What do we think of West Virginia?

What do we think of West Virginia?

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Lotsa poor whites
Mountain Momma

I'm from there and it's unironically third world these days. Maybe it was always like that but it has definitely gotten worse. Everyone is poor as fuck, fat as fuck, high as fuck, and dumb as fuck. I pity anyone trapped there

When I was eight years old, I sang "Country Roads" in the school assembly.

Almost heaven

Funt fact, John Denver never actually set foot in West Virginia.

The retarded thing about that song is the blue ridge mountains and Shenandoah River barely go into West Virginia. Just a very very tiny portion go into that state. It might not even be a KM with desu

We don't think of West Virginia.

its that meme state

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God, I can not imagine what that must have sounded like. Dozens of poo children singing a country song with Indian accent