Where do people get the money to start companies, do they rob banks or what? I'm going crazy

Where do people get the money to start companies, do they rob banks or what? I'm going crazy.

Attached: IMG_0523.jpg (768x960, 175K)

~70% get it from Bank of Mom & Dad

Just do an ICO, people are retards and will buy pretty much anything

Loan money from bank/family and use your savings from wage cucking.

All dead
How do they decide to give out loans? If you have finished College but not worked in the private sector do they count you in?

They'll want a business plan to see if you'll actually be able to pay them back what you borrow


that particular specimen could resort to camwhoring, modeling or prostitution

They get the money from companies that have money.

I want to lick her feet

How big a loan you can get mainly depends on your net worth, current income, how safe your current job is, your expenses and your business plan. If the business already is profitable and/or you have a good proof of concept it will be a lot easier to get a loan.


To get investors you need to be a good sales men. You aren't. You're probably a mid 20s introverted faggot with almost zero sexual experience and major hobvy is browsing Jow Forums for 5 hours per day.

Debt and equity financing. This is the first day of business class.

She already does porn.

100% this. Everyone I know who started their own business got help from parents or family.

These two are the only right answers. You guys are idiots.

>tfw no MEW gf

Attached: ramona_flowers___scott_pilgrim_vs_the_world_by_jazht-d4m6703.jpg (1192x670, 142K)

name of the of that particular spermic demonic specimen?

Why do you post a 9 year old image of her?

Bear in mind, securing a business loan is extremely difficult for some average chump to secure. You'd need assets to put up for collateral, like a home or or real property.
90% of businesses fail in 5 years and 90% of businesses that last longer than 5 years fail in 10 years.
So like they say, you need money to make money.

2bh I was really impressed that the OP's image was almost indiscernible from the real character


I know it's an old thread but I started my company with £15k of my own bongs, £40k business loan and £5k from parents after they turned down my initial loan application for £50k.

I additionally agreed on £20k repayment for an item just by talking to the supplier of one of the main items i needed.

In general you need to actually know what you are doing and understand:
>how much money you actually need
>quotes and shit to back it up
>projections on how much money you are going to make,how it's going to come and evidence for this
>marketing plan
>all this info in a semi-professional looking business plan

You then need to be able to stress test all of this by assuming that you perform at 90%, 80%, 70% etc. and work out where it breaks down and have plans in place for if it does.

Overall OP, you need to take yourself seriously and start approaching people and most of the time the people guarding the gate will tell you what you need to do. You just need to be intelligent, hard working and determined and not an autist and if you have an idea that you wholeheartedly believe will work then you will find a way to make it work.

You could get a business loan once you get a degree, business plan, and some good credit.

Also this. Most of those faggots are just making excuses for their own failures
>mommy and daddy wasn't rich so I can't start a business
How pathetic can you be.

Good credit has nothing to do with getting a business loan.

that's a lie m8

These two are really good answers.

bad credit will stop you from getting a business loan, but good credit doesn't help.

fuck off.