Link 5k sats (and more) in a few days time
Screencap this
Link 5k sats (and more) in a few days time
Screencap this
I'll be even at 6k sats.
When 6k?
>X coin will be at Y sats in Z time
>Screencap this
I'm right though
8888 sats on 8/8/2018
No you aren't and this is an anonymous board so it doesn't matter to you if you aren't. If you are right however you will have this thread ready to go so you can go SEE I WAS RIGHT THIS TIME DESPITE BEING WRONG 80 OTHER TIMES WHICH YOU CAN'T PIN TO ME BECAUSE ITS ANONYMOUS!
This happens with every fucking coin and every market movement constantly. Take a fucking picture of yourself and put some weight behind it or fuck off.
No I'm very serious my friend. 5k sats (and more) await us beyond the 8th
He's right though
>pump it.
Holy shit, confirmed
What's on the 8th?
Thanks Ranjeesh
just sold 100K
You are a MANIAC!
How the fuck do people do this?!
just like that
Trust me. Buy as much Link as you can. Leave no room for doubt.
1600 enuff?
Only you can decide if it's enough. Buy Link righteously and have faith.
Now's a good time to start believing.
What the fuck, how?
You make me want to sell
I only want the best for you.
Uses scripts, scrape the boards post number counts. Pre-type and authenticate your message, on number 8887 your script will basically hit the push button.
Hot dayam.....unreal digits.
8888 sats on 8/8/18
??! Wha
damn son
>ScREeNcaP thIS
What’re the odds
Checked what the fuck
Good heavens.
holy shit boyos were mooonin
Meme magic once again. The God protocol smiles upon us once more.