How come the differences between 2018 and 2008 in technology, business, culture etc...

How come the differences between 2018 and 2008 in technology, business, culture etc. are basically nothing in comparison to differences between:

>1990 and 2000
>1980 and 1990
>1970 and 1980

Did we reach the peak? Seems like nothing is moving as drastically as before. Or did the 2008 recession stall everything?

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Because normies infested technology after 2008

Modernism is cancer

Culture has degenerated alot, due to social media and stream and shit like that. Remember that back in 2008 even youtube was a fairly small website, and now look at how it infects us.

Because there's so much poz. That's at least part of the reason.

The market structure is such that you can sell incremental upgrades each year to the majority of people (eg iphone5, 6, 7) and more elite customers can pay for that next level shit. This has resulted in the beginings of a breakaway civilization.


smartphones, tablets, electric cars, mars rovers, VR, drones, LHC, 3d printing, Jow Forums is no longer EPIC FOR THE WIN BRO, internet is fast enough for streaming, an orange is a president instead of a negro, vaporwave, crowd funding, advances in medicine...

Definitely would not want to go back to previous decades. Everybody who's nostalgic is a 20-30 year old boomer.

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iPhone released 2007

Android tablets emerged 2008

>electric cars
Not even adopted yet

>mars rovers
Launched 2003

Not even a thing yet

>drones, 3D printing
All before 2008



So? None of these things were really as available or viable back then. iPhone 1? spare me.

Viable for what? Candy Crush?

>what is mass adoption

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There was no candy crush in 2008...

You completely missed the point if you're seriously adding candy crush to the list of post-2008 achievements.

And on a seperate note versions of candy crush did exist before then

How come the differences between 1918 and 1908 in technology, business, culture etc. are basically nothing in comparison to differences between:
>1890 and 1900
>1880 and 1890
>1870 and 1880

Did we reach the peak? Seems like nothing is moving as drastically as before. Or did the Panic of 1907 recession stall everything?

Vacuum Cleaner

Air Conditioning

Powered flight


Radio Broadcasting

Assembly Line
> 1908

The only interesting things we’ve had invented in the past decade are neon lamps, ecstasy, and bras.

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Yeah, and you completely miss the point as well, half of the staples of the previous decades have their roots in the decades before them as well. The difference between 2000s and 2010s is unmistakable, you're delusional if you pretend otherwise.

>doesn't know about the multitude of things invented from 1914-1918

literally advanced science further than the previous 2 decades combined, and just so people could kill people better

I'd say theres only a cultural difference - our relationship with the technology has changed

Adoption is not a technological advance
Let me give you an example of the difference between knowledge and usage
We know that sugar is bad, hmkay, but most people still consume too much of it

Fucking this. How stupid do people here need to be that this needs to be explained to them.

time for another war, gotta get the blood flowing for science.

The big change is that the internet has made culture permanent.

In the past, the majority of TV shows were shown once. Very popular shows get reruns, but most are consigned to history.

With the advent of the internet, almost everything on youtube and other such sites remains with us and available, meaning our culture has turned into a blur rather than clearly progressing year by year.

You are doing it wrong or at least your perception of time is wrong.(because you weren't born back then). You're comparing every 10 years when you should be comparing every 20. The 50's weren't much different from the 60's and the 60's weren't much different from the 70's but at some point in the 60's there was a cultural and technological shift that made the 50's and 70's feel completely different time eras. The same could be said about 70's and 90's in which the divergence starts during the 80's.
So instead of comparing 2018 with 2008, you should be comparing it with 1998. The divergence started probably around 2006 or something. You can notice a significant cultural shift (not as much as in the other eras, I will give you that) and a huge technological shift. At some point this will start slowing down and the divergence period will happen every 20 instead of 10 years unless there's a massive war. I suppose that's why we saw a massive cultural and technological boom between 1900 and 1950, it was due to the WWI and WWII

If you think we're at the same place in 2018 as in 2008 you are authentically retarded.

there's a strong believe that society as a whole is becoming less intelligent, or at least weaker at critical thinking, due, largely in part, to reliance on the internet.

We have fewer and fewer great minds and innovators as the education system places more emphasis on collectivism and seeking happiness rather than success.

>Macine learning
>Processors are on average 50x -100x faster.
>Solid State Drives
>Mobile technology is ubiquitous
>Nano technology being adopted in medicine
>Discovery of gravitational waves
>Discovery of the higgs boson
>Discovery of Earth sized planets outside the solar system
>Enormous advancements in robotics
>Electric Cars see mass adoption
>Affordable and efficient solar becomes an option for home owners
>Virtualization and Saas give rise to DIY tech sector.
>Gigabit internet access

That's just some of the advancements made in last ten years. It really looks more like you and most on this thread are just too stupid to actually pay attention to what's going in the world and want to shit on technological and scientific advancement just because you don't have power armor and a space ship.

You are a faggot emo normie who thinks just because cities don't light up in retarded neon colors (which were cool in the early 80s you retard) does mean that we're not progressing. Kill yourself you idiotic shell of a person.

