I collect women's used underwear. Have over 85 pairs I've collected over the years. Tell us your dirty secrets biz.
I collect women's used underwear. Have over 85 pairs I've collected over the years. Tell us your dirty secrets biz
I sell my used underwear.
There is quite a market for it, makes you wonder.
I do gay BDSM for money
I suppose I should clarify I steal them from different houses I visit whenever I get called out to do repairs. I love stealing them and hiding them in my toolbox without them knowing.
Im a trap and I sell my videos online
I would not like to collect something that have received multiple farts from his owner
I fucked the 16 year old girlfriend of my 16 year old brother, she broke up with him shortly after but he still doesn't know why. Haven't seen her since but man that was the hottest sex ever.
>t. 22 years old
sometimes me get off to ghosting guys on tinder & kik
this is a weird larp
You sick fucking whore
boy or girl?
It isn't though. I was showering with the door open because I thought I was alone and then she came in and saw me, left, I went in my room in a towel and she knocked on my door, some dominos fell and we ended up making out and fucking. She was there alone because my brother went to his football training at 19pm and she was about to stay overnight anyways, she left that evening though. My parents were gone with my little sister on her dumb piano recital.
I collect VET
you mean bought them from r/gonewild redditors?
enjoy your fucked up family dynamic
Am trying yo get hyper rich to live the life and kickback in early retirement. But also to prove to my friends and family that am not retarded because i havent worked a single day of ky life yet, and am 29.
Everyone thinks that i am a disappointment but as long as i grt richer than them by working less, i will prove to everyone that this was the smart move.
Now please buy my bags.
I absolutely despise the financial industry, and I think financial markets are a pointless cesspool which bring out the worst of humanity. Quantitative finance is a complete joke, and robs science of good talent, for the sake of making the rich richer (sometimes). High frequency trading turns a market into more of joke than it already is.
And yet, I have a weird passion about financial markets, I hate myself for that. I have resorted to indulging it because I can't do anything useful.
>financial markets are bad for humanity
They're not bad for humanity. And quantitative finance is a very interesting way to apply many aspects of mathematics such Linear Algebra, Sequences and Series, and aspects of Calculus like Differential Equations and Partial Derivatives.
It's just that people who have skill in applying those concepts could be so much more useful to society. I envy them.
I also think it can, at times, be overkill to apply so much knowledge to something like a Market. Although, it's a completely different story with high frequency trading, where you need to have the know-how edge when it comes to things like Exchange Regulations/Order types, knowing when to scratch out of a trade/how to avoid adverse selection, working on FPGAs and finding the fastest way to react to new market conditions/opportunities. Again, a waste of good talent.
I'm addicted to sips, I can't stop sippin. Have already had 3 monsters since I woke up, 2 hours ago.