Cheated in exam

Today I had microprocessors lab exam. In one of the tasks, we have to interface the microprocessor with an external device. I had not made the connections properly, and the invigilator noticed this while walking around. She said softly to me "It's the other way around", and I realised the error. I don't know why she did it, but if she had not done so, I would have lost a lot of marks. Does this make me a cheat?

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All Indians cheat. All Chinese cheat. No westerners cheat.

dont care, didnt read lol

Swedish wives cheat too.

No my cs professor would laugh at us and point out errors from time to time during exams


duck off pajeet

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I cheat all the time.
Im genuinely dumb as fuck, I need to keep cheating to pass. Even in high school

Assuming you don't care about morals, there's nothing essentially wrong with cheating your way in life. It just gets tedious.

Also, it’s a miracle I passed MuP and DSP lel

No westerners cheat.


Moroccan detected

There's literally nothing wrong with cheating. Winners cheat.

i used a calculator in a non calculator exam

who cares, academics is BULLSHIT

I cheated in literally all my exams

Don't give a fuck

yep. why wouldnt someone cheat? you could possibly be setting yourself up for a way shittier life if you dont. b-but muh morals and honor? fuck that! this is your life we are talking about

this was an exam that you need 100% for

I had to resit it because I got 99%

It had over 100 questions, easy to make a mistake purely through human error and nothing to do with whether you knew the answer or not (lot's of numbers and interactive sliders)

I checked it 3 times and then a 4th time with a calculator, I didn't have to make any changes but knowing i used a calculator gave me peace of mind.

Im pretty sure the invigilator didnt give a shit if he saw someone using calculators too because it's known to be a bullshit exam, if I can cheat, i will.

What exam was it

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She wants your dick bro


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>but astrid said it was for the best

morals are cancer that ruin society