If I were to travel abroad, should I call myself American, or Mexican...

If I were to travel abroad, should I call myself American, or Mexican? I dont feel comfortable calling myself "am*rican" (gross)

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just call yourself a meximongrel


you should try moving back to mexico, there is no point in living in a place you are ashamed of or don't identify yourself with

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you were born and raised in the USA
call yourself American you coward

>moving back
soy chicano.

In Vietnam or Laos they call them Canadian


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C'mon, you know full and well when you hear "America" you don't think of Canada, or Mexico, or even South America. Whoever was speaking would have said Canada, or Mexico, or South America. When you hear "America" the first thing the majority of people imagine is the US. We won the name, and you cannot deny it without mental gymnastics.


ok, but you already rationalized that you don't like the land you were born. You could try Mexico, maybe you like it better

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we cucked you out of a name. You were supposed to be called Columbia, but we won it over, kek

it's very obvious to distinguish an american mexican with an actual mexican
idk how to explain it but just from the way they act, react, talk, etc. it just looks very very american and idk if he'll get used to actual mexicans

You never won anything and it hurts you guys so much

also this, I was robbed of the natural kinship with my people and now I'm too autistic to live in Mexico

t. history illiterate

yeah I know what you mean but he can make an effort to blend in

I say that I'm American and then tell people that USA is a Latin American country with latino cities like Los Ángeles, San Antonio, and Miami.

When you talk wtih women call yourself american. When with men - mexican. Simple.

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