i need cash i sell old ps4 games...
to the moon

£70, I'm going with a new system, if I haven't got the cash I don't buy it that £70 should last me all month, cars full and so is my fridge freezer. Should save a fortune.

I don't even have 10k, but I don't see the point of having more than that liquid. Why? I already have a house and car and I can't think of any big purchases that exceed that. Not counting emergency fund of 5k which I never touch unless I'm about to be homeless or die of cancer or something.

time in market beats trying to time the market. chances are you're leaving a bunch of money of the table

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Literally nothing. Just use card everywhere.

0. I would much rather have my money be FDIC insured.

$50 cash in my wallet
$1,000 cash hidden in my room
170 ounces of silver and a few gold coins buried in the back yard
0.6 BTC
$4,000 in chequing account
$90,000 in stocks
Mini fridge stocked with ice cold steel reserve

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70$ in the wallet, 5k in an emergency only bank account and 1k in the primary bank accounts I stick $320 in the emergency account every week on pay day and live off the rest. Once the emegerncy account hits 10k I can start saving for a down payment.


OP is going to dead a bunch of you for your monies.

way too financially responsible for Jow Forums. what are you doing here?

I hope you own a gun.

>more convenient to keep track of spending if i use my cards
Everything that isn't drugs I pay for on cards to keep track of. Currently have coupons and punch cards in my wallet. $10 in singles and loose change on desk. $200 emergency under mattress. 2.5k combined checkings/savings. ~12k in crypto, started with 3k, ATH 70k. Buy NEM faggots (my bags). For real tho

Dude I have put my life savings, a $20k personal loan, credit card debt, half my 401k, and deferred on my taxes from 2017 to buy link and jnt.

Put over $200k into it.

Probably worth a little under $100k right now. I always fomo in at the top.

Got $900 in my bank account.


2.50 a day so i can buy my monster cans

damn son you got JUSTED

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I just added it up.

Current value is $129k.

Somehow not as bad as I thought.

Whats the point? The only source of wealth that can't be stolen from you or taken by force is power, everything else is up for grabs. Money is debt owed to the government, nothing more.

about $12.50 in coins
cash is a meme and only useful for criminals. literally wasting money by keeping it under your mattress. no wonder those retard boomers rely on welfare

I've got like 40k stuffed in my couch and another 200k in my attic plus around half a million spread out in various houses

This. If i had just bought in and held instead of trading I'd have millions instead of just hundreds of thousands

about $10,000

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Rn it's like 1k

Normally closer to 5k but I had a couple random expenses

>pic related

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> and the shitcoins

Attached: Screenshot_20180804-021136_Blockfolio.jpg (1080x2220, 365K)

>its all just gambling they said, its just a roll of the dyce they said.

The man drinks steel reserve
Thats a given

>tfw net worth is A$1.2k but live in a A$5mil house, take uber everywhere and eat restaurant shit every day
Thanks, wife's rich but absent parents who feel bad for not being there for her as a kid so now they pay her credit card debt.


>2k in the bank
>1k in physical cash
>2k in precious metals
>4k in crypto

Perthfag. I thought I wanted to move but then I went on a trip to melb and it's actually a shithole. It really made me appreciate how lowkey and quiet Perth is.

about $3 at all times.

is Perth expensive or just a really nice house?

It's cheap compared to Sydney, a one story house can be had for under $300k in the shittier suburbs. This one is in a really nice suburb and the owners actually bought two already decent houses next to each other, then demolished them and built a big ass one that takes up two residential lots.

17000 dollars in bank
60000 dollars in crypto (made from ~$6000 in one year, down from 71000 in January).

Doing very well for your situation.

I'll give you 30k to leave me unattended overnight on your couch. I just need a place to sleep, I promise.

$0 because it’s retarded to stack cash. Fiat currency is debt. You are supposed to leveraged debt to accumulate cash flow generating assets. The dollar you have the today is worth the most it’s ever going to be, you save, you lose.

actually something smart on Jow Forums, well said friendo

Just dropped $40k on another cashflow generating website


What kind of website?

i keep around $1000 in cash, mostly in case the power goes out for an extended period of time and people aren't accepting credit cards for a bit.

I usually keep about one full months expenses on hand in cash ($1500-2000) although I've dipped down to ~$500 from time to time. Good to keep a bit on hand incase something goes wrong with your bank account or you lose your bank card/wallet or w/e and need money immediately.

just to be clear i keep the cash in a small safe in the closet, i almost never carry cash on my person (if i do its like $20-50 max)

what's the safe combination?

About tree fiddy.


Who the hell uses cash anymore?

billions of people


filter the fluroide

sex toy ecommerce, premium domain name, 15 mins per day to check sales and forward orders to suppliers. SEO is outsourced to an agency.

Avoid flippa and brokers, best way to find good deals is to message website owners directly. Often times they don't know how much their website is worth, offer them cash and they sell easy.

So poo in loos and niggers?

I always carry I bitcom around in my pocket


21K in the savings account, $12K in Roth, $10k in 401K. Rest in crypto. Nice to live at home, not pay rent and bank every paycheck

100k usd in dogecoins. keys scribbled on a dirty napkin wallet. i sometimes pull it out to pick a booger.

10k usd worth of litecoin magic marker hand wallet. i cant wash this hand, its sweating and the numbers already starting to blur.

10 bitcoins in a brain wallet, ultimate security, only i have memorized the private key. foolproof

another 100k is engraved on the back of cheap casio watch

i also keep a few k in altcoin papper wallets stashed in my shoes

>Please don't tell me you didn't sink it all in something that you can't cash out of right away.
Wow you're command of the english language is pathetic. And you were trying to come off as superior. What a worthless bag of trash you are.

33 yo
425k in 401k
75k in Roth
110k in college savings (4 kids)
65k in boat/ fuck me later money index funds
50k in cash (have 4 kids - need emergency fund)
550k house (70% EQUITY) primary residence

I was stupid when young with money, but am learning. No crypto because too much risk. Slow and steady investment plan fag here.

what job ya got

I have $100 in the bank
$700 in credit card debt

Consultant Sales / Construction Industry
Lots of freedom and money is great, but stress is high due to nature of clientele.


you seem pretty much living the dream

How do you know a website's real value?

10$ in my wallet
0 cash in room
30k in checking account
~450k in stocks
140 btc in a paper wallet
~300 btc worth of shitcoins

0 physical paper dollars
~7k liquid (checking +savings)
~7k in securities (mutual funds, ETFs, stocks)

Only billions of people except the fucking burgers with the multiple credit card debts

>only 5k emergency fund

Or lose your job for like 4 weeks

About 5k cash in my safe and $200 in my wallet. I keep about 20k on my bank checking. Everything else is invested

I have 3000 euros cash hidden away and about 45.000 in my bank accounts. The rest is in crypto.

I have 15€ in my wallet and 200€ in my socks drawer

Thanks although this line of work takes its toll on you mentally. Im hoping to see how everything financially works out through the next recession before I retire.
The construction industry is about as boom bust as can be, but it has a unique advantage that it can never be outsourced to China / India.

I am looking for another more dependable but less paid line of work because I work crazy hours sometimes and my wife / kids miss me. I dont want to be one of those assholes who traded their familys happiness for financial gains. Its already kind of going that direction, so I cant just be status quo...

$45,000 in a savings account.
