should privately owned businesses be allowed to refuse service to gays, citing religious freedom?
Should privately owned businesses be allowed to refuse service to gays, citing religious freedom?
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Depends can I fuck you mom in the ass without a condom because my religion says so?
No. Religion freedom give them the right to believe in the bullshit they believe, but doesn't give them the right to discriminate. Even if they believed that god hates fags because they are degenerate decadent sinners, it shouldn't matter. If that was allowed, then I could create a religion where they believe any group of people are not righteous, it could be anything, race, height, people who have moles on their noses, people who like bacon, whatever, and refuse serve (discriminate)such group. I think it's clear they aren't refusing service because of their religion, but because they are assholes.
Yes, nobody should be forced to serve someone if they fully own their business.
Privately owned businesses should be allowed to refuse custom products that infringe their right to free speech. What if a Jewish baker had to constantly make swastika cakes because of a bunch of trolls? Or an incel baker had to make vagina cakes? It would be a fucked state of affairs.
refusing business is one of the most retarded things ive ever heard and anybody who does it is a virtue signalling moron.
this goes for people who refuse to serve faggots and also people who refuse to serve MAGA hats.
>we dont want your money!
I feel like that's a tough topic. I think private businesses should not be forced to serve everyone but at the same time I think it's a retarded reason to refuse someone service. What if my made up beliefs keep me from serving negroes and the Irish?
In addition anyone who puts their religion before their monetary interest is wrong on this board.
This desu.
But should they have the right to be virtue-signaling morons?
>should privately owned businesses be allowed to refuse service to gays, citing religious freedom?
I think that's unfair, no business should have to give a reason to reuse service to gays for any reason.
A business can refuse to serve anyone they like, if they don't like the person, but I don't think they can do that for a specific group of people specifically, if it's because religion or belief. Or maybe they can do that, but that's just how an unevolved idiot would do. And America if filled with those specimens. It's silly.
Allowed by whom? There are no feudal lords anymore.
nice bait
of course they should
Freedom of association faggot, if I don’t want to serve faggots, I shouldn’t have to,
If a black business owner (lol) wants to discriminate against whites, good for him
yes but gays should be allowed for raise all hell about it
but don't you think it's better if we all hold hands?
Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself.
Yes but it is bad business strategy, unless it leads to delinquents scaring off other customers
I'd normally say a business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason, but entrenching a law like that could be really shitty. If you can refuse gays today, if could be any arbitrary group in the future.
Imagine if you happened to be part of some hated minority and no business will deal with you at all. Could be your ethnic group in 50 years, you know.
They don't want a possible contaminant in their store. Have to obey health regulations.
but we all know black people don't own businesses. only white people do. and white people would stop serving blacks. they would not be able to survive
unfortunately, i guess so
Those two things aren't comparable you brainlet
Back in the 70s in NYC some establishments used to have a sign that read "no dogs or Puerto Ricans". That's because they were racist idiots with unevolved brains. The fact that many of the comments here basically think that that would be OK, just tells me we have a long way to go. But it's not your fault, kids, it's all the indoctrination that making you have such opinion. Especially in the US where people let politics replace their critical thinking with predetermined ideas.
No. Businesses shouldn't have unfettered freedom, they should be reasonably restricted for the betterment of society.
Unpopular minorities might be refused service by businesses, and if the majority of people in a country hates them, there will never be enough pressure put on those discriminatory businesses for people to "take their money elsewhere" and enact positive social change.
For example: Businesses that refused service to black people a hundred years ago. Those businesses could continue to operate indefinitely, it didn't matter if socially conscious white people went elsewhere, there was too much money flowing in to them and it made society worse. People were racist and stupid and needed the guiding hand of government and regulation to force them to play nice with the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.
God-fearing morons have too much power in a country like the United States. They don't know any better, they can't be trusted to act in a way that'd make the world a better place. If they had unlimited freedom the United States would probably turn into a retarded theocracy in a year. Sexual orientation should be added to the list of things you can't refuse service for, don't trust the moral compass of zealots who don't want to serve men burgers if they like cock.
t. asshurt PR shitskin
I'm not Puerto Rican, or even know any puerto ricans in real life. It could have been anything, pajeets, jews, nativa americans, juggalos, it doesn't matter, that sign says a lot about the person that owns that place.
What’s with all the equiltarian faggots and minorities in this thread
What about all the pimps what all the whores or the crack houses? Those are businesses too.
yeah but whites would refuse to give them food so they would starve
What about them? Should we all think the same way, do the same things, and be all neonazis wannabes? It's just different opinions, which is better than a circle jerk.
Berlin is full of bars that don't allow American hipsters
I don't blame them. Good thing I'm not American,
Yes and they shouldn't have to cite shit
They should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason without disclosure
If businesses are not allowed to refuse service to those they disagree with ideologically, then why is it socially acceptable to refuse service to members of the trump campaign?
My all white, straight “neo nazi” neighborhood has borderline zero crime borderline zero poz
Huh holy shit I wonder why that is
I think refusing service to Trump supporters is also idiotic. I didn't know it was socially acceptable. Maybe in the eyes of the American left, which is delusional right now.
I would probably get along with them, seriously, and in a way, I understand where they come from. But I think that's a different issue than the one OP posted about.
They shouldn't need to cite anything.
I think both of those things are retarded and bad business.
yes. right to discriminate is a freedom
No. Religious freedom shouldn't exist at all.
Of course private businesses should be allowed to discriminate for whatever reason they deem fit. I know Jow Forums is too jewish to realize that sometimes values > money for some people. Besides, if they aren't filling a niche then someone else can come in and cater to it.
America in general should ban gays period.
Correct, but the difference on a grand scale is a minor technicality, “ are people allowed to discriminate?”
My neighbors do, and it is consequentially frequently rated as one of the best, cleanest, safest communities in the country
Honestly any entity should be allowed to discriminate based on whatever reason it wants
Why does it have to rest on religion. I want to ban gays because it's a danger to fucking society.
If I owened a business I wouldn't give a shit money is money. I don't care if it comes from minorities, fags, or christcucks. Youre never going to make it if you are openly racist irl, theres a reason why no one in Jow Forumshas ever amounted to anything.
>as a gun owner you shouldn't refuse to sell guns to thugs who will use them to shoot you and your family down
this is your argument even if you're too dumb to see it