Is it really worth to learn Mandarim? I already speak portuguese and spanish fluently, and I have advanced english.
Is it a good choice for learning a new language?
Is it really worth to learn Mandarim? I already speak portuguese and spanish fluently, and I have advanced english.
Is it a good choice for learning a new language?
Bump for interest
I've learned a bit of Spanish over the years just by living in America, if I learn Mandarin I think I can communicate with a majority of the world, but is it worth it is a good question. Is there any business worth conducting with Chinese?
Someone post the screencaps
I just started learning last week. Going to give it 1 year with dedication and then see if I have what it takes.
>just by living in america
Learn french or russian. Mandarin is overrated. Would go for french. English-spanish-french, probably the best 3 languages you can learn.
Good luck pal.
..Why did you spell Mandarin wrong twice?
America = south America + north America
Read this
Because in Portuguese you write Mandarim not Mandarin (notice the last letter)
Yeah no shit I noticed it, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything, right?
ching chong general tsao chicken ting tong wing wong fried rice
Because Mandarin isnt really an international language, it doesn't matter that much if you learn Mandarin. The Chinese are very racist and you will never be really accepted or trusted in the culture. You will always be laowai.
chortle on my balls
Damn, this really demotivated me.
What about Russian and Japanese? Although I heard they are pretty racist and xenophobic too.
Thank you user
Seriously, I lived in China for about a year. You will constantly be cheated and ripped off. People complain about the recent tariffs but the fact is China has been blatantly stealing from the world for decades. I hope they fucking implode but they are probably going to start a fucking war
Why do you want to learn mandarin? If you want to eventually travel across china & taiwan, speak with the locals and understand the culture then that sounds pretty good to me.
Otherwise you mentioned japanese and russian, which one do you think you would enjoy learning more? I personnally would choose japanese, both for travel and business purposes.
The regional dialect in China are so different that native people can barely understand each other. It's the reason the government always issues written directives. See Shanghainese
Don't, if you're gonna learn a language, pick up Spanish or a South East Asian language.
China will crumble and Russia has drunk themselves to death.
but this is a english board
>Seriously, I lived in the States for about a year. You will constantly be cheated and ripped off. People complain about the Trump but the fact is Burgerland have been blatantly stealing from the world for decades. I hope they fucking implode but they are probably going to start a fucking war
They do make software than can translate languages for you. Probably not reliable enough yet, but how many more years before it becomes reliable? Compare that with how long it would take you to learn Mandarin, and the time you lost having learned Mandarin that could have been spent learning something else.
OP here.
My objective to learn a new language is purely business related and to make myself worth more.
Should I aim for japanese?