We finally decided to apologize for the war crimes


Attached: Super based nice country.jpg (355x237, 7K)

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No worries, it's alright dude, we all screw up sometimes

We forgive you, everybody makes mistakes bro

I'm sorry you stopped with Nanjing.

pay reparations

I hope Tokyo's metro system is not too confusing for you, KIM


Bow so far down you can suck my nuts

Shouldn't you stop committing war crimes before you start apologizing for them? You're still trying to murder Korean children.


>it's wrong to hate people being willingly indoctrinated by North Korea inside your own country

Can a britbonger criminal be more stupid?

>noooo retarded altrights represents Japan
how spastic

Yeah I'm sure the children in that school are choosing to be indoctrinated. Clearly they need to be killed by a gang of unemployed 40 year old right wingers.

Fugg worst K*rea and its children.

Explain this.


They can swim to North Korea :DDDD

>noooo retarded altrights represents Japan
how spastic

kys you traitor

More evidence.


shut the fuck up and release the new nintendo switch already nigga

>noooo retarded altrights represents Japan
how spastic

it's alright


Imagine building a Hitler academy in France, Poland... wait, I guess Poles would love that.

Imagine building it in Rus-- never mind. Whites are too dumb and racist for this to work.

"Both good Koreans and bad Koreans should be killed." Why would someone carry a sign like that in public? Why aren't they at work?

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>noooo retarded altrights represents Japan
how spastic
seriously tho by your logic l could argue that Straya is a hardcore islamophobic white supremacy country only by posting these videos
people like you tend to think a certain part of a country is equal to the whole, which is so fucking dumb

>Straya is a hardcore islamophobic white supremacy country

But it is, australians are the worst degenerates you'll find



Frens, I'm hungri

eat sushy

>Straya is a hardcore islamophobic white supremacy country
but it is
though nobody gives a shit because their country is irrelevant as fuck

You did nothing wrong bro

Not forgiven, i demand the right to impregnate 5 Nippon women for the horrors i've witnessed trough the internet

Attached: 1555937620889.jpg (889x853, 256K)

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its ok, Japan. Thanks for the good times we shared

it's all right, in all fairness those nips had it coming anyway