Is finance easy?

Is finance easy?

Three word answers only.

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Ask a Jew.

if you're such a goddamn brainlet that you need to be spoonfed a 3 word answer, you aren't gonna make it

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OP is homosexual

*vrrrt* *vrrrrrt*.... “yes?”

relatively easy brainlet

Yes it is

lifetime of stress

I-I-I think so.

bring extra lube

this my friend

Fck na bruh

the hard part is not killing yourself when you realize that all you is count beans all day.

Yes, no, maybe.

I don't know
Can you repeat the question.

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very expensive beans

I hope so

Not for you.

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boring AND stressful (somehow)

If you smart.

invest in index

Buy Bit Coin

yes and no

Invest in Chainlink.

Nigger lipped cocks

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not for you

People in Finance think they know what's going on but they're basically clueless and any analysis they give beyond what a computer can already do is useless.

Operations and supply chain is where the real battle is won.

Go fuck yourself.

Efficient Market Hypothesis

Kill yourself OP


CFO seems like the funnest position to me. You plan and manage the finances of the whole company while being a part of important meetings and bridging the gap between the bean counters and operations.

for a robot

is finance easy!?

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Lick butthole nigger


No, just use open a bunch of concentrated portfolios and close the underperforming ones.

After 5-10 years you'll have enough survivorship bias to convince investors to give you hundreds of millions if not billions and collect a 2%/20% standard commission.

The actual problem is that you need 10-50M+ to boot.

Not rocket science

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