2008 I was shitposting on Jow Forums and playing WoW

Now i'm just shitposting on Jow Forums

I've gone backwards

Innovators are less common because everything has already been streamlined. That belief that society is getting dumber is basically the consensus among retards that read huffpost.

It seems as though we're simply seeing a more mainstream adoption of a lot of the technologies that emerged around 10 years ago. Sadly it also seems that a side effect of that is an increase in regulation and corporate influence, especially in regards to the internet.

Gimme my wild west internet pls Mr. Goldberg :'(

Like what? Tanks? da Vinci, for fuck’s sake. And real attempts were made in the early 1900s, they didn’t come out of nowhere. 1914’s battle-ready product was just a culmination of years of research everyone in the know saw coming.

Face it: there are no serious, world-changing new inventions coming. The science fiction of my pulp dreams is never coming true.

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Yeah but now you're on a cell phone. In 2008 I couldn't imagine accessing highspeed internet from a mobile.

Chin up. UBI VR neets are coming.

Good post

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Chemically induced time dilation is going to make VR golden

It's because most people on this board don't stay up to date with the news about various advancements and instead just judge technological progress based on what is available for the average joe consumer. The next decade is going to be fucking crazy, many parts of the "futuristic" society that most people dismiss as science-fiction are very imminent. In fact, there's technology available right now that would shock the average joe, people just aren't aware of them yet because:

1) It takes time to combine individual technological advances into a functioning, affordable and worthwhile product
2) Most products aren't targeted at consumers
3) Even if they ultimately are, the military (then enterprises) always get first dibs

The future is going to be absolutely mind-blowing, as long as you can afford it.

i've just set this as my wallpaper, thanks OP.

Pretty much this.
Also inventions are smoothly incremental these days because of the need to release a new product every year in a lots of industries.

This. The main thing is many of these new inventions don't immediately affect the aesthetic of our times. Hence we don't notice them.

Architecture is so shit nowadays.

>In fact, there's technology available right now that would shock the average joe, people just aren't aware of them yet because:

Could you name some of them? When I first saw this:

I thought it was fake

And then there's stuff like this animatronic which I had no idea we had advanced so far and that video is almost 2 years old.

Tell me what else I'm missing. The Google Duplex thing a couple months ago was mind-blowing.

Efficiency gains are incredibly costly and we’ve got diminishing marginal returns on human capital.

I think AI was a meme and the only thing that gives us a nice bump in the next 5 years will be smart contract adoption. We’ll replace a lot of low-tier white collar jobs before we replace taxis.

We'll be spending the entirety of the 2020s on automation, and only after that will we see some progress that can change society. When that happens, it'll be thanks to electronics rather than humans so as automation can build upon itself eventually we'll be more redundant than ever in the workforce. It'll be interesting to see what happens but I'm not expecting it to be financially pretty.

post your face when you realize your whole life has been a VR simulation wih time dilation and voluntary amnesia

Read “capitalist realism” by fisher and you will understand why user

Op is correct

Very little innovation

Everything was just about making things affordable and axcessible

Pc gaming graphics stayed literally the same

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This is the underrated comment in this thread.

what do you mean? everything became shit.

You are incredibly easily impressed by uninspiring tech.

Yeah like more realistic alexas and 8K mobile screens. Plus a permanent pulley system between Libya and Italy to make white replacement more efficient.

Post what inspires you then

AI. Adversarial learning. Discovery of conciousness as a universal type of compute structure and the upcoming incarnation of it.

The next jump is coming.

complete bullshit.
millenials dont even remember friends

processors got smaller but not meaningfully faster
>theoretical physics
all bullshit for 100 years, no meaningful progress
>fast internet so you can watch more youtube


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politically incorrect

things aren't that different you faggot, not compared to '88 to '98 for example. but from 2018 to 2028 we will change at the pace of 50 years supposing AI takes off the way it should

Zoom out.

Social media
Flat screen displays
Drone warfare
High speed internet and wi-fi

3d printing
Civilian drones
Electric cars become normalized
Social media replaced traditional media
Apps replaced old school websites
Smartphones and tablets replaced PCs
Touch screens everywhere
Data monitored/manipulated massively
Stem cells
Super advanced medical tech
Fracking/tar sands oil creates energy boom
VR commonplace

>still 17 months left in this decade.

Everyone here and this place is so different today in 2018 from anyone or any other place in 2008.

Dont look at everyone else. There were only a few people doing steam-stuff and factories during the industrial revolution. Most people were still farming and using horses but history does not remember them. In 2028 everyone will remember the crypto sphere as the business of 2018 and nobody will remember any boomers still investing in stocks or hipsters as members of society.

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>Discovery of gravitational waves
Thats actually a SCAM run by Jews.
They ignore the facts of the electric universe and started to make up shit to get gibs from taxpayers money.

the difference between 2008 and 2018 is larger than xbox, it's just your blind butt that can't spot them

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you wouldn't be wrong even if you hadn't received those digits

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Everyone said the world was going to end in 2012, but since then has anything felt real

>affording any of those when you currency is depreciating faster than your health

That’s awfully hopeful user.